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Online yoga teacher training course with flexible schedule and 200 hours of self-paced learning.

Self-Paced 200-Hour Online Hatha, Vinyasa Flow, and Ashtanga-Based Yoga Teacher Training Course

Are you interested in becoming a certified yoga teacher? Now you can achieve your dream right from the comfort of your own home! At Bali Yoga School, we are dedicated to providing authentic yoga education to practitioners like you. Our team of experienced yogis not only teach, but live and breathe the yogic lifestyle, allowing you to truly feel the power and energy of this practice. We emphasize traditional teachings, just as they were thousands of years ago, creating a sacred environment for you to transcend the physical and mental states and experience everlasting bliss. Our courses are designed to fully prepare you in yoga sciences, so that when you complete your studies, your vision for teaching or practicing yoga will be crystal clear. This incredible opportunity is available to all yoga practitioners who want to learn from the best school in Bali. With over years of experience, Bali Yoga School has established itself as one of the top yoga schools in Bali. Our convenient 200-hour Hatha Vinyasa Flow and Ashtanga-based yoga teacher training course is perfect for anyone looking for an authentic program. Plus, you can access all the classes even with a slow internet connection. Experience the joy of learning from the comfort of your own space, as if you were on campus. Whether you choose to complete the course in 30 days or take up to 3 months, Bali Yoga School is here to support you every step of the way. Begin your journey to a truly happy life by joining Bali Yoga School today!


How the training works

You can sign up for the course today and start the online 200 hours course right away. It is a self-paced course including pre-recorded classes which gives a great learning experience. Even on the low internet, you can still learn hassle-free. The school covers all necessary topics, it is a great opportunity to study with Bali Yoga School.Once your booking is made, you will receive an official confirmation letter of booking, the course PDF manual, and login details to the recorded classes sessions panel. You will have lifetime access to all the classes.At the end of the course, there will be a 1-hour one-on-one exam session where the teacher asks you to perform asanas and answer questions.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Self-Paced Pre-recorded Course Syllabus

Day 1

  • Ashtanga Series Introduction
  • Vinyasa Flow – Introduction
  • Philosophy – Introduction
  • Anatomy – Introduction to Anatomy
  • Pranayama – Introduction
  • Meditation – What is meditation?

Day 2

  • Vinyasa Flow – Sun Salutation (A) Beginner
  • Philosophy – Summary of Yoga
  • Anatomy – Directional Term of anatomy
  • Ashtanga Series – Sun Salutation A
  • Pranayama – Benefits
  • Meditation – Mantra Meditation

Day 3

  • Vinyasa Flow – Sun Salutation (A) Intermediate
  • Philosophy – Evolution of Yoga
  • Anatomy – Introduction to Skeleton
  • Ashtanga Series Sun Salutation B
  • Pranayama – General Guidelines
  • Meditation – Dynamic Meditation

Day 4

  • Vinyasa Flow – Sun Salutation (B) All Level
  • Philosophy – Introduction of Patanjali Yoga Sutra
  • Anatomy – Bone Anatomy
  • Ashtanga Series Standing Sequence 1
  • Pranayama – Mudras
  • Meditation – Om Meditation

Day 5

  • Vinyasa Flow 1 + Warm Up Session
  • Philosophy – Introduction to Raj Yoga
  • Anatomy – Important Name of Human Skeleton System
  • Ashtanga Series Standing Sequence 2
  • Pranayama – Naadi & Sitting Posture
  • Meditation – Tips to Improve Concentration

Day 6

  • Vinyasa Flow 2 with Sun Salutation A & Sun Salutation B
  • Philosophy – Objectives of Yoga
  • Anatomy – Angular Movement
  • Ashtanga Series Standing Sequence 3
  • Pranayama – Jal Neti Shatkarma
  • Meditation – Trataka

Day 7

  • Vinyasa Flow 3 – Standing Posture
  • Philosophy – Obstacles of Mind
  • Anatomy – Introduction of joints & functions of all joints
  • Pranayama – Yogic Breathing
  • Ashtanga Series – Standing Sequence 4
  • Meditation – Body awareness

Day 8

  • Vinyasa Flow 4 – Leg Balancing Posture & Arm Balancing
  • Philosophy – Introduction Karma Yoga
  • Anatomy – Synovial
  • Ashtanga Series Standing Vinyasa Jump
  • Pranayama – Kapalbhati
  • Meditation – What is Mantra?

Day 9

  • Vinyasa Flow 5 – Hip Opening
  • Philosophy – Introduction to Trigunas
  • Anatomy – Types of Synovial Joints
  • Ashtanga Series Sitting Vinyasa Jump
  • Pranayama – Naadi Sodhna
  • Meditation – Why should we meditate?

Day 10

  • Vinyasa Flow 6 – Back Bending
  • Anatomy – Types of Cartilage
  • Ashtanga Series Sitting Sequence 1
  • Pranayama – Ujjai Breathing
  • Philosophy – 8 Limbs of Yoga
  • Meditation – Om Meditation

Day 11

  • Vinyasa Flow 7 – Inversion
  • Ashtanga Series Sitting Sequence 2
  • Pranayama – Bhastrika
  • Meditation – Nada Meditation

Day 12

  • Anatomy – Palvic Gurdel
  • Ashtanga Series Sitting Sequence 3
  • Pranayama – Bhramri
  • Meditation – Mantra Maouna

Day 13

  • Anatomy – Ankle Joint
  • Ashtanga Series Sitting Sequence
  • Meditation – Obstacles in Meditation

Day 14

  • Anatomy – Wrist Joint
  • Ashtanga Series Sitting Sequence
  • Meditation – Yoga Nidra

Day 15

  • Anatomy – Knee Anatomy
  • Ashtanga Series Sitting Sequence 6
  • Meditation – Roles of Concentration

Day 16

  • Ashtanga Series Sitting Sequence 7
  • Anatomy – Elbow Joint
  • Meditation – Antar Bahir

Day 17

  • Anatomy – Spine
  • Ashtanga Series Sitting Sequence 8 (Reclining 1)
  • Meditation – Ajapa Japa

Day 18

  • Anatomy – Muscular System and Function
  • Ashtanga Series Sitting Sequence 9 (Reclining 2)

Day 19

  • Anatomy – Types of Muscles
  • Ashtanga Series – Finishing Sequence 1

Day 20

  • Anatomy – Skeleton Muscles Properties
  • Ashtanga Series – Finishing Sequence 2

Day 21

  • Anatomy – Skeleton Muscles Properties
  • Ashtanga Series – Finishing Sequence 2

Day 22

  • Anatomy – Major Muscles
  • Anatomy – Types of Muscles Contraction
  • Pranayama – Introduction to Pranayama
  • Ashtanga Yoga – Sun Salutation A & B
  • Vinyasa Flow – Sun Hatha

Day 23

  • Pranayama – Yogic Breathing
  • Ashtanga Yoga – Standing 1st
  • Vinyasa Flow – Moon Salutation

Day 24

  • Pranayama – Bramari
  • Ashtanga Yoga – Standing
  • Vinyasa Flow – Flow

Day 25

  • Pranayama – Nadi Sodhna
  • Ashtanga Yoga – Sitting 1st (
  • Vinyasa Flow – Flow 2

Day 26

  • Pranayama – Shatkarma
  • Ashtanga Yoga – Sitting 2nd
  • Vinyasa Flow – Flow 3

Day 27

  • Pranayama – Five Kosha
  • Ashtanga Yoga – Sitting 3rd
  • Vinyasa Flow – Flow 4

Day 28

  • Pranayama – Bhastrika
  • Ashtanga Yoga – Sitting 4th
  • Vinyasa Flow – Flow 5

Day 29

  • Pranayama – Sheetal
  • Ashtanga Yoga – Sitting 5th
  • Vinyasa Flow – Flow 6

Day 30

  • Pranayama – Jal Neti
  • Ashtanga Yoga – Sitting 6th
  • Vinyasa Flow – Flow 7

Day 31

  • Pranayama – Ida (300 Hour)
  • Ashtanga Yoga – Sitting 7th
  • Vinyasa Flow – Second Week Flow 1

Day 32

  • Pranayama – Swana Breath
  • Ashtanga Yoga – Sitting 8th
  • Vinyasa Flow – Second Week Flow 2
  • Anatomy – Intro to Nadis

Day 33

  • Ashtanga Yoga – Sitting Posture 9th
  • Vinyasa Flow – Second Week Flow 2
  • Anatomy – Kundalini

Day 34

  • Pranayama – Kapal Bhati
  • Ashtanga Yoga – Finishing 1st
  • Vinyasa Flow – Second Week Arm Balancing
  • Anatomy – Palvic Gurdel

Day 35

  • Ashtanga Yoga – Finishing 2nd
  • Vinyasa Flow – Second Week Hip Opening
  • Anatomy – Panch Kosha

Day 36

  • Ashtanga Yoga – Finishing 3rd
  • Vinyasa Flow – Second Week Back Bending
  • Anatomy – Prana

Day 37

  • Vinyasa Flow – Finishing
  • Anatomy – Shoulder Joints

Day 38

  • Anatomy – Spine
  • Anatomy – Synovial Joints
  • Anatomy – introduction to a skeleton system
  • Anatomy – Digestive System

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Daily Zoom Classes

Course syllabus

Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga

  • Sun salutation A
  • Sun salutation B
  • Standing sequence postures
  • Seated sequence postures
  • Finishing sequence postures
  • Mysore style/ use of yoga props/ Teaching practice

Hatha yoga / Hatha vinyasa flow

  • Sun Salutations
  • Standing & Balancing Postures
  • Seated Postures
  • Prone Postures
  • Supine Postures
  • Back-bend postures
  • Inversions postures

Meditation Practices

  • Introduction to meditation (What is Meditation)
  • Body Awareness Meditation
  • Mind Awareness Meditation
  • Breathing Awareness Meditation
  • Om Meditation
  • Mantra Meditation Practices
  • Trataka meditation
  • Dynamic meditation
  • Art of self silence Practice
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Walking meditation Practice
  • Deep listening meditation
  • Teaching Practices of Students.
  • Yoga Philosophy (Yoga Darshana)
  • What is Yoga & Its history?
  • A lifestyle of a yoga practitioner
  • What are Yoga sutras/ 8 limbs Of Yoga?
  • Introduction of srimad bhagavad gita.

Understanding all 4 paths of yoga

  • Karma Yoga
  • Bhakti Yoga
  • Gyan Yoga
  • Dhayan Yoga
  • What is hatha yoga?
  • What are trigonous?
  • What is ego?
  • Freedom from unhappiness
  • Realizing pure consciousness
  • Stories of the enlightened yogis
  • Assignments & activities
  • Presentation on any topic to the teacher

Pranayama (Breathing Practices)

  • Introduction of Pranayama
  • Benefits of pranayama
  • General guidelines
  • Clavicular Breathing
  • Thoracic and Diaphragmatic Breathing
  • Yogic Breathing
  • Ujjayi Pranayama
  • Bhastrika Pranayama
  • Kapalbhati Pranayama
  • Nadi – Sodhana Pranayama
  • Bhramari Pranayama
  • Surya Bhedi & Chandra Bhedi pranayama
  • Sheetali & Sheetkari pranayama

Mudras (Yoga Gestures)

  • Jnana mudra
  • Chin mudra
  • Bhairava mudra
  • Nasikagra

Yoga Bandhas (Energy Lock)

  • Preparation
  • Uddiyana
  • Jalandhar
  • Mula & Maha Bandha

Yoga Cleansing (Shatkarma)

  • Jalaneti

Yoga therapy

  • Concept and fundamentals of Ayurveda
  • Meaning, definition, and principles of Ayurveda
  • Tridosha meaning and functions.
  • Agni types and functions.
  • Ama meaning and types.
  • Trimalas types and relation with tridosha
  • Triguna importance and attributes
  • Fundamental Relation of triguna with Tridosha
  • Saptprakarti attributes, qualities
  • General functions of saptprakarti and their characteristics
  • Mithahara definition and meaning
  • Fundamentals and importance of satavic diet.
  • Categories of food and its explanation.
  • Diet according to the position of the sun.
  • Saptprakarti and Tridosha diet.
  • Therapy and dietary needs for arthritis.
  • Therapeutic use of Asanas for Disc herniation.
  • Therapeutic use of Asanas for back problems.
  • Osteoporosis treatment and therapy.
  • Asthma’s problematic area and cure.
  • Sinusitis therapeutic cure.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome therapy.
  • Therapy for constipation problems.
  • Therapeutic use of meditation for Depression.
  • Therapeutic use of pranayama for Anxiety Disorders
  • Therapeutic use of shatkarmas for Migraines.
  • Therapeutic use of pranayama for Amnesia disorder.

Sitting postures for pranayama sadhana

  • Easy pose
  • Half-lotus
  • Swastikasana
  • Siddha yoni asana

Yoga Anatomy & Physiology

1st week

  • Meaning & Importance / Introduction of anatomy & physiology
  • Directional terms of anatomy
  • Introduction of skeleton structure & functions
  • Bone anatomy & human skeleton system
  • Important names of the human skeleton system
  • Angular movements of the human body
  • Assignment paper submission/ activities/ exercises

2nd week

  • Introduction of joints
  • The function of all types of joints
  • Anatomy of synovial joints (Knee)
  • Types of synovial joints & their functions
  • Types of cartilage & connective tissues
  • Pectoral girdle introduction & functions
  • Pelvic girdle introduction & function
  • Ankle & wrist joints
  • Assignment/ Activities/ Exercises

3rd week

  • Introduction & Importance of anatomy
  • Human Cells, Types of Tissues, Organs
  • The digestive system in short
  • Respiratory system in short
  • The skeletal system in short
  • The muscular system in short

4th week

  • Presentation on any topic to the anatomy teacher
  • Assignments and activities

Evaluation is based on

  • Live practical test
  • Live written test

Course Hours

  • 150 contact hours with pre-recorded classes
  • 30 elective hours of assignments
  • 20 non-contact hours of self-practice

Retreat location

Can you please rewrite the sentence so that it is in active voice?

What's included

You’ll have access to the Panel for all classes’ pre-recorded sessions.
You can watch over 130 pre-recorded HD quality yoga sessions covering meditation, pranayama, yoga philosophy, yoga anatomy, ashtanga vinyasa yoga, and Hatha vinyasa-flow.
You’ll get 150 contact hours with pre-recorded sessions and live classes.
You’ll have 20 elective hours of assignment.
You’ll have 30 non-contact hours of self-practice.
The program is flexible, so you can complete it in 30 days to 3 months.
You’ll get a one-year membership access to all pre-recorded classes.
You’ll receive a 10% discount on all offline courses in the future.
You’ll also receive a digital Course manual PDF.

What's not included

We offer meals and accommodations.


Online yoga teacher training course with flexible schedule and 200 hours of self-paced learning.

  • 1 person Online participant
    $ 300.00


Reviews (41)

  • Anna Baroni
    February 19, 2024 at 12:00 am

    This yoga retreat wasn’t what I expected. I had a room at a yoga school and could attend some classes from the 300h TTC group. This made me, the students, and the teachers uncomfortable. The 4 of us signed up for the retreat, but there was no check-in, introduction, schedule, or dedicated teachers for us. Instead, we were expected to join classes where people were training to become teachers. I’m already a teacher and was looking forward to intermediate or advanced classes, or at least classes tailored to our group. The school itself was great – nice place, facilities, and location. The school managers and teachers were good. Just a shame the retreat wasn’t advertised properly.

    Helpful Review
  • Melanie Eutin
    February 15, 2024 at 12:00 am

    Unfortunately, this turned out to be more of a Yoga school than a retreat. At the school, you can join the classes. I felt lost at times during the classes, and I wouldn’t recommend it for beginners. I can’t comment on the school itself, but the students seemed happy and the teachers were good; they just didn’t know we were coming.

    I wish there had been a separate yoga teacher just for the retreat participants so we could have had a better experience without disrupting the regular students. The accommodation was good, and the staff at the school were nice.

    Helpful Review
  • Michelle Tan
    December 12, 2023 at 12:00 am

    I didn’t have any specific dislikes, but everyone else at the event was surprised to see me because I was the only one doing a yoga retreat while everyone else was doing yoga teacher training. But despite that, I had a great time because I approached it with a positive mindset and a desire to learn. The staff at Bali Yoga School really impressed me with their politeness and helpfulness. They made me feel incredibly welcome. Even though I’m not vegan, I absolutely loved the delicious food they served at every meal. The fruits were incredibly sweet and the other dishes had such flavorful and interesting names.

    Helpful Review
  • Victoire Heymelot
    November 18, 2023 at 12:00 am

    I didn’t experience a retreat. I spent five days all by myself, but later joined a group of ten people for the 200-hour program. They had been practicing yoga every day for the past two weeks and wanted to become teachers, so the skill level of the group varied. It wasn’t exactly relaxing since the main goal of the 200-hour program was to fast-track our learning and earn our degree, rather than simply enjoying the practice of yoga as I had expected. Maybe it would be helpful for those interested in the retreat to know about the type of group they will be joining. On the bright side, the place itself is amazing, the staff is incredible, and the rooms are really nice.

    Helpful Review
  • Eve Murphy
    October 5, 2023 at 12:00 am

    I found everything to be very satisfying. The teachers were amazing and kept us all engaged. They provided great alignment tips and really boosted our group’s confidence. The facilities were nice, and the sense of community was fantastic.

    Helpful Review
  • Romina Alidinah
    May 15, 2023 at 12:00 am

    The accommodation wasn’t great… and it was expensive for what it offered. It was loud and cramped, with hardly any space to relax and have privacy. The food was good but repetitive. However, the teachers were excellent and the people there were friendly, approachable, kind, and went out of their way to help. Despite some issues, overall everything went smoothly.

    Helpful Review
  • Sylwia Joanna Czerwinska
    February 14, 2023 at 12:00 am

    The instructors were really nice and had a positive approach. I learned a lot in just two weeks. The classes flowed smoothly and we had longer breaks to rest and relax between lunch and the next class. I highly recommend this place and the people who work there. Everyone was friendly and helpful. It’s such a peaceful and relaxing place. I’ll definitely come back for another class when I’m in Bali. Thank you for such a great experience.

    Helpful Review
  • Sarauniya Zulu
    January 7, 2023 at 12:00 am

    I wish I could have gone on one more class excursion. The teaching staff was my favorite part of the program. They were all very professional, knowledgeable, and had consistent rigor and expectations.

    Helpful Review
  • Elena Gaga
    September 27, 2022 at 12:00 am

    The place had a construction site going on, but they managed to have one yoga class every day. The class has good energy and is very welcoming.

    Helpful Review
  • Duong Duong
    July 16, 2022 at 12:00 am

    Sometimes, I would get hungry after finishing my meal portion. Thankfully, I would prepare some instant food instead, so everything would be alright. 🙂 I absolutely adore this school! Overall, I would give it a score of 9.5 out of 10.

    Here are some of the reasons why I love this school:
    1. The accommodation is fantastic, as it is not only clean but also cozy. Plus, there’s a swimming pool surrounded by beautiful trees.
    2. The people here are so friendly and welcoming.
    3. The air around the school is incredibly fresh, which I really appreciate.
    4. The teachers are awesome – they’re not only cool but also very supportive and helpful.
    5. I get to do yoga all day long, which is just amazing!

    Helpful Review
  • Ina Jayet
    July 9, 2022 at 12:00 am

    There’s nothing at all.

    Helpful Review
  • Aleksandra Tomovska
    May 16, 2022 at 12:00 am

    They nailed it! I can’t recommend the 300hr Yoga Teacher training with Himalayan Yoga Ashram enough. I was blown away by how much I learned in this course. The daily yoga practices, in-depth anatomy classes, and deep discussions with different teachers on philosophy, meditation, breathing techniques, Mudra practice, and Ayurveda really impressed me.

    I gained so much knowledge about these interconnected topics from a traditional standpoint, which was way more valuable than the mainstream yoga stuff. The anatomy classes were especially great because they explained how the body works in simple terms that made sense.

    The feedback on assignments was super helpful and motivating. It made me think about my progress and how I can keep growing.

    Completing this course not only made me fall even more in love with yoga, but it also gave me the confidence to teach in a classroom setting. It inspired me to keep learning, practicing, and embracing the yogic path.

    Helpful Review
  • Thomas Goh
    May 2, 2022 at 12:00 am

    N.A. Himalayan Yoga Association offers a comprehensive and thorough teaching manual. You can watch the pre-recorded training videos whenever and wherever you want, at your own speed. The daily zoom live classes are great for gaining knowledge about different yoga topics, and we can ask the teachers to clarify any questions we have. I really hope to visit Rishikesh one day. Thank you for the amazing course. And a big thanks to Saumya-ji.

    Helpful Review
  • Kathrin Gruenwald
    December 23, 2021 at 12:00 am

    Thank you so much for this amazing experience. I participated in the 300hr Online Yogateacher Training in November and it was truly incredible. The Yoga Theorie liveclasses were so clear and systematic, and the information was right on point. I had such a great time immersing myself in Yoga all month long. I was pleasantly surprised by the sense of community with the other students in the course, even though it was online. It felt like a small, tight-knit group and made the experience even more enjoyable. The practical live classes were a highlight for me, and I’m thrilled to have delved into Ashstanga Yoga. The small groups in this online yoga teacher training made it feel more personal and less anonymous, which allowed me to ask all the questions that came to mind during the live sessions. A big thank you to Bali Yoga School and HYA for making this possible. Namaste!

    Helpful Review
  • Hedieh Heshmati
    November 29, 2021 at 12:00 am

    Honestly, I liked everything. The food was nice. As a vegetarian, I didn’t feel like I needed anything more, maybe just an espresso ?. I loved the place. It was so peaceful. My experience with the teachers was amazing. I learned a lot from Shanti ji, Ida ji, and Niki ji. I am so grateful to have met these beautiful souls in my life. Dewa ji made me feel at home. I am 100% happy with my experience, and all my memories with Bali Yoga School will stay in my heart forever. I wish I could stay longer. Best of luck to all of you. Thank you ?? ?.

    Helpful Review
  • Fanny Wong
    March 31, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Hey, make sure you bring mosquito spray because those annoying mosquitoes can be a real bother due to the tropical weather. The school is absolutely fabulous and in a great location. The staff is super helpful and friendly, and the teachers are top-notch professionals. You won’t be disappointed! Oh, and let’s not forget about the mouth-watering Balinese vegetarian meals offered here – they’re absolutely delicious, with different varieties every single day. I seriously loved my time studying here and I’m definitely recommending it to all my friends. They’ve got to experience it too!

    Helpful Review
  • Mouni Benkhodja
    March 30, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I felt a lack of protein in the meals since I’m not a vegetarian. It wasn’t enough for the physical effort required, and as a result, I personally lost a lot of weight, which isn’t a positive thing for me.
    The rooms should be cleaned better, especially the areas with insects.
    I would have loved to stay longer, but I will definitely come back. ??
    The place is beautiful, the schedule is perfect, and the food is very good.
    The teachers are simply incredible. They immediately made me feel comfortable, and despite their young age, it’s evident that they excel in their work, whether in theory or practice. Neelam Ji, funny and passionate. Durgesh Ji, calm and soothing. Rahul Ji, very professional and patient. And last but not least, Ankit Ji, my favorite teacher, fun and challenging, a breath of fresh air in class. Thank you to all four of you for your kindness, patience, and the passion you put into your work. I wouldn’t hesitate to have the same experience with the same teachers again. ❤️?

    Helpful Review
  • Roxana Salatiuan
    March 18, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The teachers, they’re really amazing. They’re so dedicated. And you know what? The host, they’re amazing too.

    Helpful Review
  • Shin Lin
    March 6, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The mosquitoes in Bali have evolved, so it’s a good idea to bring long yoga pants for class. Sprays won’t be very effective in keeping them away! I really enjoyed the alignment, Vinyasa, and Ashtanga classes at Bali yoga school. Ankit ji and Rahul ji are both extremely knowledgeable and professional teachers. I learned more than I expected to, thanks in particular to Durgesh ji and Dewa ji for taking great care of all the students. The accommodation was lovely, and the staff were all very welcoming. I especially loved the local family that lived next to us – it made me feel like a local myself. This was also my first time trying a vegetarian diet, and the food was so delicious with plenty of options. It really helped me reduce fat and build muscle. Overall, my experience with Bali yoga school was incredible. I had a lot of fun and enjoyed my time there.

    Helpful Review
  • Kira Celine Laubach
    February 29, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I’ve been practicing yoga for 8 years now, so I was a bit worried about not learning as much. But the training at Bali Yoga School surpassed my expectations by far! The teachers were amazing, with such lovely personalities and a genuine care for us, always pushing us to our limits safely. I highly recommend Bali Yoga School to anyone! ☺️

    Helpful Review
  • Yasmina Hmamouchi
    February 26, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I loved my time here and I am forever grateful for everything I learned. The teachers are so knowledgeable, incredibly helpful, and have such good hearts. It really felt like being with family. This place is absolutely beautiful and you can truly connect with yourself here. I was able to meditate peacefully and go deeper thanks to the guidance and energy of the teachers. If you’re still hesitating about coming here and experiencing the purity, connectedness of mind, body, and soul, and intrinsic well-being, please just go. I really recommend it and I hope you can make it 🙂

    Helpful Review
  • Eliza Purcell van Dissel
    February 25, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I recently did my program in January and let me tell you, it was nothing like what I expected. The program underwent some major changes, including the food and syllabus, based on the reviews I had read beforehand. But here’s the thing, those changes didn’t really do it for me. The food they offered was full of carbs and didn’t seem all that nutritious. I have celiac disease, and even though they assured me they could accommodate my needs, it turned out they had no clue what “gluten-free” actually meant. So, needless to say, I ended up getting sick quite often.

    Another issue I had was that there was this constant disconnect between what the students wanted to achieve and what the teachers were aiming for. It just didn’t align well at all. Honestly, I wouldn’t recommend this training program to anyone who’s looking to complete their 300 hours.

    But hey, it wasn’t all bad. One thing I did appreciate about the whole experience was that I got to spend a good amount of time actually doing yoga, which is always a plus in my book.

    Helpful Review
  • Naomi Coupland
    February 25, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The school lacks organization and professionalism, which is not what you would expect from a 200-hour qualification. Throughout the course, tutors changed five times and they were young and inexperienced in teaching teachers. Moreover, they would often arrive late, causing students to also arrive late. The management of this school is unprofessional as there was no examination on how to teach yoga. The yoga classes only focused on practicing yoga, without teaching students how to deliver a class as a teacher. The quality of food provided was extremely poor. Surprisingly, some students who missed several classes still managed to receive a certificate at the end of the course. The excursions were not as advertised on the website, and students were expected to pay for them even though they were supposed to be included in the package. It seems like this school is solely focused on making money instead of providing proper education or producing competent teachers. The owner was unhelpful and unapproachable, giving excessive attention to one particular student, which raises doubts about his qualifications as a yoga teacher or a professional manager of a yoga school. On a positive note, Ubud is a wonderful place to visit. I must mention that Durgesh, Dewa, Ankit, and Rahul were pleasant individuals who did their best to resolve the numerous problems at the school.

    Helpful Review
  • Jan Smith
    February 25, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The school had a lot of disorganization, unprofessionalism, and the teaching quality was very poor. It was frustrating to see that the classes we were promised didn’t even add up to 200 hours. The tutors were consistently late, causing students to lose motivation and also show up late, resulting in even shorter classes. Can you believe that one class was cancelled just because it was raining? And it was the rainy season! This meant even fewer hours of instruction.

    The yoga classes themselves were just average and we weren’t really taught how to actually ‘teach’ yoga, except for a couple of sequencing lessons. What’s even worse is that we weren’t even assessed on our yoga teaching skills or given the opportunity to teach. It was a complete letdown.

    A shocking number of students skipped numerous classes, I’d estimate about 40% of them, and somehow they still passed and are now considered ‘qualified yoga teachers’. It’s mind-boggling.

    To make matters worse, there were a total of 5 teacher changes without any warning or explanation. The Ashtanga class, meditation class, alignment class, and pranayama class tutors all changed and then changed back, leaving everyone confused.

    I personally witnessed two instances where a student broke down in my arms because the tutors had confronted her for complaining to the management. It was heartbreaking and completely unnecessary.

    And let’s not forget about the food. It was absolutely terrible – basic, bland, and never enough. I rarely write reviews, but I truly believe this school not only provides a terrible experience for students who are paying a lot of money, but it’s also potentially dangerous because they’re allowing unprepared individuals to become yoga teachers.

    There were very few things I actually liked about this school. The pool at the accommodation was quite nice, and the manager of the accommodation was extremely helpful. I got the sense that she was embarrassed about the low-quality food that was being served, especially since it was recommended by the yoga school. Most of the other students’ accommodations were decent, but unfortunately, my friend and I were placed separately and our rooms were filled with mold. Upon checking out, I noticed that some of my clothes were also affected by mold, but thankfully the manager promptly arranged to have them cleaned.

    Overall, this school is a disaster. It seems like it was set up solely to make money and doesn’t prioritize the well-being of its students. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.

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  • Stephanie Cheng
    February 23, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The anatomy and philosophy classes in this school aren’t well-organized. I can find more clear information by Googling or watching YouTube videos. For example, their notes only briefly mention the 5 Kleshas, but I found all the exact information on a website. And they barely cover the 7 chakras.

    One of the meditation teachers just disappeared and sent us a message on WhatsApp. We only found out from another teacher, no official notice. There’s no backup plan if a teacher gets sick. They just tell us to study on our own. What if the teacher is sick for a few days?

    They changed the pranayama teacher in the middle of the course, and then changed again. The teachers don’t communicate with each other, so they don’t know what the other teachers have already taught.

    I came to Bali to learn how to be a teacher, but we didn’t have enough time for teaching practice. We didn’t come here to just practice yoga, we can do that in our home country. The school should provide teaching practice for us, not just yoga practice.

    They grouped all the students together, regardless of their yoga level – 100 hours, 200 hours, 300 hours, and 500 hours. We all learned almost the same things. They should separate the students into different classes based on their yoga level.

    It’s disorganized and I haven’t learned enough to become a teacher. The lead trainer wasn’t able to properly lead the course.

    The food options were limited and lacked variety.

    Ankit and Rahul – they’re very young but passionate about teaching. Especially Rahul, he’s willing to spend extra time teaching advanced poses to students.
    The course coordinator, Deva, did his best to fix the problems and take action.

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  • Kathryn Larimore
    February 17, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I found the whole training experience really disappointing. I was hoping to learn more practical teaching knowledge, but it felt like I didn’t learn much at all. Some of the teachers seemed inexperienced and didn’t know how to effectively teach others, despite having strong personal practices. There was also a lack of structure or coordination between the teachers regarding the content and theme of the training. It felt like we didn’t get what was promised in the syllabus. Many participants were inexperienced too, so we ended up spending a lot of time on basic things. It felt more like a retreat than an actual yoga teacher training. They mixed the 100-hour, 200-hour, and 300-hour classes together, which was disappointing. The 300-hour program was practically the same as the 200-hour one, and we did almost every class together. If I had signed up for the 300-hour program, I would’ve been really upset and asked for a refund. The management and scheduling were also a mess. Overall, it wasn’t a thorough or well-structured program. I believe the instructors are all good-hearted people, and I wish them the best. However, I don’t feel like I got my money’s worth at all. Also, the “included excursions” only provided transportation, and we had to pay extra for everything else once we got there. There was little communication about this. The accommodation was nice, and the food was good and healthy. The instructors were all young but very kind and good-hearted.

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  • Cheer Huang
    January 30, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Philosophy classes should have had more discussion, and Anatomy classes should have provided more practical knowledge. The course focused more on self-development than on teaching others.

    I had some communication issues from the beginning. I booked private accommodation and confirmed it through email, but when I arrived, I was told I had to share for a night. I ended up staying somewhere else for the night and didn’t have to share, but it was annoying.

    The program was also poorly managed. Classes often started late because the teacher was late, and some classes were even canceled without a backup plan due to teacher illnesses or weather issues. When I gave feedback, some teachers took it seriously and made improvements, but others made me feel like a troublemaker, and I didn’t appreciate that.

    The food was good at first, but then it became repetitive. Also, be prepared for Thursdays afternoons and Sundays off and lots of mosquitoes. Our Vinyasa teacher, Rahul Ji, was amazing. His classes were full of energy, and he was passionate about sharing his knowledge of yoga. I really enjoyed his classes. Ankit Ji’s alignment classes were clear and detailed, and he always made sure we understood everything. I liked how he included some theory with his practical Ashtanga classes. Aylan Ji taught us Pranayama, and her classes were well-delivered and inspiring. Durgesh Ji’s meditation classes were exceptional. They were structured, explained well, and so enjoyable.

    We had different teachers for Meditation, Alignment, Pranayama, and Ashtanga, which was great because we got to experience different teaching styles.

    We stayed at Puri Suksma, and it was such a peaceful place to study yoga. We had visits from monkeys and squirrels, and I saw several types of ants and butterflies. It felt like living in a National Geographic documentary.

    I met wonderful people from all over the world and learned so much from them. Completing this program has given me new friends, a better understanding of my body, and a deeper connection to myself as a yoga practitioner. I’m truly grateful for this experience.

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  • Rachael Rawsthorne
    January 30, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The food was the same every day. Some classes felt pointless because we had no idea who had already taught or what level people were at. It seemed like they started from scratch for everyone, even for those who already had 200 hours of teaching experience. We practiced a lot, but we never learned how to structure a class or put a flow together. When we asked the teacher, they acted surprised that we were on a ‘teacher training’ course. While I gained a lot of knowledge about philosophy, I didn’t get a chance to actually teach a yoga class during the four weeks I was there. I’ll have to do more research on how to structure a class since it wasn’t something we were taught. The teachers were nice, but the classes lacked any structure at all.

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  • Sisi Isan
    January 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I really wish the school would provide coffee for the afternoon/before lunch class. It would help with the tiredness from morning exercises and improve concentration. I love how this experience brings me back to simplicity – simplicity of the mind, expectations, resources, food, and relaxing locations.

    I’m grateful for all the hard work and preparation the teachers have put in. I’ve had a great learning experience with Rahul Ji & Ankit Ji teaching Yoga Asanas, Aylan Ji teaching Types of Breathing, and Durgesh Ji teaching Meditation. It feels like I’ve been here for a long time and I don’t want to leave.

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  • Daniela Leo
    October 31, 2019 at 12:00 am

    The program should have included more yoga/meditation. Not everything was as announced. The day trips lacked variety and flexibility.

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  • Leonie Joss
    October 1, 2019 at 12:00 am

    Finding Bali Yoga School was difficult with two different locations – one for teacher training and the other for short retreats at Dewa’s place. It’s important to ensure you have the correct directions. I chose to stay at the retreat for 7 days where Dewa and his wife served as incredible hosts. They were always ready to assist with anything. The guest house had a charming appeal and a lovely pool. Mini’s energizing massages and the perfect yoga sessions led by Cynthia and Armin were truly enjoyable. If you’re seeking a getaway from the chaos, this place has everything you need.

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  • Shehla Alvi
    August 10, 2019 at 12:00 am

    I think vinyasa classes can be improved in their teaching. I really enjoyed Pradeep’s classes and his meditation techniques.

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  • Amanda Pinther
    July 16, 2019 at 12:00 am

    I can’t express how much I’ve learned and how incredibly grateful I am to the instructors and host!

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  • Nikola Arends
    June 29, 2019 at 12:00 am

    Hier lernt man fürs Leben in einer großzügigen Anlage mit schönen Zimmern, freundlichen Menschen, leckerem Essen und guter Betreuung, die in allen Lebenslagen berät.

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  • Kary Mongin
    June 29, 2019 at 12:00 am

    “Nothing. I am satisfied with everything. We had a small group, high-quality teaching, accommodations reserved exclusively for students, so we formed a family, had meals together on-site, and had a total immersion experience.”

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  • Emily Richardson
    June 23, 2019 at 12:00 am

    We encountered a few problems due to a lack of communication between the people in charge of the accommodation and us, but they were minor. The teachers were incredibly knowledgeable and they made sure we had everything we needed for the course. The location was absolutely incredible – we felt like we were in our own little world, away from the bustling streets, with a beautiful temple right next door. Plus, we were still conveniently located close to all the amenities in Ubud. The food exceeded my expectations – although it became a little repetitive towards the end, it was always fresh and there was plenty of it. I’m really grateful for that.

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  • Patricia Blickle
    May 29, 2019 at 12:00 am

    The accommodation is located in Ubud, but you usually need a taxi to get to the center or a proper supermarket because the accommodation is a bit secluded. The teachers were super nice and dedicated to everything, and the single rooms were spacious and generous, with their own shower and toilet that were cleaned daily by the staff. The food was always served on time and lovingly prepared, mostly vegan and gluten-free 🙂

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  • Perla Cordova
    May 16, 2019 at 12:00 am

    First of all, I want to start by saying that I received the address of a new location in Bali at the last minute through an email. It was quite challenging to find the new place, especially arriving late at night, and I had a hard time finding a phone number for the course leaders online. To my surprise, the place I arrived at was completely different from what was shown in the retreat’s advertisements. The misleading pictures caused distress not only for me but for the entire group. I was in shock because I had traveled a long distance and had already paid my deposit online. I even considered leaving altogether. The accommodations and the yoga shala were both unsatisfactory, which severely impacted my initial impression of YYT and their staff. It took some time for the bad feelings and negative vibes to subside.

    Fortunately, as a group, we discussed the issue with the course leader, and they made changes by providing us with better accommodations and arranging a few morning practices at a much nicer yoga shala. However, the quality of the food started to deteriorate in terms of presentation and variety, and cleanliness was also an issue. It was truly disappointing to encounter such disorganization and unprofessional management at the beginning of our journey to become Yoga Certified Trainers.

    Now, moving on to the positive aspects, I must say that Bali is a truly special place. The people there are incredibly warm and always have a smile on their faces. When it comes to the YTT, I have to give credit to the instructors who made the experience worthwhile. Their extensive knowledge and positive energy helped me push through the demanding yet rewarding schedule every day. I want to give a special thanks to Guru Pradeep Ji for his clear and thorough explanations of postures and alignment. His expertise, along with the other teachers’ guidance and energy, added value to the course. Another highlight was the delicious vegetarian meals, which were definitely one of the best parts.

    Moreover, experiencing this course as a group, alongside people I had just met, was incredibly heartwarming. The moments and experiences we shared during the short yet intense course are truly unforgettable and priceless.

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  • Minal Patel
    May 11, 2019 at 12:00 am

    We just completed the 200hour TT with Bali Yoga school, which is associated with the Himalayan Yoga Association in Rishikesh, India. We were looking for a yoga school that could teach us authentic knowledge of yoga, and the teaching staff did an amazing job of doing just that throughout the course.

    Every day, we started with Shatkarama, a cleansing process, followed by Ashtanga yoga led by Pradeep ji. He is a fantastic teacher with a deep understanding of yoga anatomy and alignment. It was clear that he had extensive knowledge in yoga science, which was evident in the instructions we received during our time at the school. Over the four weeks, we learned three new asanas every day and gradually progressed through the Primary series of Ashtanga Yoga.

    Our favorite part of the day was the meditation and philosophy sessions taught by Johsan ji. He is a humble human being who taught us in-depth topics with a lighthearted approach, making them easy for all of us to understand.

    Cinthia’s Vinyasa flow classes were great. She provided valuable information on sequencing and teaching cues, and most importantly, she encouraged all of us to teach, which made the practical assessment component of the training much more enjoyable.

    Our rooms had amenities like hot water, air conditioning, a communal pool, and a designated area for studying at night. The food was provided by a caterer organized by the yoga school, and it was overall great, especially the breakfast. All the meals were vegetarian and gluten-free.

    Overall, it’s a fantastic school! Minal and Hesh

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  • Susan Hagsteiner
    May 1, 2019 at 12:00 am

    The teachers at this yoga school are absolutely the most positive thing about it. They are lovely individuals full of energy, passion, and dedication. They know how to motivate the students, possess a wealth of knowledge, and love to share and spend time with new yogis. They are always smiling and available to help in any way. They truly inspired me and gave me the strength to continue on this path and stay focused. Each teacher gave me a piece of their soul, and I have so many wonderful memories of the time spent with other students and all the teachers. I’m grateful to have found a new beautiful family. Teachers, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you. You are simply amazing!

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  • Lin Channon
    April 20, 2019 at 12:00 am

    Although the food was good, I never went hungry as a vegan. Sometimes, the limited choices made it a bit challenging, but towards the end of the course, they started understanding how they could improve our food options. Hopefully, they will take on board this knowledge so that future vegan students can benefit. By the way, just to clarify, I am actually English, not from the States!

    I was really impressed by the teachers’ adaptability to our requests for adjusted schedules that suited our needs. Our Sunday sightseeing trips organized by Dewa were absolutely fantastic. He went above and beyond to make our stay truly memorable in so many ways. Their main goal was to ensure that we had an amazing experience. Oh, and Cynthia, our Ashtanga flow teacher, deserves a special mention. She was awesome – incredibly knowledgeable, approachable, and loads of fun! ?

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