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Yoga Teacher Training $1,999.00 - $3,798.00

Join our 20-day yoga teacher training in Bali for a luxurious experience of Hatha, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yin, and Kundalini yoga.

World Peace Yoga School Bali, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

Yoga Teacher Training in Indonesia

In this immersive and thorough 200-hour teacher training program, we offer you a chance to delve into the world of yoga in a luxurious tropical paradise. You’ll spend 24 nights in a five-star setting that beautifully blends comfort and eco-conscious design.

At our core, we aim to empower our students and help them grow in their preferred style of yoga. That’s why we’ve carefully designed this course, ensuring that it caters to your individual interests and aspirations.

Throughout the program, you’ll gain a solid foundation of knowledge and practical experience in Hatha and Vinyasa yoga, pranayama, meditation, philosophy, anatomy, yoga therapy, alignment, and yoga psychology. We cover all the essentials to guide you on your path to becoming a confident and well-rounded yoga teacher.



Students who complete the training are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®).

200-Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher Training

During this 200-hour multi-style yoga teacher training, there will be daily kirtan, or mantra chanting, which is one of the most fundamental yoga practices. Although the exercise is straightforward, the internal process it sparks is vast and mysterious. These lessons will be accompanied by a musician twice a week.This course is specially designed to provide students with a full understanding of yogic concepts, practices, and philosophy, but mostly Hatha, Vinyasa, and Ashtanga, with some Yin, Nidra, and Kriya knowledge. You will be engaged in the ancient practice of yoga, exploring this knowledge in depth with enthusiastic instructors in a nourishing atmosphere for your heart and soul, with other spiritual searchers.A team of experienced educators will help you improve your mindfulness. The retreat focuses on both Hatha and Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, so you may practice true multi-style yoga, and learn more about yoga philosophy, anatomy, and physiology.Enjoy some interesting adventures while experiencing life on the beautiful island of Bali.


  • If you are new to yoga then there here will be no specific background of yoga required, and just being eager to learn is enough
  • If you have been practicing yoga for a long time, but don’t have knowledge of anatomy, foundation of the asanas and yoga philosophy
  • If you don't want to be a yoga teacher but desire to deepen your own yoga practice and knowledge

What you will achieve from this 200-hour teacher training:

  • Solid basic foundation to deepen your asana practice
  • Better understand the asanas with a solid understanding of anatomy, adjustment, and alignment
  • Learning pranayama, yoga philosophy, meditation, and more
  • Understand traditional and authentic yogic texts to get to know more about yogic aphorisms
  • Experience spirituality in Bali, Indonesia and get to know more
  • Get a 200-hour yoga teacher training certificate to realize your inner consciousness and develop your practice

Benefits of attending this yoga teacher training course:

  • You become more controlled
  • You will have more understanding in your life
  • You become more emotionally balanced
  • You develop a stronger personal practice
  • You will be connected with the ancient yoga tradition of India and receive guidance whenever you need it
  • Your family and friends can also join the ashram

Amenities on arrival

Students will receive welcome drinks upon arrival, and fruits will be at the reception desk where students can take them freely.If students arrive during breakfast, lunch, or dinner, then they are welcome to eat in the dining hall.For students coming from other hotels, it is possible for a car or scooter to pick you up and help with anything you need. Let Bali Yoga Retreat know.


The 200-hour yoga teacher training course is taught systematically from the basics so students do not need to prepare so much but we encourage the students to read a few books which will help them to understand our teachings easily.

Suggested books:

  • Living with Himalayan Masters
  • The Royal Path
  • Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha


1. Hatha yoga

Hatha yoga is the traditional method of practicing yoga postures which include aligning the body posture, getting rid of toxins, losing weight, overall health, taking away fatigue, and relaxing the mind. It leads to stillness and prepares one to meditate.

Surya Namaskar (Sun salutation) and Asana Alignment, Assist and Adjustment for the following Asanas:

  • Pawanmuktasana series 1
  • Pawanmuktasana series 2
  • Pawanmuktasana series 3
  • Surya Namaskar (Sun salutation)
  • Chandra Namaskar (Moon salutation)
  • Tadasana (palm tree pose)
  • Triyak tadasana (swaying palm tree pose)
  • Trikonasana (triangle pose)
  • Parivirtatrikon asana (revolving triangle pose)
  • Uttkatasana (chair pose)
  • Virbhdrasana 1 – warrior 1
  • Virbhdrasana 2 – warrior 2
  • Virbhdrasana 2 – warrior 3
  • Ardha Chandrasana (half-moon pose)
  • Vriksasana (tree pose)

2. Vinyasa yoga

Vinyasa is a synchronized movement of body, breath and mind where the students can get warm and flexible through this practice. It is a kind of moving meditation that brings health and harmony.

Coverage: Alignment, Drishti, Adjustment, and Options

  • Surya Namaskar A
  • Surya Namaskar B

Asanas for Beginners

  • Padangusthasana
  • Padahasthasana
  • Utthita Trikonasana
  • Parivrtta Trikonasana
  • Utthita Parsvakonasana
  • Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
  • Prasarita Padottanasana A, B, C and D
  • Parsvottanasana
  • Eka Pada Padangusthasana A, B, C and D
  • Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
  • Utkatasana
  • Virabhadrasana A and B
  • Dandasana
  • Paschimottanasana A, B, C and D
  • Purvattanasana
  • Ardha Baddha Padma Uttanasana
  • Triang Mukaikapada Pashimottanasana
  • Janu Sirsasana A, B and C
  • Marichyasana A, B and C
  • Navasana

3. Pranayama (Breathing practices)

Pranayama contains various breathing exercises but the goal is not the breath but rather to reach the level of prana force which is the source of all existence. Through breathing practices one can achieve a deep physical, energetic and emotional cleaning.Pranayama is an ancient yogic breathing technique that is used as preparation for meditation and is a vital aspect of practicing yoga. It improves the respiratory system and purifies the body and mind.

Introduction of Pranayama

Implementing breathwork in yoga poses allows for more opening and presence. Come experience the interplay of breath, movement and energy and leave with an overall sense of wellbeing.

Benefits of Pranayama

Daily pranayama trains the lungs and improves the capacity of the respiratory system immensely. Pranayama works directly on the nervous system. Daily pranayama positively affects autonomic nervous system which controls and governs essential functions of the body like the heart rate, respiration and blood pressure etc.

Clavicular, Thoracic and Diaphragmatic Breathing (Yogic Breathing)

Clavicular breathing is breathing into the top third of the lungs and no deeper. Clavicular breathing is accomplished by raising the collarbone (clavicle) and shoulders during the inbreath and keeping the rest of the torso motionless. Clavicular breathing is the shallowest type of breathing.


Ujjayi breathing is a breathing technique employed in a variety of Taoist and yoga practices. In relation to yoga, it is sometimes called "the ocean breath".


Bhastrikā is an important breath exercise in yoga and pranayama. It is sometimes treated as a kriya or cleansing action along with kapalabhati to clear the airways in preparation for other pranayama techniques. Bhastrika involves a rapid and forceful process of inhalation and exhalation powered by the movement of the diaphragm. The movement of the air is accompanied by an audible sound. One inhale and exhale equal one round of bhastrika, and it may be repeated for many consecutive rounds.


Kapalabhati also called breath of fire is an important shatkarma, which is purification in Hatha yoga. The technique of Kapalabhati involves short and strong forceful exhalations and inhalation happens automatically. There are three forms of Kapalabhati:

  • Vatakrama kapalabhati – A practice similar to the Pranayama technique of Bhastrika, except that exhalation is active while inhalation is passive, the opposite of normal breathing.
  • Vyutkrama kapalabhati – It is a practice similar to Jala neti, which involves sniffing water through the nostrils and letting it flow down into the mouth, and then spitting it out.
  • Sheetkrama kapalabhati – It can can be considered the reverse of Vyutkrama kapalabhati, in which water is taken through the mouth and expelled through the nose.

Nadi (Sodhana)

Nadi is a Sanskrit word meaning “channel” or “flow” and shodhana means “purification.” Therefore, Nadi shodhana is primarily aimed at clearing and purifying the subtle channels of the mind-body organism, while balancing its masculine and feminine aspects.


Bhramari Pranayama, also known as "humming bee breath" is a calming breathing practice that soothes the nervous system and helps you connect with your truest inner nature.

Surya – Bhedi and Chandra – Bhedi

In Chandra Bhedana Pranayama, the left nostril is used for inhalation and right nostril is used for exhalation. It is said that on inhalation, energy passes through Ida (Chandra) Nadi and on exhalation through Pingala or Surya Nadi.

Sheetali and Sheetkari

Sheetali Pranayama, also known as Cooling Breath, is a breathing practice that very effectively cools the body, the mind, and the emotions. Sheetali comes from the Sanskrit root sheet, which means “cold” or “frigid.” Sheetal translates roughly as "that which is calm, passionless, and soothing".Sheetali pranayama calms and soothes the mind-body organism by activating a powerful evaporative cooling mechanism on the inhalation, delivering a gently cooling energy to the deep tissues of the body. Remarkably, this pranayama also enkindles the digestive fire, like just as a live coal covered in ash might begin to glow under the influence of a cold wind

Sitting postures for pranayama sadhana:

  • Easy pose
  • Half-lotus
  • Swastikasana

4. Anatomy and Physiology (Sharir Vijnan)

  • Digestive System
  • Respiratory System
  • Nervous System
  • Organs
  • Bodily systems
  • Nadis
  • Chakras

5. Yoga Therapy and Cleansing Techniques (Shatkarma)

Yoga Therapy

Yoga is a therapy and students will learn how to treat different physical, mental and emotional problems through yoga.

Cleansing techniques (Shatkarma)

This technique can help get rid of toxins and embrace a pleasant and refreshing life.

6. Mantra Chanting

Mantras are powerful sound vibrations which have healing and spiritual power. Regular chanting can be healthy and peaceful.

7. Study of asana

Study of asana: proper alignment, variations, modifications with ability to minimize the risk of injuries and hands-on adjustments

  • Asanas are one of the most important facets of yoga. Each asana is performed for a particular beneficial reason. The reasons can vary and may include aligning the body posture, getting rid of toxins, losing weight, overall health, taking away fatigue, and relaxing the mind.

8. Art of sequencing and improvisation in the class

One of the key elements of this teacher training in Bali curriculum is to make future yoga teachers aware of the importance of sequencing. Sequencing has a vital role to play in conducting a successful and efficient class. A yoga class environment cannot be predicted at all times. It is in the hands of the teacher to engage the class, create a flow and share his/her teachings most suitably and effectively as possible.

9. Intelligent use of props

Intelligent use of props to help improve practice at its early stages

  • The course also consists of a part that teaches to enhance the effectiveness of a class with the use of props. Smart and intelligent use of props is a skill and is to be used to engage the class better.

10. Postures with their Sanskrit Names and terminology

Postures along with their names and meanings are taught in detail. The meaning of a posture helps the learner understand it better and it will also have a better impact as compared to doing it for the sake of it.

11. Technique and practice of breathing (Pranayama)

The practice of breathing is considered the foundation of yoga. Deep breathing combined with yoga has several benefits such as improved blood flow, detoxifying the body, and improving digestion among others.

12. Meditation (Dhyana)

A deeper level of meditation and concentration to know the truth is referred to as Dhyana. Dhyana is mostly done to reach Samadhi, meaning bliss which is the ultimate goal of yoga. Meditation is a systematic practice that promotes physical, mental and emotional tranquility with the purpose of reaching Samadhi (self-realization).

Breathing Awareness Meditation

Breath awareness meditation promotes physical and mental relaxation that can significantly reduce stress on the body and mind. The most basic way to do mindful breathing is simply to focus your attention on your breath, the inhale and exhale. You can do this while standing, but ideally, you’ll be sitting or even lying in a comfortable position. Your eyes may be open or closed, but you may find it easier to maintain your focus if you close your eyes. Experts believe a regular practice of mindful breathing can make it easier to do it in difficult situations.


Trataka is a yogic purification and a tantric method of meditation that involves staring at a single point such as a small object, black dot or candle flame. It is said to bring energy to the "third eye" and promote various psychic abilities.

Dynamic meditation

Dynamic meditation is a fast, intense, physical and spiritual movement that helps you to release the past and clear the old patterns. It brings you peace, stillness, and freedom.

Tips for developing concentration

Through practice it's normal that your mind sometimes wanders, the thoughts will come but that's alright. But when that happens just bring your mind back to the present and bring awareness to your breath.

Silent Meditation

Silent meditation is one of the most powerful meditation techniques. It helps you to connect and understand your true self.

13. Human anatomy and physiology

Fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology.

  • Understanding human anatomy will help people understand yoga and its aspects better. This will also help achieve holistic health and the therapeutics of yoga practices.

14. Yoga Philosophy, Ideas and Hypothesis

Yoga is an ancient philosophy. In order to be a yoga teacher, one should understand the philosophy and ideas attached to it. Apart from this, they should also be able to share these same ideologies with their students in the future. This 200-hour yoga teacher training in Bali assures you that you will be able to share this philosophy with their worldwide crowd.

15. Confidence-building through teaching-practice

Teaching a skill by itself requires confidence. This teacher training ensures that enthusiasts are open to learning the skill of teaching and can excel the same in practice.

16. Yoga Nidra (Psychic Sleep)

When a yoga practitioner moves through the various internal states of Yoga Nidra, a profound experience of relaxation occurs. This is called "Turiya" which is a sensation of pure bliss.

  • Basic Relaxation
  • Tension Relaxation
  • Full Body Relaxation

17. Yoga Cleansing (Shatkarma)

Yogic cleansing exercises are important to learn how to incorporate your breath and meditate properly during the physical aspects of yoga. It also removes the blockages in the energy channels.

  • Rubber-neti
  • Jalaneti
  • Kapalbhati

18. Yoga philosophy

  • Introduction to yoga, its philosophy, and evolution
  • Introduction to Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
  • The definition of yoga
  • 4 aspects of mind and its functions
  • Daily schedule of a yoga student
  • Principles of 5 basic elements and 10 senses

Week 2

  • Yama and Niyama
  • Asana, pranayama and pratyahara, dharana, dhyan, samadhi

Evaluation and Certification

  • Assessments will be based on written as well as practical evaluation
  • Student conduct will be a part of the assessment criterion
  • Evaluation will be carried out only for those students who have a minimum of 90% attendance.

Code of Conduct

  • Discipline is an integral part of the training program and so the course routine must be strictly observed.
  • Disrespect for rules and regulations could result in termination of studentship with no refund of fee.
  • Absenting oneself from the scheduled program without prior permission of the teacher or manager concerned would be construed as a gross breach of discipline.
  • Students must intimate in advance if they intend to forgo a meal so that there is no wastage of food.
  • Bali Yoga Retreat does not make arrangements for guests or students. Any activity that is not related to the course is not permitted.
  • Ensure you are on time for class or you will not be permitted to enter any class once it has commenced.
  • Before departure from the Bali Yoga Retreat, students must pay all dues and return all library books.
  • Smoking and alcohol are not permitted during the training.

19. Baisic Yin Yoga

  • The history and origins of the oriental practice
  • Understanding the Yin/Yang practice and its impact on the mind
  • The meridians and Nadis – connecting the deep tissues
  • Redirection of the Qi energy through the body
  • Understanding the impact on the physical sheath
  • Understanding the benefits on the subtle body
  • What happens to the connective tissues
  • An introduction to the Key Yin Asanas
  • The fundamental difference in the name and intention from a Yang Practise
  • The technique and edge within the asana
  • How to ease into the surrender of the asana through gravity

The fundamental benefits/contraindications for the top 10 Asanas

  • Butterfly
  • Caterpillar
  • Sphinx
  • Shoelace
  • Dragon
  • Puppy
  • Bridge
  • Banana
  • Savasana

20. Basic Kundalini Yoga

  • A brief insight into the ancient sacred practice
  • The challenges to the self
  • The dangers of blockages to prana
  • A brief overview of the inner energy centers
  • The Nadis
  • The 7 major energy centers – Root, Sacral, Solar, Anahata, Vishuddhi, Ajna, and Sahasrara
  • The benefits and blockages
  • An insight into Kundalini Kriya using Pranayama, asana, mudra and mantra
  • Practice of a Kundalini Kirya
  • The benefits of Kundalini practice

Daily Schedule

In line with keeping the requirements of Yoga Alliance USA, the program follows a tight schedule where almost each of the 6 to 7 training hours in the day is assigned to some aspect of yoga. You could find the training intensive but enlightening.Depending on the yoga school, the mornings can begin as early as 05:30 with meditation, then followed by some yoga postures and maybe some classes or lectures in philosophy or anatomy. Chanting and pranayama are also part of the schedule.During training, you are provided with two to three yoga meals, fruit refreshments, and green tea.Daily written homework is also the norm, as it will be how you gain in-depth knowledge of the subject. Sleeping early is also encouraged, as part of the yogic practice.

  • 05:00 Wake up
  • 05:30 to 06.30 Silent meditation
  • 06:30 to 08.00 Hatha yoga
  • 08:00 to 08:15 Shatkarma / yoga cleansing
  • 08:15 to 09:15 Pranayama / Bandha / Mudra
  • 09:15 Breakfast
  • 10:30 to 11:30 Self-study
  • 11:30 Yoga Philosophy
  • 12:30 Yoga anatomy
  • 13:30 to 14:30 Lunch
  • 15:30 to 16:30 Self-practice / practice teaching
  • 16:30 to 18:00 Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga
  • 18:30 to 19:00 Dinner
  • 19:00 to 19:30 Digestive and silent meditative walk
  • 19:45 to 11:00 Satsang / evening cultural program/self-study
  • 22:00 Lights out

Free Day

Sunday is a free day and there are excursions arranged which are part of the full program. All of these are included in your course fees.On Sundays you will only receive breakfast, and you can enjoy your lunch and dinner outside in the many beautiful cafes and restaurants.

Included excursions

On Saturdays, students can relax, practice on their own, get a massage, or do whatever they please since it’s a half-day and they’re free after lunch.
Sundays are completely free, and there are exciting excursions planned as part of the program. The best part is, all of these activities are included in your course fees. However, there may be some extra charges for certain excursions like entrance tickets or renting special dresses for temple visits. It’s important to note that the school only covers the taxi charges, so students will need to pay for these additional expenses themselves.

Retreat location

Ubud, Bali

Join us for the teacher training program in the heart of Bali, Indonesia. Immerse yourself in the peacefulness and serenity of Ubud, where the sounds of nature fuse with the sacredness of Balinese tradition, filling your heart with powerful energy. Our course takes place in a stunning and calm setting amidst Bali’s lush greenery and soothing sounds of nature.


Vegetarian meals

During your course, we will provide you with nutritious vegetarian food. You can enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily, except for Sunday lunch and dinner as it is a free day.

The Food

Bali and India are famous for their delicious cuisine. In our Yoga and Ayurveda teachings, we learn how to balance our bodies through diet. Different foods can affect our various systems and elements. Throughout this course, you will indulge in the most tasty and healthy meals. Our kitchen team, guided by the ashram, prepares food with spiritual intentions. We strictly avoid meat, eggs, and alcohol in our kitchen, and we encourage our students to do the same during the program.

Other dietary requirements

While vegetarian dishes will be the main focus throughout the program, we can also cater to other dietary requirements such as vegan, gluten-free, lactose-free, and fruit-based meals. We also offer a variety of salads.

The following meals are included:

You can enjoy the following meals during your program:
– Breakfast
– Lunch
– Dinner
– Snacks
– Drinks

Things to do (optional)

On Sundays, you get to relish your lunch and dinner at the numerous gorgeous cafes and restaurants while dining outside.

Spa treatments

You won’t find spa treatments included in this price, but you can easily book them for an additional fee.

What's included

You’ll receive a certificate of completion or become eligible to register with Yoga Alliance once you finish the course. You’ll have access to all classes, study materials, satsang, kirtan, excursions, and lifetime membership. Plus, you’ll get a discount for future courses. Daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner (excluding Sundays) will be provided, along with 19 nights of accommodation.

What's not included

On Sundays, we have lunch and dinner.
We cover medical expenses.
We provide insurance.
We offer Ayurveda consultation.
We take care of visa arrangements.
We provide Panchkarma and massages.
We supply toiletries.



Join our 20-day yoga teacher training in Bali for a luxurious experience of Hatha, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yin, and Kundalini yoga.

  • 1 person Private single room


    $ 2,799.00
  • 2 persons Private double room


    $ 3,798.00
  • 1 person Shared double room


    $ 1,999.00


Reviews (81)

  • Aleksandra Lopatko
    November 21, 2023 at 12:00 am

    I’m not sure what the agreement between World Peace Yoga school and the hotel was, but I’m certain we could’ve gotten better quality food for the money we paid. When I booked this teacher training, I thought I’d be okay with eating the same meal every day, but I was definitely wrong. We mostly had steamed or fried rice / french fries with vegetables, tofu and tempeh, and salad, twice a day. There were a few times when the salad was poorly washed or there was mold on our plates. I would have loved more nutritious ingredients like quinoa, lentils, and different kinds of nuts, even if it was only every few days. However, breakfast was good!

    Another thing that bothered me was that the teacher training I actually booked was completely different from what I experienced. The hotel’s photos and everything were completely different, but it seems like this program was never done before. The title of the training I booked had “Ayurveda” in it, so I expected a lot more discussion on this topic than the two lessons we had in the end. Nonetheless, I’m happy with what I learned and experienced! I just want to let future readers know that whatever you book might turn out to be completely different from what you expect (which could be a good life lesson anyway). 🙂 I loved learning from the teachers and deepening my knowledge about Yoga. Thank you, Ashu, for incorporating your Indian culture into your lessons, although there was a lot of storytelling that I sometimes found hard to connect with our initial discussions. But I felt it was important to hear where the roots of Yoga come from.

    The schedule was tight, but that’s what I wanted so I could fully immerse myself in the experience. The quality of the lessons was extremely high, and the teachers were dedicated to thoroughly teaching us. That was the most important thing to me! Thank you very much.??

    The hotel resort was very clean, and I loved having a spacious room all to myself. The rooftop was the best spot for meditation, and having a small gym was also nice!

    Helpful Review
  • Grace Ticehurst
    August 24, 2023 at 12:00 am

    I just finished my 200hr Kundalini YTT with World Peace Yoga School, and I can’t even begin to express how incredible it has been. The beautiful setting in Bali definitely adds to the experience, but it’s the amazing teachers who truly make it special. They share their knowledge and wisdom with so much passion, keeping us engaged and creating a safe space for all of us to heal, learn, and grow. I will forever be grateful for this life-changing experience and for the wonderful GuruJi and HariPriya.

    Helpful Review
  • Antoine Etienne Herblot
    July 3, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Il y avait des travaux dans le bâtiment qui faisaient du bruit, mais ils se sont terminés rapidement. L’équipe d’enseignement était disponible, réactive et proposait des activités annexes, ainsi qu’une initiation au Gayatri mantra.

    Helpful Review
  • Daljit Kaur
    June 5, 2023 at 12:00 am

    I loved everything about it! My 200 hour Kundalini Teacher training was absolutely amazing. Words can’t even describe how incredible this experience was. I can’t wait to go back and learn even more. The teachers were unbelievably knowledgeable, passionate, and clear in their delivery of information. Plus, the kitchen staff prepared three delicious and diverse meals every day. And the best part? I didn’t get sick at all during my time there. If I had any questions or concerns, the front of house staff were always there to help and they had a solution for everything. Everyone was just so kind, caring, respectful, and friendly.

    Helpful Review
  • Fabienne Klingenhöfer
    March 29, 2023 at 12:00 am

    The yoga hall was dirty and the temperature constantly fluctuated due to the construction of the rooftop. I caught a cold after it rained for two days. The props were extremely dirty and emitted a foul smell. The atmosphere of this school lacked positivity as it felt too commercialized and didn’t provide good energy. I couldn’t complete the course because of these issues, which left everyone in my group feeling frustrated. It was supposed to be a nice experience, but unfortunately, it fell short. However, the group itself was nice and some of the lessons were enjoyable. Additionally, the school’s location and view were quite appealing.

    Helpful Review
  • Jacek Hibner
    December 20, 2022 at 12:00 am

    World Peace Yoga school is situated in an incredible spot, right by Luxman Jula bridge. We have a team of world-class professionals as our teachers, serving amazing food that you will love, and creating an unforgettable atmosphere.

    Helpful Review
  • Hayley Varnam
    September 29, 2022 at 12:00 am

    The tutors were amazing. They had an immense knowledge base and passion for their craft. They showed compassion and respect for the students, making every class interesting. I will definitely come back for more training.

    Helpful Review
  • John Mccarthy
    June 17, 2022 at 12:00 am

    I regretted staying at the school. I would recommend paying for just the course and staying/eating elsewhere. It would have made my experience better and I would have saved money staying elsewhere and eating out every meal. I mostly ate out because most of the students before I arrived got very ill from the food and water. The food wasn’t too balanced, it tasted good but wasn’t the most nutritious in my opinion. It mainly consisted of carbs and oil. The accommodation was basic, and the bed was even harder than my wood bed during Vipassana, haha! If I had stayed at a hostel, I would have had a cleaner space, no 10:30pm curfew, a comfy bed, and probably fewer night terrors, lol… The teachers here are all amazing. I had Dr. Lata Ji, Sunil Ji, Kanna Ji, Dr. Himanshu Ji, Naveen Ji, and a special shoutout to Siddha Ji. Every teacher I had was extremely knowledgeable about their topic and explained things in a way that really opened my mind. Every day, I felt privileged to be taught by such highly educated and intelligent individuals.

    Helpful Review
  • Nicole Falla
    May 31, 2022 at 12:00 am

    There are no tools to clean. You can’t mop or wash the sink in the room.
    The food was decent for the first two weeks, but then they started giving us the same things every day and I ended up eating out every day instead. I thought I was coming here to get in better shape, but I actually gained weight :/ I really liked the group of people who came to get certified with me. We all got along really well. It was a lot of fun and busy all day.

    I especially loved the ashtanga class with Ashu and the adjustment and alignment class with Himanshu. They were my favorites. I also really enjoyed the Philosophy class 🙂

    Helpful Review
  • Verena Roedl
    January 26, 2021 at 12:00 am

    I highly recommend this course to everyone, not just those who want to become teachers or get additional certifications. If you’re searching for happiness, like we all do to some extent, you’ll find it within yourself through the guidance of the masters in this course! They bring Rishikesh straight to your home, making the distance disappear. I felt so much love from all the masters and the energy of the team behind the scenes who organized everything beautifully. The course program is perfectly designed to fit into your daily life, extending far beyond just this month. The video quality is outstanding, and the live sessions immerse you deeply into the Himalayan traditions, surpassing even your wildest dreams!

    Helpful Review
  • Karen Nally
    November 9, 2020 at 12:00 am

    We actually didn’t practice teaching on each other, but Ashu was a great teacher! I felt that this course was beneficial for me, as I’m already a teacher, to deepen my knowledge and review key points.

    Helpful Review
  • Tania Browning
    November 9, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I can’t believe it! I just finished my Kundalini YTT200hr online, and it has totally changed my life. I am beyond grateful and humbled by this experience. I’ve learned endless amounts and connected with incredible people from all over the globe. The teachers were absolutely amazing and I gained so much knowledge. The course content was thorough and authentic. Learning online was a breeze and so enjoyable. Props to the incredible team at World Peace Yoga School. Thank you all! Namaste, Tania Browning – Bhavani Devi.

    Helpful Review
  • Bonnie Grace Gilday-kennedy
    November 9, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I had such a wonderful experience with everything in this training! The instruction for the physical part of the class, the asanas, was absolutely sensational. Ashu really impressed me with her extensive knowledge about the physical aspects of yoga.

    The Yoga Philosophy class was excellent as well. Vishnu Panigahi had immense knowledge on the subject and his ability to share his wisdom was filled with so much love and compassion. I still remember his words, and I can’t express how amazing he was.

    I honestly can’t say enough wonderful things about him. This whole training has completely transformed my life!

    Helpful Review
  • Jennifer Roy
    October 19, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I struggled to use WhatsApp because my phone didn’t have enough storage. However, the communication and the app itself were wonderful, and I gained so much from the training. This training was absolutely amazing! It included beautiful philosophy, mantra practicing, chanting, and a nice yoga tantra practice. The teachers were knowledgeable and genuinely caring. Guru Vishnu, in particular, has a heart of gold and radiates peace. He is incredibly generous with his time, knowledge, resources, and heart. He is truly a blessing, and this 3-day training opened up my life in ways I never imagined and only dreamed of. I highly recommend any training with Guru Vishnu. You won’t regret it, and your heart and practice will flourish.

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  • Wafaa Salha
    October 10, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Taking a course with them is one of the best yoga experiences I’ve had. The teachers are excellent, friendly, and always ready to help. They provide incredible support. I’m even planning to take another course with them.

    Helpful Review
  • Miwa Arai
    September 26, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I want to express my sincere gratitude to the teachers who introduced me to the world of Indian philosophy through yoga. Guru Vishnu ji, the founder of this school, teaches us with genuine passion. His energy, warm heart, and incredible wisdom have inspired me and motivated me to delve deeper into this practice.

    This school has always been quick to respond, making me feel their sincerity and welcoming attitude right from my first inquiry for information.

    I had been waiting for a chance to go to Rishikesh for a TTC (Teacher Training Course) for a long time, but it was a complicated process to arrange. I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to do it online this time.

    I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, with the utmost respect.

    Helpful Review
  • Steffi Feierabend
    September 26, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I can’t express enough how amazing this experience has been! Get ready to receive a ton of knowledge, understanding, compassion, and support from everyone involved, whether they’re in the spotlight or working behind the scenes. No matter what issues or uncertainties our group faced, there was always room for help and understanding to the best of their abilities. I’m incredibly grateful for this incredible experience!

    Helpful Review
  • Christina Armbruckner
    August 2, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I didn’t receive the certificate despite asking multiple times (5 times). It’s really annoying, can’t believe the exercises and schedule.

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  • Ashu Mishra
    July 6, 2020 at 12:00 am

    You guys did a great job managing everything, the only issue was that it was hard to find any problems. Thank you to the entire team for providing such an amazing life-changing program. I will always stay connected with you.

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  • Jhanvi Gehlot
    June 29, 2020 at 12:00 am

    This course is excellent ?

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  • Pal Gehlot
    June 23, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I highly recommend this course! It’s definitely worth the money. I had a great experience and loved the teaching methods used by the very knowledgeable teachers.

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  • Rachel Christensen
    June 22, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Sometimes, the internet connection wasn’t amazing, but they always made up for it by giving us extra videos or classes to catch up on. The teachers and the freedom to catch up on our own schedule always came through for us. I absolutely adore the extensive knowledge and wisdom that I gain from learning about the ancient traditional practices of yoga.

    Helpful Review
  • Raghav Tomar
    June 22, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The teachers gave us an amazing, life-changing experience that I can’t even put into words. The course’s content was so beautiful and thorough, exceeding all my expectations. I really want to learn more from these incredible teachers. Thank you, World Peace Yoga School, for providing such incredible experiences.

    Helpful Review
  • Linda Colby
    June 18, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I absolutely loved the Tantra yoga sessions and the intro was fantastic!

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  • Hari Sharma
    June 18, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I had been looking for a school that could give me what I’ve been searching for, and guess what? I found it! World Peace Yoga school is absolutely amazing. I was blown away by their 3-day program. It surpassed all my expectations. They taught me incredible things about Tantra that I consider a true blessing. I absolutely loved those 3 days, and I’m definitely continuing my journey with them. Seriously, if anyone is looking to gain knowledge, I highly recommend this school. It’s simply fantastic!

    Helpful Review
  • Karina Gonzalez
    June 18, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I really loved how they explained things and spoke during the unique experience – it had such a beautiful energy! I was able to connect so well with the teachings. And you know what? I’m super excited now because I can actually apply this knowledge in my own life, with a ton of enthusiasm!

    Helpful Review
  • Ashwin Haripersad
    June 18, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I took this course with the expectations of my previous course, but let me tell you, this one really surprised me. It’s on a whole different level. The teachers are right there in front of us, just like in a classroom. They address any questions or confusion right away, just like in a real classroom setting. And wow, the teachers are so knowledgeable and professional. The main focus of the instruction is to make the experience fun while also encouraging skills like focus, confidence, and mind/body awareness. They really produce competent teachers who are healthy in mind, body, and spirit. The course materials are well-researched, well-balanced, and easy to understand. I know I’ll leave this course feeling prepared to handle any challenges life throws at me. I absolutely loved being a part of this online course, especially since it was their first one. I’m so impressed that my wife and I plan on going to their location and meeting Guruji and the other teachers once Covid-19 is over. I’ve already registered for a Tantra course and plan to take more courses after that. I truly feel like I’ve started a lifelong journey. The course was presented with such professionalism, clarity, and attention to detail. I truly believe this is a new beginning for World Peace Yoga School, and I hope God blesses this school. The course had no negatives at all.

    Helpful Review
  • Thimela Garcia
    June 17, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I absolutely loved everything about this course and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in exploring Tantra yoga. The teachers were absolutely lovely and incredibly knowledgeable. I left the course with a much better understanding of this amazing practice. I thoroughly enjoyed both the lectures and the physical practice. It was such a wonderful experience that now I’m seriously considering joining the full tantra teacher training course. I really loved it! Thank you so much. Mel

    Helpful Review
  • Kirsty Leigh Wallace
    June 17, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I completed my 200hr kundalini online with this school last month and it was fantastic! So, I knew the tantra course would be amazing too. And I wasn’t disappointed! The full weekend was wonderful from start to finish. Yogi Vishnu’s daily lectures were filled with so much information. Plus, he made jokes with us and answered all our questions. And let me tell you, our Tantra practices with Flavia Radha were mind-blowing! They completely transformed me. I feel lighter and more connected now. I enjoyed the practices so much that I’m thrilled they sent us recordings of the classes. Now we can practice again whenever we want. Seriously, I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn more about beautiful Tantra.

    Helpful Review
  • Angiola Maria Massolo
    June 17, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The online tantra yoga retreat was amazing! The lessons and practices exceeded my expectations. I truly feel connected with all of you. Vishnu and Radha, thank you for sharing your energy and knowledge with me.

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  • Valentina Austini
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The audio wasn’t always very good, but I really liked the kindness of the teacher and the participants. The second day was especially special to me.

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  • Alessandra Angelini
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I really like the connection between theory and practice.

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  • Andriani Doulgeraki
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    We were full of energy for three days straight. The whole course had such an incredible sense of holiness; it felt truly sacred. I am so glad I could attend and now I can’t wait for the next course! I am filled with so much love. Thank you Yogi Vishnu and Radha for this amazing journey. You really opened my heart.

    Helpful Review
  • Mohit Singh
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Hey, guess what? Vishnu Panigrahi, my teacher, has been absolutely incredible in helping me understand Tantra on a deeper level. He shared his divine knowledge of yoga, which was an absolute treasure. I really hope that anyone who comes across him can also have the chance to experience what I have. So amazing!

    Helpful Review
  • Addision Smith
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    If you’re thinking of learning yoga, deepening your practice, and growing as a person, this is the place for you! The course was intense, but it helped me grow so much. I want to give a big thanks to everyone at world peace yoga school for sharing their beautiful culture and creating an amazing atmosphere. The teachers are incredible, especially Vishnu Guruji. He’s a fantastic yogi who teaches with great knowledge and passion. He motivates us and covers important topics related to yoga. I really miss this course; it was such an incredible experience. I highly recommend this school.

    Helpful Review
  • Deepak Nautiyal
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I’m really happy that I chose this course because I’ve discovered so many fascinating and mind-blowing things about Tantra and Kundalini. Guru Vishnu ji is truly amazing – his words, knowledge, and teaching style are just incredible. Plus, I’ve found a new family here. I’ll be starting a kundalini YTTC soon. Lots of love to all you guys – you’re all doing an amazing job here.

    Hey, if you’re searching for an authentic and affordable course, then come join world peace yoga school. Trust me, it’s worth every penny.

    Helpful Review
  • Sachin Palan
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Hey there, Namaste World Peace Yoga Family! I just had the most incredible time with you guys. Seriously, this course was absolutely amazing, but the cherry on top was definitely our awesome teacher, Vishnu. This guy is just overflowing with positive vibes, and I can’t even put into words how much he’s impacted my life. I was going through some really tough stuff before this course, and the value Vishnu and this beautiful program brought me is beyond words. Listen, if you’re a student searching for a course, I highly recommend World Peace Yoga School. Trust me, it’s all about the quality and experience of the teachers in the end. I’m so grateful for this opportunity. Thanks a million!

    Helpful Review
  • David Sed
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I completed my yoga teacher training course at World Peace Yoga School and absolutely loved it! The teachers are incredibly qualified and inspiring. I highly recommend World Peace Yoga School for anyone interested in a yoga teacher training course.

    Helpful Review
  • Karolina Fomiciova
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The course was very well organised, and I absolutely loved the dynamic, organization, and energy of it. I’m actually just a beginner on the path of tantra, but after taking this course, I feel like I’m on the right track and now have even more interest in diving deeper into this path. A huge thank you to the amazing teachers for everything.

    Helpful Review
  • Randhir Singh
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    We had to wait a little longer than expected to receive the recordings, but it wasn’t a big deal. The facilitators communicated excellently. This retreat is incredible for its value, as the instructors truly understand the philosophy behind the practice. Their English is excellent and easy to understand. Being able to use WhatsApp to connect with the class and instructors outside of the zoom meetings was a huge plus for this online program. Regardless of the time zones and distance between us, it became irrelevant.

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  • Giorgia Mariani
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Even through Zoom, Tantra Yoga maintains its energetic vibe with some truly dynamic Asanas.

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  • Claudia Altonen
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The time was a bit challenging (I had to wake up at 1:30 a.m.,) but if you couldn’t attend the class, they provided the recording right away. So, essentially, you can still participate in this and go about your other daily activities. Wow, wow, wow… Thank you, thanks, thank you! I feel so grateful, loved, and filled with powerful feminine energy. I didn’t know what to expect, but it was even better than I imagined. I loved the chanting and the movement! It was all about connecting and letting go. Guru Ji’s words are so inspiring, and Yogini Radha is absolutely mesmerizing. I truly felt like I was in the presence of divine goddesses. It was empowering and beautiful! One of the best parts of the class was being able to create this tantra energy together with people from all over the world. I appreciate World Peace Yoga School for making this incredible class available online during these challenging times. It has allowed me to embrace the passion and power of yoga right now, when I wasn’t sure when I’d be able to travel to India. I will be forever grateful! Namaste 😀

    Helpful Review
  • Elizabeth Rego
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I’ve been experiencing some normal difficulties connecting to Zoom from all over the world. But just like my experiences with World Peace Yoga School, I’ve found the teachings to be incredibly special and beautiful. You won’t find this kind of stuff in any book or YouTube video. I’m truly grateful for everything I’ve learned!

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  • Arturo Madariaga
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I’m currently taking my second course with World Peace Yoga, and I’m absolutely blown away by everything I’ve been learning. They’ve really challenged and inspired me in ways that I can’t get enough of. I’m already planning on enrolling in another course with them because their knowledge and explanations are so clear and insightful. Honestly, the experience I’ve had with World Peace Yoga has been truly life-changing, and words can’t even express how grateful I am.

    Helpful Review
  • Yuki ..
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I was incredibly impressed by the amazing and passionate teachers who gave us a fantastic Tantra Yoga course. I’m truly satisfied with the beautiful experience I’ve never had before. Namaste!

    Helpful Review
  • Gopal Chandra
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I recently finished an online yoga course from World Peace Yoga School, and let me tell you, the teachers there are incredibly knowledgeable and humble. They have so much wisdom when it comes to yoga and life. I really enjoyed learning from Guru Vishnu ji, who guided us on how to live a healthy life and practice meditation. Even though I couldn’t be with them in person, I could still feel their positive vibes. I highly recommend this school to anyone who wants to take their yoga practices to the next level.

    Helpful Review
  • Sarah Power
    June 15, 2020 at 12:00 am

    We had to be patient with the temperamental Internet in India, but it was never a problem because we always managed to fix it, although it was challenging.

    I want to mention that this review covers accommodation and food, even though the course itself was online. Let me tell you, the course was absolutely fantastic! It was divided into two parts: theory and practical. And you know what? I enjoyed both of them!

    Now, I have to admit that the theory part can be a bit difficult to understand, so I suggest having some prior knowledge of Hindu gods and goddesses.

    But let me tell you, the practical classes were mind-blowing! Every single day, I felt totally refreshed, rejuvenated, and filled with love. The teachers delivered these classes with such confidence and deep knowledge. They were truly inspiring, and the fact that they could have such an impact even through a screen speaks volumes about the school and the course itself.

    I would definitely recommend this to my friend, and I encourage everyone to approach it with an open mind. I learned so much that I can apply to my own practice and teaching.

    By the way, it was really lovely to connect with people from all over the world during this experience. It added an extra special touch to the whole thing.

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  • Flavia Romana Pinto
    June 15, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The teachers managed to transmit an incredible amount of energy that everyone could feel.

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  • Mark Denny
    June 15, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Get ready to experience the clearing of your blocked chakras, the enhancement of your sensuality, the freedom of your emotions, and a true relationship with your core power.

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  • Priscilla Smets
    June 15, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Everything was perfect, but I should mention one thing to improve: the internet connection in India is not optimal. It caused some minor issues during the online course for one day, but it was out of anyone’s control. However, World Peace Yoga School was prepared for this and found solutions. As a bonus, we received recordings of all the classes! So now I can do my Tantra Yoga practices again and again! I highly recommend taking an online course from the comfort of your own home.

    Originally, I was supposed to travel to India for the 200-hour yoga teacher training course, but due to the Corona virus, I had to postpone it, hopefully to next year. Instead, I attended a 3-day online course in Tantra Yoga. It’s amazing to see how World Peace Yoga School can provide such high-quality education online! The teachers are incredibly knowledgeable, and their energy is so beautiful. This course was beyond words; it was an incredible experience! I recommend this professional school with a family/community feeling to everyone! I can’t wait to go there in person for a full course when I can. This online course made me realize that I made the right choice in selecting this school for my future 200-hour course. Additionally, Tantra Yoga is a beautiful part of yoga that I highly recommend. The divine energy we experienced through our practices was overwhelmingly beautiful! I have nothing but love and respect for this school, the teachers, and my fellow students! Namaste!

    Helpful Review
  • Martin Slattery
    June 15, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I loved it! Vishnu really knows how to give a great overview of the symbolism of Tantra. He believes that not understanding the symbolism leads to misunderstandings, and the ultimate goal is union, just like any great teaching. He takes his knowledge seriously, but he’s also really good at understanding his students, even in an online setting.

    Radha’s Tantra flow class is absolutely beautiful. She takes everyone on a journey deep into the vibrations of Tantric practices.

    I’m currently doing the 200 hour teacher training and it’s giving me such a deep understanding of Tantra and Yoga. World Peace Yoga has an amazing team. Once you join the family, they’ll transform you!

    Helpful Review
  • Ashwin Haripersad
    June 4, 2020 at 12:00 am

    There was nothing worth mentioning. I took this course after completing a previous one and had certain expectations, but let me tell you, this course completely surprised me. It’s on a whole different level. It feels like being in an actual classroom, with the teachers right in front of us. Any queries or confusion are addressed immediately, just like in a regular classroom. And let me not forget to mention how knowledgeable and professional the teachers are. They make sure that the instruction is not only educational but also enjoyable, focusing on skills like concentration, confidence, and mind-body awareness. This helps create competent teachers who are healthy in every aspect. The course provides well-researched and easy-to-understand material.

    I am confident that I will leave this course fully prepared to tackle any challenges that come my way. Being part of this online course has been a pleasure, especially since it’s their first one. I am so impressed that once Covid-19 is over, my wife and I plan to attend a course in person and meet Guruji and the other teachers. I have already registered for a Tantra course and plan to continue my journey with more courses. It feels like the start of a lifelong adventure.

    The course was presented in such a professional and detailed manner that I truly believe this is a new beginning for World Peace Yoga School. May God bless this school.

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  • Caroline De Mendonca
    March 7, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The School’s structure was old and poorly maintained, causing issues for both the teachers and the staff.

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  • Avtar Adi Kaur
    March 2, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Everything is gone, done, and said, so why should I dwell in the past? I’d like to thank the beauty of nature, flowers, birds, and butterflies.

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  • Maria Hansen
    January 28, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The facilities at this place are absolutely horrible. The walls are covered in mold, cleanliness is completely neglected, and the food options consist solely of carbs. The kitchen is disgustingly dirty. In our class of four people, three of us actually lived on the school premises, and we all ended up getting very sick. It’s ridiculous that there is no hot water available in the female dorm and we experience water outages at least once a day. The staff is incredibly impolite and they spend all their time sitting on their phones. Even the owner himself is always on his phone during kirtan. We went to this school with the intention of obtaining a 300-hour certification, but we were completely let down. We barely received half of the required hours and yet we were given certificates. This school is nothing more than a scam and should not be allowed to provide any certifications. They certainly do not meet the requirements set by Yoga Alliance. Fortunately, BookYogaRetreats helped us in our effort to get a refund. We were only able to secure a very small refund from the school and BookYogaRetreats refunded their commission. I strongly advise against choosing this place for your yoga retreat or training. However, I must mention that the location is very convenient and provides easy access to everything. The classes on anatomy, hatha, and alignment were actually good, with teachers who possessed solid knowledge in these areas.

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  • Julieta Mariel Rodriguez
    July 27, 2019 at 12:00 am

    The heat during the summer, especially when there were power cuts, gave me a hard time sometimes. But I understand that the school has no control over that. I can’t find enough words to express how happy and grateful I am for choosing this school. From the very beginning, everyone made sure that the school felt like home to us, even though we were far away from home. I truly appreciate their efforts. The training syllabus is exceptional and all the subjects are extremely interesting and relevant for anyone who wants to delve deeper into the ancient knowledge of Yoga after the 200hr training. This wouldn’t be possible without the amazing, professional, and inspirational teachers and founder. You can see how Yoga is a part of their daily lives. The staff, both at reception and in the kitchen, are friendly and always ready to help with a smile on their faces. The atmosphere and energy of the place are really nice, it feels light and bright, and there is a beautiful garden area and a big balcony with a view of the mountains. The classrooms are clean and fully equipped. I want to thank each and every one of you for making this transformational experience in my life so unique. Thanks to all of you, I now feel like I have a home in Rishikesh. If I ever decide to take another yoga training, this will definitely be the place. If you’re looking for a truthful, enriching, and transformational yoga experience, this is the place to be!

    -Julieta from Argentina (although this website is showing Thailand for some reason)

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  • Anna-magdalena Flachsenberg
    July 9, 2019 at 12:00 am

    Unfortunately, the yoga classes were in Lithuanian due to a last-minute teacher change, even though they were announced in English. But thanks to a very capable translator and the dedication of the yoga teacher, it was handled well! Overall, it was a wonderful stay in Lithuania. The accommodation was fine. On the other hand, the food was fantastic – fresh, vegan meals every day. The sessions we had with Vishnu Pranighari were incredibly valuable. The yoga instruction, given by a Lithuanian yoga teacher, has greatly enriched my yoga practice.

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  • Sylvie Aaptel
    January 26, 2019 at 12:00 am

    The anatomy courses need to delve deeper and be more professional, especially for gaining knowledge about muscles! You excel in teaching yoga and have a great understanding of postures. All the yoga teachers here are exceptional. Our entire team works hard to provide the best teaching experience. We appreciate your humility, joy, and willingness to share and teach. Namasté ??

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  • Elizabeth Sebastiao
    December 31, 2018 at 12:00 am

    I wasn’t really disappointed by anything. I already knew the ashram wasn’t going to be a fancy 5-star hotel, but it had everything I needed. When I went in December, it was a bit colder than expected, but I was fine with extra blankets. The hot water for showers didn’t last too long, but that’s not a problem since cold water in the mornings really helped wake me up! The 200 hour Kundalini yoga teacher training exceeded all my expectations. The staff and teachers were amazing – so knowledgeable and friendly. They truly felt like family. Even though it was a rigorous course with early mornings and late nights, I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in the spiritual side of yoga. We had plenty of group practices for meditation, asanas, and more. And we also had enough free time to explore the town and have some fun!

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  • Annie Fortier
    December 11, 2018 at 12:00 am

    Despite having multiple conversations about my expectations as a beginner wanting to have a group experience, I ended up being alone. There was no program as advertised, just drop-in classes. The staff is really kind and attentive.

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  • Jessica Cattelan
    December 5, 2018 at 12:00 am

    We only spent 10 minutes on teaching methodology, which honestly surprised me. I was expecting to spend more time on important aspects such as building a sequence, correct postures, and what to do at the start and end of practice. I think it would be better to start focusing on these aspects from the second week and ask students to do their practices for 30 minutes every day, with constructive feedback provided. After all, I enrolled in this course to become a teacher and not just to practice yoga every day.

    Speaking of feedback, as a student, I would appreciate more constructive feedback from the teachers rather than just hearing “very good.” I want to know about my progress and where I went wrong. Throughout the course, we asked for constructive feedback several times, but we always received the same response of “very good.”

    Now let’s talk about the food. As a yogi, I expected plain or at least not highly spiced food. However, the food we had for lunch and dinner was always the same, with the only difference being the addition of chapati during dinner. The food was heavy and contained a lot of black peppers. I even requested bland food, but for a month, all I got to eat was boiled carrots and potatoes. As a yogi, I believe food should nourish not only the body but also the mind and soul.

    In my opinion, the manual should include adjustments for each pose. The anatomy section should provide general information about each system, but the explanation of muscles is not sufficient. It should also include guidance on poses that can be done based on specific diseases or muscle imbalances, such as a herniated disk.

    Despite these issues, this experience allowed me to delve deeper into myself and change my perspective on life and the world. I learned various breathing techniques that have improved my daily life. I also acquired new skills and knowledge that I am excited to share with others. Additionally, I appreciated the opportunity to live with people from different countries and learn how to share common spaces. It was a wonderful experience because I was able to be myself without any pressure to change or become someone else. I am truly grateful for all the time and knowledge that each teacher shared with us.

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  • Anne Kathrine Pedersen
    October 31, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The course has ended and it was great! Just a heads up, the accommodation isn’t the best, but the view from the room makes up for it. The food is absolutely amazing and cooked with lots of love. It can get a bit repetitive, but it’s still really good. The teachers were awesome! Each and every one of them was so inspiring and knowledgeable, and they genuinely seemed interested in our learning. The subjects we learned were really interesting and taught very well. The environment is perfect for introspection and sharing your spiritual journey with like-minded people. Rishikesh, the city, is gorgeous and so are the people there. Make sure to stay a few extra days after the course to experience it. I highly recommend it!

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  • Cyril Besanger
    October 6, 2018 at 12:00 am

    Yoga practitioners, with such open-hearted energy, share their knowledge and practice. ♡☆

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  • Aiza Diamante
    September 24, 2018 at 12:00 am

    During monsoon time, it was raining constantly. Some of the rooms got a bit moldy due to lack of proper ventilation, but not all of them. However, it didn’t really affect our overall experience. We just embraced it and accepted it as part of the experience. It actually allowed us to explore new thoughts and questions within ourselves, leading to a wonderful inner journey.

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  • Mathilde Nadeau
    August 3, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The overall program was very intensive. Some of the teachers were not good, but most of the classes were great. The location, food, and accommodation were all good. In summary, it met my expectations and I would recommend it.

    Helpful Review
  • Megumi Mashimo
    July 29, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The accommodation was incredibly dirty and noisy. I couldn’t sleep well because of the noise from motorbikes and animal’s footsteps. Our teacher appeared very young. He was a really nice guy, but as a yoga teacher, he lacked professionalism. I met some really lovely people there. They come from all over the country. Engaging in yoga classes, going on excursions, and sharing meals together was such an amazing experience. Without them, this retreat would have been a complete disaster.

    Helpful Review
  • Sophie Loughe
    July 23, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The course timetable and what’s included in it, the location, and accommodation were falsely advertised. We had fewer teaching hours than we expected and they didn’t cover any teaching methodology. This made everyone feel disappointed and tense, which definitely did not create a yogic vibe. I would not recommend this course as it felt more like a Yin intensive rather than a proper teacher training. However, the location, accommodation, and food were good, and some of the staff were very knowledgeable. They listened to our complaints and made attempts to make adjustments.

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  • Tiffany L
    June 6, 2018 at 12:00 am

    I absolutely loved everything about it! Even though the living conditions were a bit humbling compared to what I’m used to, it’s all part of the experience. I felt safe the entire time. Some students complained about the food, but you can’t please everyone. Personally, I had no complaints. Plus, there’s always the option of going to a local cafe or restaurant for a whole meal that costs less than $4 USD on average.

    I can’t fully express how wonderful and fulfilling my experience was taking the 200hr yoga certification course at World Peace Yoga School in Rishikesh. From the moment I arrived at the school, I felt at home. The owner, Guru Vishnu, welcomed us at the entrance, and a volunteer assisted us with our luggage and showed us to our rooms. Everyone there is incredibly kind and becomes a friend. My yoga belief and knowledge have deepened significantly.

    Honestly, I had some concerns about taking the yoga course in Rishikesh instead of doing it weekly in NYC. But I was blown away and extremely grateful for completing my certification here. The teachers are truly the best and have an immense amount of knowledge. The classes start at 6 am and go until 7 pm, six days a week, so you’re both physically and mentally challenged. But it’s all worth it in the end.

    I can go on and on about all the amazing people and experiences at World Peace Yoga School, but there’s not enough space here, haha. I’m really excited about completing my 300hr course here, hopefully within the next year or two. I can’t wait to apply everything I’ve learned back home. 🙂

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  • Lucie Hébert
    April 28, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The food here at school is redundant. Sometimes it’s too spicy for me, but the breakfasts are great! The teaching quality and the nearby Ganges river and inviting cafes are truly amazing. The closeness of the locals in Rishikesh and the energy of this beautiful place.

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  • Beth Nott
    April 24, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The classes were awesome, but they were a bit disorganised. They kept changing the class times, and I would’ve preferred to have the same teacher all the way through. The atmosphere was really friendly though.

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  • Dafne Godolphin
    April 4, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The food had too many carbs for me. I wish I could have vegetables in the morning. But hey, if you need a special meal, you can ask for it and they’ll take care of you. I found out a bit later that it’s actually possible. This city is absolutely incredible!
    The school is stunning and has such a lively atmosphere that it instantly feels like home. They provide everything you could possibly need there. All you have to bring is your mat and get ready to have an amazing and unforgettable experience!

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  • Ilana Mann
    April 1, 2018 at 12:00 am

    I used to think an hour of pranayama every day was too much, but that’s just my personal preference. Many others actually enjoy it. I really enjoyed the yoga classes. It’s so nice to have a planned excursion every day.

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  • Samantha D'avino
    March 29, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The teachers’ knowledge is outstanding! They give you an abundance of information in such a short time. Isn’t that impressive?

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  • Magnus Arni Skjold Magnusson
    March 18, 2018 at 12:00 am

    I went on this retreat to unwind after a tough mission in a war zone and celebrate my birthday. The staff and instructors at the Samadhi Ashram made sure it became an unforgettable experience for me. And it really was! The location is absolutely stunning, like something out of a fairy tale. Bathing in the Ganges at sunrise and meditating on the balcony at sunset were simply magical moments. Oh, and let’s not forget about the fantastic food! I’m truly grateful for this amazing journey. Namaste!

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  • Janna Tiete
    March 15, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The Retreat took place in a place that was under construction, but it will soon become a beautiful spot with a large dining area, comfortable rooms, and a bright yoga space on the roof. They were also in the process of adding facilities for massages and more.

    During my 6-day Yoga Retreat, everyone was so helpful, friendly, and genuinely wanted the best for us. They truly cared about their students. They made sure we got to experience everything we wanted and even took us on some unexpected adventures.

    The day was filled with a holistic program, including different yoga classes like Hatha, Pranayam, Ashtanga Vinyasa, and Meditation. We also had a daily excursion.

    It felt like having a small family surrounding me during this retreat.

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  • Charni Naidu
    March 7, 2018 at 12:00 am

    We knew the bedding wouldn’t be 5-star since we opted to stay in an ashram. But that wasn’t a problem at all! We simply asked for more blankets.

    Oh, there’s just not enough time in Rishikesh! Our schedule was so packed it made it difficult to see all the sights. And the classes were absolutely amazing, we didn’t want to miss a single one. I highly suggest adding a couple more days to your trip to fit everything in! The people, the town, and the endless activities were all incredible. To top it off, we were blown away to arrive during both the international yoga festival and Holi festival. It was an absolutely magical experience!

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  • Ella Amato
    March 6, 2018 at 12:00 am

    There’s some mold in my room that needs to be fixed. The teachers are absolutely amazing! They’re so knowledgeable and passionate about what they teach, I promise you won’t get bored in their classes. The school staff is super kind and always there to help you whenever you need it. It feels like being part of a second family and by the end, you’ll be so sad to leave and go back home.

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  • Lucy Roberts
    March 3, 2018 at 12:00 am

    Now, let me tell you about the whole experience from start to finish. Everyone was incredibly helpful, from the teachers being so knowledgeable to the delicious food and comfortable accommodation.

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  • Erika Zepezauer
    March 1, 2018 at 12:00 am

    During the retreat, we encountered a little hiccup with our accommodation and had to switch locations for some of the sessions. Luckily, Rajiv, our yoga, Pranayama, and meditation teacher, handled it all very well. He gave us a quick overview of each technique and helped us practice extensively in both the mornings and afternoons.

    The day excursions were an added bonus as we got to sneak a peek at the breathtaking beauty of the Himalayas, the Ganges, and other spiritual sites.

    I’d like to give a special shout-out to Vishnu Ji, the founder and guru of the world peace yoga school. His incredible spiritual energy and warm heart can be felt throughout the place and in everything he does. Thank you, Vishnu Ji! Om!

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  • Breanne Warkenton
    February 16, 2018 at 12:00 am

    I expected to have different teachers, but it turned out we had the same ones. We had actually planned to stay at the tapovan resort, but they took us somewhere else. The accommodations were just okay, considering how much we paid. Communicating with the staff was a real challenge because they didn’t speak English. It felt like they were laughing and talking about us behind our backs. It was pretty weird having to wake up the staff at 7:30 in the morning. They were actually sleeping on the floor of the dining room, which was quite unusual. The person who took us to the Beatles Ashram was nice, but she had no idea where she was going and didn’t even know who the Beatles were, haha! Most of the time, we ended up doing our own thing. To be honest, I wouldn’t come back here again. Everything was so disorganized and frustrating. On a positive note, the yoga teacher was actually pretty good. He was nice and did a good job.

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  • Ana Salinas
    February 15, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The food wasn’t fresh or detox, and they didn’t serve any juices or tea. Nobody cleaned our room at any time.
    One of the yoga rooms had a monkey pee, but they still held the class there. There wasn’t enough material.
    The trips were disorganized.
    We had to ask multiple times for our massage, and it only lasted 30 minutes. The rooms were dirty.
    The classes in the retreat package had overlapping content and were too basic.
    The kitchen staff was really friendly.

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