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Yoga Teacher Training $3,999.00 - $7,598.00

44-day, 500-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training available in beautiful Bali. Enhance your teaching skills and deepen your practice.

Jl. A.A. Gede Rai No.88, Lodtunduh, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80571, Indonesia

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Indonesia

This Kundalini yoga teacher training in Bali is perfect for refining your teaching approach and practice. It offers a unique method in a supportive setting. The training curriculum is designed to increase your understanding and competence in Kundalini yoga. The instructors are skilled at creating a calm and supportive environment where you can connect with your inner self and experience the transformative power of yoga. Regardless of your background, you will receive safe and practical assistance through asanas and other practices. This course gives you the chance to advance your yoga practice, learn practical teaching methods, and enjoy Bali’s breathtaking natural beauty. It’s an opportunity of a lifetime!


Kundalini yoga awakens the true source of limitless energy lying dormant in all of you and teaches you how to use this energy to its full potential. Kundalini yoga can benefit your lives so abundantly.With the 500-hour Kundalini yoga teacher training here in Bali, you will have a full teaching schedule of each topic relating to Kundalini and the kriya practices.

  • Concepts and theories in Kundalini philosophy; verbal cues and alignment methods to correct and support your students and prevent injury
  • Kundalini pranayama – intense breath work and practice to clear the inner energy channels – the Chakras so that the energy can flow freely
  • Kundalini anatomy and physiology where you will gain a deep and systematic understanding of the functioning of the body and how this relates to all aspects of yogic practice and the subtle body
  • Hatha yoga to provide a basis for the basic asana and Kundalini Theory
  • Kundalini Mantra and chanting so that you feel and align the sound and vibration in your inner being
  • The Chakras and the meaning behind each Chakra, how they impact your moods, emotions if they blocked

As a result, creative potential is invoked with abounding positivity and one is relieved from the stress and gloom of the past and with continuous bhakti (i.e. devotion) in Kundalini yoga. Further, one also gets to realize the true objectives of his professional worth and skill and thus sets out to fulfill his major and bigger purpose in life with full, unprecedented, and unparalleled zest. The 500-hour Kundalini yoga teacher training course in Bali, Indonesia holds the key to great health and personal success.Kundalini yoga may benefit students due to its unique spiritual and physical growth approach. A few benefits of the Kundalini awakening include a happier life, a closer spiritual connection, heightened awareness, more creativity, and better physical health. They also provide a holistic yoga plan that blends yoga’s psychological, spiritual, and physical components. This may help students understand who they are and how they fit into the world.This course will enhance your teaching skills, and it should have a breadth of information and a variety of yoga styles. The course is the best choice if you want to complete both basic yoga teacher training and advanced yoga training simultaneously. Kundalini Yoga Ashram is the best location for you. Every yoga asana, from the most basic to the most difficult, is covered over the Kundalini Yoga Ashram program, which is incredibly regimented and challenging. After finishing the 500-hour yoga teacher training curriculum, you will be qualified, well-versed, and confident enough to begin instructing advanced yoga sessions.One of the best places to learn Kundalini yoga is the Kundalini Yoga Ashram. They put much effort into providing a top-notch, detailed curriculum that enables students to teach Kundalini yoga confidently and competently while promoting individual growth and change in a friendly environment. You must complete the 300-hour Kundalini yoga teacher training course in Bali to be eligible to register for the 500-hour program there. The focus is on in-depth practice, learning, and community, although the overall structure of the daily routine is comparable to that of the 200 or 300-hour programs.

Why choose this course?

The ashram is located in Bali, with a sprawling space amid greenery, the stretch of mountains at the feet of the Ganga. They offer 500-hour Kundalini yoga courses in Indonesia, where the main aim is to equip you with the skills and in-depth knowledge to become a versatile instructor of Kundalini yoga and to be eligible to teach and pass on your knowledge and spirituality to inspire others to live their true and best lives.Any level is able to take this course – from beginners just starting their yoga journey or those already teaching other forms of yoga. You will have the ability to take your practice to another level, another dimension as this 500-hour practice includes all the necessary requirements for you to shine your inner light.

Key skills to be gained

  • Performing and sequencing asana, along with the theory, methodology, and different variations
  • The art of teaching – how to teach confidently and competently and manage and instruct classes and sessions
  • Comprehensive understanding of anatomy, physiology, the human body, and the practical application of this knowledge during a yoga class
  • A deep understanding of chakras as well as how to open and balance them
  • Yogic philosophy and knowledge, underpins and supports all of your yoga practice
  • How to use verbal cues, adjustments, and alignments to prevent injury and discomfort in your practice and classes
  • Pranayama and shatkarma
  • How to clean and prepare the body for asana, meditation, and optimum health
  • Meditation techniques will improve your life and your students’ lives on every level
  • Kundalini theory
  • Kundalini methodology

What are the main highlights?

The dimensions of Kundalini yoga and Tantra will be revealed to you in great detail. All tissues of the body begin to heal and detoxify which will lead to the release of supreme Kundalini energy, resulting in peace and bliss. The curriculum will also cover the major ways in which this energy can unfold and manifest itself. The students are trained to understand when their chakras may not be open or balanced and what to do to rectify this. The key highlights of this course are as follows:

  • Kundalini kriya practices
  • Kundalini breathwork
  • Kundalini mantra and chanting
  • Kundalini anatomy
  • Kundalini philosophy
  • Raising the shakti energy
  • Becoming conscious
  • Top world-class authentic teachings
  • Following the traditional lineage of the gurus and forefathers
  • Location and vibrational energy within the ashram
  • Access to experts in the subject matter
  • Group Reiki session
  • Sound healing session


Kundalini yoga tradition

  • Kundalini yoga traditions of Indonesia
  • Development of Kundalini yoga
  • Kundalini and other types of yoga
  • What Kundalini is not
  • Kundalini yoga in different traditions of the world
  • Is it safe to practice Kundalini yoga from a normal yoga teacher and school?
  • How to know who is a Kundalini yoga teacher
  • Dangers of Kundalini yoga

Prerequisites for advanced Kundalini yoga teacher training course

  • Must have firm knowledge of yoga and learned from a good teacher
  • 6 months of regular practice
  • No drug / marijuana use
  • Not have any mental health problems or instabilities which are causing you distress or affecting your day-to-day life in a way which may prevent you from completing the course or participating in a demanding schedule.
  • You must have devotion and trust to the teacher and respect to the traditions of Kundalini and yoga.
  • This is not a religious course, so people of any faith can practice Kundalini yoga.

Preparation for Kundalini yoga teacher training course

  • Proper sitting, breathing and relaxation
  • Proper focus on the point which will be guided
  • Detox and removal of toxins from the body

Traditional Kundalini yoga asana (advance level)

  • Alignment, assist and adjustment
  • Surya namaskar (sun salutation)
  • Chandra namaskar (moon salutation)
  • Bharadvajasana
  • Lolasana – swinging pose
  • Kukkutasana – rooster pose
  • Sarpasana – snake pose
  • Shalabhasana – locust pose
  • Dhanurasana – bow pose
  • Paschimottanasana – seated forward bend
  • Janusirshasana – head to knee pose
  • Parivirtajanusirshasana – revolving head to knee pose
  • Sarvangasana – shoulder stand
  • Padamsarvangasana – shoulder stand lotus pose
  • Sirshasana – headstand
  • Natarajasana – lord shiva’s pose
  • Utthita hasta padangusthasana
  • Naukasana – boat pose
  • Vatayanasana – horse face pose
  • Mayurasana – peacock pose
  • Koormasana – tortoise pose
  • Chakrasana – wheel pose
  • Hanumanasana – monkey pose
  • Agnistambhasana – fire log pose
  • Brahmacharyasana – celibate’s pose
  • Astavakrasana – eight-twists pose
  • Ekpadasirasana – one foot to head pose
  • Chaturanga dandasana
  • Pincha mayurasana-feathered peacock pose
  • Eka pada koundinyasana – sage koundinyasana
  • Handstand – adho mukha vrksasana
  • Ardha pincha mayurasana – dolphin pose
  • Makara adho mukha svanasana – dolphin plank pose
  • Bakasana – crow pose
  • Ekpadabakasana – one leg crow
  • Utthan pristhasana – lizard pose
  • Pashasana – noose pose
  • Parivrtta surya yantrasana – sundial or compass pose
  • Titibasana – fire fly pose
  • Parshvabakasana – side crow

Yogic detox cleansing exercises

  • Jala neti
  • Rubber neti
  • Jihwadhauti
  • Agnisar
  • Kunjal kriya
  • Kapalbhati
  • Tratak


  • Archer pose (virbhadrasana)
  • Baby pose (garbhasana)
  • Back rolls
  • Stretch backward
  • Boat pose
  • Bow pose
  • Bridge pose
  • Butterfly pose
  • Camel pose
  • Cat – cow
  • Cat stretch
  • Cobra pose
  • Chair pose
  • Corpse pose
  • Celibate pose
  • Crow pose
  • Guru pranam
  • Ego eradicator
  • Frog pose
  • Front bends
  • Fish pose
  • Kundalini lotus
  • Leg lift
  • Lift nerve stretch
  • Life nerve stretch
  • Locust pose
  • Neck rolls
  • Mahamudra kriya
  • Pelvic lifts
  • Platform pose (front)
  • Plow pose
  • Platform pose (back)
  • Sat kriya
  • Shoulder stand
  • Shoulder shrugs
  • Sitting bends
  • Sufi grind
  • Rock pose
  • Spinal flex
  • Spinal twist
  • Yoga mudra
  • Strength pose
  • Tree pose
  • Triangle pose
  • Wheel pose
  • Asana to awake visuddha
  • Asana to awake 10 bodies
  • Surya kriya
  • Sat kriya
  • Kirtankriya 1-3
  • Laya yoga Kundalini mantra 1-2
  • Healing with the siri gaitri mantra 1-2
  • Meditation for projection and protection from the heart
  • Meditation to change the ego
  • Breaking the mask

Surya kriya-vija mantra

Surya kriya is the practices which allow to awaken your internal hidden power. In the beginning it goes like sun salutation and in the end it awaken your energy center and balance yourself completely. The practices are done with the Bija Mantra.

Kirtan and chanting

Through Kirtan and Mantra chant you express your feeling to Divinity and it is a easiest way to feel divine within. Students will learn mantra and kirtan so that that can create joyfulness with their students and prepare the surroundings with a powerful vibration.

Shakti temple visit

Indonesia has been the place of Tantra for thousand of years and Shiva symbolizes the male energy and Shakti symbolizes the feminine energy. You visit Kunjapuri Devi temple and some other Shakti temple to experience the power of Kundalini.

Initiation (mantra diksha)

Guru Vishnu is a Himalayan Master and disciple of Swami Veda Bharati and will initiate you into the first step of Mantra Initiation, so that you can begin your spiritual journey and practice.

Kundalini Tantra philosophy

  • Introduction to Kundalini yoga
  • Definition of the chakra
  • Understanding the chakra
  • Mooladhara chakra
  • Swadhisthan chakra
  • Manipura chakra
  • Anahata chakra
  • Vishudhhi chakra
  • Aagya chakra
  • Sahasrar chakra
  • Kundalini awakening process
  • Mantra-shaktipata
  • Relationship between sex and Kundalini
  • Importance of brahmacharya for awakening
  • Discipline of sex in daily life to maintain health and harmony

Teaching practice and methodology

Teaching practice:

  • Demonstration
  • Alignment
  • Instructions
  • Teaching methodology

Positive and conscious communication:

  • Friendship and trust
  • Time management
  • Quality of a teacher
  • Use voice in the class
  • Mental and emotional preparation for teaching
  • Class preparation
  • Step by step class structure planning

Ayurveda and Kundalini

  • Understanding Ayurveda to balance your energy system
  • Chakra massage
  • 5 element theory applying to your body energy
  • Dhatus
  • Vayu
  • Tridosha

Kundalini sadhana – Level 2

  • Kundalini mantra chant level 2
  • Devi prayer
  • Maun sadhana
  • Japa sadhana
  • Meditation for Kundalini
  • Preparation to meditation
  • Creating a foundation for Kundalini meditation
  • Developing concentration
  • Art of cleaning and opening chakras
  • Mantra meditation for different dates of different chakras
  • Disturbances on Kundalini meditation

Kundalini anatomy

  • Nadis / energy channel
  • Chakras
  • Panchakosha (5 sheaths)
  • Respiratory system
  • Nervous system

Kundalini breathing (advance level)

This practices will allow the students to feel a communion with the body, mind and senses. Body is the biggest shrine and a part of mother nature so this exercises allow you to love and feel yourself more. Each and every organ is recharged and that allow to sit for a long time in your Kundalini awakening practices.

  • Kosthya swasa (diaphragmatic breathing) for prolonging and smooth breath
  • Kapal bhati – for awakening 3rd eye and emotional cleansing
  • Bhastrika – for awakening fire centre and emotional stability
  • Bhramari – transforming brain waves and cleansing ajna and sahasrar chakra
  • Nadi-shodhanam – for balancing both hemisphere and activate susumna
  • Dynamic of breath
  • Upper susumna breathing
  • Lower susumna breathing (spinal breathing)
  • Understanding prana and swasa

Kundalini yoga theory and practice

  • Serpent power
  • Why Kundalini is sleeping
  • Risk to awakening Kundalini
  • Food for Kundalini awakening
  • Sex and Kundalini
  • Tantric understanding of Kundalini
  • Muladhar chakra
  • Swadhisthan chakra
  • Manipura chakra
  • Anahata chakra
  • Visuddhi chakra
  • Ajna chakra
  • Sahasrara chakra
  • Guru and disciple relationship
  • Initiation
  • Feminine energy

Bandha (energy lock) for Kundalini awakening

  • Mulabandha (for stability and awakening of Kundalini)
  • Uddhiyanabandha (abdominal lock for balancing inner organs)
  • Jalandhar bandha (throat lock)
  • Maha bandha
  • What is energy blockages
  • Reasons of blocking the energy and chakras
  • Three majors energy blockages
  • Great energy lock (balancing the whole system to awaken Kundalini)

Kundalini Tantra mudra

  • Jnana mudra and chin mudra (to balance the fire and air energy to improve concentration)
  • Yoni mudra: invokes the primal energy inherent in the womb or source of creation
  • Bhairava mudra: help to unite the individual and supreme consciousness
  • Hridaya mudra: improve the vitality of the heart.It helps to release pent up emotion and remove emotional conflict.
  • Shambhavi mudra: improve mental stability and state of thoughtlessness
  • Khechari mudra: practicing this a yogi trap the descending drops of amrita at vishudhi overcoming hunger and thirst, and rejuvenating the entire body.
  • Viparit karani mudra: it balance the activities of the thyroid. It balance the ida and pingalanadi so that Kundalini can move through susumnanadi

Yoga Nidra

  • Necessity of yoga Nidra for Kundalini practitioner
  • What type of yoga Nidra is included in Kundalini sadhana
  • Deep relaxation
  • Subtle body awakening yoga Nidra
  • 31 point blue star yoga Nidra

Energy transmission (shaktipat)

You all know that only a light can light up another light. Kundalini yoga should always be practiced under an experienced teacher who has this experience. Your instructors are well experienced and learned from the tradition. This is an important part for the transformation of the student.

Satsang (spiritual guidance)

Guruji’s guidance is so powerful and inspiring. The course will guide your life ahead and inspire you in every moment of life. After the course also you can ask any question to your Master.

Classical dance

You will have the opportunity to take an Indonesian classical dance class, it is a powerful tool to bring relaxation and happiness. Classical dance in Indonesia contains lots of mudra and Shiva Shakti practices to unite both masculine and feminine energy.

Reiki healings: 1 session

Students will receive the one group Reiki session.

Sound healing: 2 sessions

Tibetan sound bowl healing session will be organized one day for 2-3 hours to experience the sound vibration.

The healing modules on the course

  • Initiation (mantra diksha)
  • Energy transmission (shaktipat)
  • Satsang (spiritual guidance)
  • Reiki healing
  • Sound healing

Daily schedule

  • 05:00 – 06:00 Kundalini sadhanas
  • 06:15 – 07:15 Kundalini pranayama and meditation
  • 07:30 – 09:00 Traditional Kundalini Tantra theory and asanas
  • 09:00 – 09:45 Breakfast
  • 10:45 – 11:45 Yoga and spiritual anatomy
  • 12:00 – 13:00 Yoga alignment and adjustment
  • 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
  • 14:00 – 15:30 Self-study
  • 15:30 – 16:30 Kundalini philosophy
  • 16:30 – 18:00 Classical Hatha yoga
  • 18:00 – 19:00 Dinner
  • 19:00 – 20:00 Lights off

Free day

Sunday is a free day and you have excursion tours arranged which are part of the full program. All are included in your course fees. On Sundays, you will receive only breakfast and you can enjoy your lunch and dinner outside in the many beautiful cafes and restaurants.

Requirements / suitability

  • People wanting to develop the skill of teaching in the path of traditional Kundalini yoga and meditation
  • Beginners through to advanced yoga practitioners
  • Those wanting to awaken the hidden energy
  • Those with at least 6 months experience in practicing yoga or those with 200 / 300-hour certificates from other schools
  • Those who are seeking a 500-hour Yoga Alliance certificate after completion of the course
  • Those who are interested in teaching meditation kriya and Kundalini practices and an open mind


  • Time allocated for self-study and practice time will be calculated in the total hours.
  • It is an intensive program, so you will not have time to study any other courses alongside this one.
  • The daily schedule may change according to weather and situations.

Retreat location

We hold the training in Bali, surrounded by a stunning and peaceful setting with the soothing sounds of nature.


You will receive breakfast, lunch, and dinner with your stay.

What's included

You’ll get 43 nights of accommodation. You’ll also enjoy daily nutritious vegetarian meals, an outdoor yoga class, and weekend excursions. Plus, you’ll have access to yoga material and a kirtan session. We’ll even have a sacred fire ceremony and a Balini culture experience. Towels and bed sheets are provided too. And as a bonus, you’ll have access to online pre-recorded preparatory course videos after booking.

What's not included

– We offer Ayurvedic panchakarma sessions and healing training to help you relax and rejuvenate.
– Students can enjoy a variety of massages at a discounted price.
– We cover the expenses for visa fees, airfare, and taxi pick-up.



44-day, 500-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training available in beautiful Bali. Enhance your teaching skills and deepen your practice.

  • 1 person Private single room

    Retreat center

    $ 5,499.00
  • 2 persons Private double room

    Retreat center

    $ 7,598.00
  • 1 person Shared twin room

    Retreat center

    $ 3,999.00


Reviews (11)

  • Julita Nikonowicz
    December 17, 2023 at 12:00 am

    This training has an intense and deep teaching structure facilitated by highly competent and passionate teachers, leading to transformational learning.

    Helpful Review
  • Lena Rudorfer
    October 16, 2023 at 12:00 am

    The teachers have very black-and-white opinions, and a healthy compromise is rarely taught.
    The whole house is dirty, with the rooms having a lot of mold. There were even mushrooms growing in the bathroom.
    Almost everyone got sick (with viruses and dengue fever), and the school didn’t care, saying it was due to the weather changes. I wished they took more responsibility, even towards the healthy students.
    They take a lot of pictures for social media, and sometimes it feels more like a marketing event rather than an authentic experience.

    Overall, it was an adventurous experience. If you’re not sensitive to dirt and mold and are looking for discipline and many rituals instead of relaxation, then this is the place for you. The food is okay, easy to digest, but always very similar.
    The teachers are experienced and provide good education.
    The sunrise trip to the mountains was beautiful.
    The group was international, and we had a very pleasant and harmonious time together.

    Helpful Review
  • Ninon Montusclat
    May 16, 2023 at 12:00 am

    There are a few things wrong with the description: they don’t include a massage, you don’t meditate in a cave, and the start time is 5am. We also didn’t have dedicated lessons about Tantra.

    It’s important to note that if you do the 100H training like I did, you’ll be with students doing 200 hours, so you’ll only have half of the total classes. For Kundalini, I only had lessons on 3 chakras out of 7.

    In my opinion, it’s not possible to become a Kundalini yoga teacher after this 100H training, even if they mention it in the description or if you’re already a yoga teacher of other styles. This is because you only see half of the program and Kundalini is a very deep and complex practice.

    Some of the teacher’s actions were a bit questionable, like texting during class, not being very involved in adjustments or corrections, and leaving early. But overall, they were a good teacher.

    To wrap up, I didn’t really trust most of the speeches given by the Guru. There was a sense of comparison between “us yogis” and “others” who don’t seek self-improvement, which I didn’t appreciate. I also didn’t feel inspired by their talking. Sometimes the 5am meditation turned into a lecture on “how to sit” or “how to give a relaxation class”. At 5am, the last thing I want is a lecture, no matter what the topic is. I did the 100H Kundalini training.

    The teachers were really knowledgeable and mostly happy to share their experiences and knowledge. I learned a lot and despite the early wake-up, I paid full attention in class to absorb as much as possible. I will never forget the philosophy and Mantra classes with Mandeep Ji.

    The Kundalini classes were intense and deeply moving. It’s definitely more than just learning to be a Kundalini teacher, and you will come out of this place different from when you entered.

    The staff was very friendly overall.

    I loved the food.

    The location is super good – on a quiet street, but only a 5-minute walk to all facilities. You can even swim to the Ganga during lunch break, and if you’re into hiking, there are walking paths nearby.

    You will definitely meet great people!

    A big thank you for this amazing experience!!!

    Helpful Review
  • Naomi Thornalley
    April 10, 2023 at 12:00 am

    I didn’t realize that I had booked my 200-hour and 300-hour yoga teacher training at the same school. It ended up being intense spending two months in the same place with the same teachers, only having one class that was different in the mornings. Luckily, the teachers are amazing and I can’t thank them enough for sharing their knowledge.

    My main criticism is that even after completing 500 hours of “teacher training,” I don’t feel like a yoga teacher. There isn’t enough practice and feedback on teaching. However, I did gain a lot of knowledge in areas like anatomy, philosophy, and pranayama. It has inspired me to establish a regular self-practice, and maybe I’ll consider teaching in the future once I become more confident.

    The course is challenging, waking up at 4:30 am every day, and on the 300-hour program, the last class doesn’t end until 8:30 pm. It’s mentally and physically intense. Sometimes the energy feels overwhelming when you’re already pushed to your limits, but it’s all done with good intentions. The best part of this school is definitely the teachers. I’m incredibly grateful to all of them; Praveen, Ashu, Mandeep, Shobit, Anant, Sandeep Ji, Swarmi Ji, Amit. They are incredibly knowledgeable about the body and how yoga affects the mind and body in all its forms. I’ll never forget these classes, and I even recorded some of the teachers’ chants and mantras to listen to when I need a reminder. The food and kitchen staff were amazing, you’ll never go hungry here! The cleaning staff felt like family after my first month. The reception staff works tirelessly to ensure things run smoothly. The rooms were what I expected; I stayed in a 6-bed dorm for the first month and a private room for the second. They were basic but clean. Don’t come here expecting luxury, it’s still an Ashram, despite the fancy-looking photos.

    When I had an issue in class, I spoke to Hari Priya, and she was so kind, caring, and open to listening. She made me feel heard and respected.

    Throughout the course, we got to meet different people and groups that the Guru knows. We also had various talks and performances from outside the course, which was a nice break from the otherwise monotonous schedule.

    The excursions were wonderful, although if you do the 500-hour program, you’ll have the same excursions both months.

    Helpful Review
  • Luca Bagozza
    April 3, 2023 at 12:00 am

    I felt that some classes focused more on delivering an experience rather than instructing students how to properly teach a Kriya or Sadhana. But I also think it’s important to focus on teaching a Kriya in a more structured way, so that students can actually teach a Kriya class. There’s a big difference between a Yoga Retreat and a Yoga Teacher Training. The intention of applying for a Yoga Teacher Training is to be able to teach yoga afterwards. I would have liked more emphasis on actual teaching methodology, and it seems like many other students felt the same way.

    The website clearly states that the teacher training includes ‘Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan’. That’s why I chose to book with Kundalini Yoga Ashram over other schools. It seemed like the only Traditional Kundalini Course that teaches Yogi Bhajan Style Kundalini Yoga. However, none of the poses, 10 Bodies, Sat Kriya, So Darshan Chakra Kriya, as mentioned on the website, were being taught. I later found out that the school chose not to teach them anymore. That’s fine, but it’s important to keep the information up to date. The school should deliver the course as stated on the website.

    I absolutely loved the passion of the teachers. You could see that they were teaching from the heart. That’s really important for students to witness, to know that the teachers are passionately living what they teach. I’m grateful for their genuine interest in sharing the beautiful teachings of Yoga. I especially enjoyed the Philosophy and Pranayama Class with Mandeep Ji, who radiates like a star with his passion and devotion for the ancient spiritual teachings, a real inspiration. I also loved the Kundalini Kriya Classes with Praven Ji and Hari Priya, they were the most transformative practices for me throughout the whole course. The course gave me a good foundation to connect things I had previously learned. I was able to create a comprehensive system to build upon. The entire staff was friendly and helpful, and the food was absolutely amazing. I mean it! I also appreciated the opportunity to visit a sacred temple and jump into the Ganga at 4am in the morning. An experience I’ll never forget.

    I’m grateful for all the beautiful souls at Kundalini/Samadhi/World Peace. Infinite gratitude and blessings to all!

    Helpful Review
  • Nóra Benkő
    March 30, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Going out of my comfort zone really opened me up and made me more open minded, flexible in all aspects – physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    Helpful Review
  • Kasper Van Haaren
    January 30, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Talking negatively can be difficult, but as this is a review, I must share my perspective.

    I had an issue with one of the teachers who led the hatha class. He would often say that 90% of the effort should come from the students, but he would be distracted by his phone, sitting lazily on the couch, propping his head up with his hand. That was a major turn-off for me! As a result, I only attended three or four of his classes and skipped the rest. In my opinion, a teacher’s enthusiasm should inspire the class, not the other way around. His ego was too big for my liking!

    On a positive note, I absolutely loved my time there. The teachers were exceptional, the location was lovely, and the food was awesome. The entire staff was incredibly friendly, and our group was truly the best!

    Helpful Review
  • Jessica Lima
    December 3, 2022 at 12:00 am

    I felt like we were outnumbered and the attention sometimes needed wasn’t fully met. This experience is life-changing, whether you want to become a teacher or not. It is worth every penny you spend.

    Helpful Review
  • Ashwini Murthy
    August 1, 2021 at 12:00 am

    I was searching for a kundalini yoga center to get certified and I finally stumbled upon this amazing school. These guys probably have no idea, but what I’ve been learning here has completely surpassed my expectations. I’m almost done with the 200 hour journey and I can’t wait to dive into the 300 hours to complete it. Big thanks to Guru Vishnu and the staff for such an incredible experience!

    Helpful Review
  • Andreas Sampl
    September 26, 2020 at 12:00 am

    At first, their Mikrophon sounded really bad, and it was hard to understand them. But they have fixed the problem and got new Mikrophons now, so you can understand them well.

    Please keep in mind, dear school, that the sound is really important. I did the 200h online training and I really enjoyed it.

    The teachers are great, and I want to take the 300h course as well.

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  • Panama Panama
    August 26, 2020 at 12:00 am

    There were some issues with the microphone or internet, but a team of experts was on site to fix them at the time. My experience with the Kundalini Yoga Ashram India was wonderful. The teachers have a deep knowledge and experience of yoga according to vedas and ancestors, and they are really charming and kind. I took the 200 hours Kundalini Yoga teacher training in self-paced mode and it worked for me. I had an amazing experience and learned a lot. The training covers an extensive range of important topics for teachers. In addition to the recorded videos of classes, there was also an opportunity to contact the teachers and ask questions about the training or any additional doubts. They were all open and willing to help. I highly recommend this school. I got exactly what I expected and I am planning to take two more trainings with them. Thanks to Guruji Vishnu and the teachers for sharing your knowledge with the rest of the world on site, online, and in a self-paced format. Namaste.

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