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Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Indonesia

Our experienced and highly trained instructors, who have studied Kundalini yoga in its birthplace in India, will lead you through this 300-hour course. It’s designed to unlock your full potential as a Kundalini yoga teacher. Throughout the program, you’ll delve deeper into the principles of pranayama, asana, meditation, mantra, and yogic philosophy. Plus, you’ll gain a better understanding of the chakras and subtle body.



Students who complete the training are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®).

RYT-300 certification and Yoga Alliance

The benchmark for qualified yoga instructors is certification from Yoga Alliance. World Peace Yoga School's 300-hour Kundalini yoga teacher training program is approved by Yoga Alliance. Therefore, graduates are qualified to sign up with Yoga Alliance as a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) at the 300-hour level after completing the course.Potential employers and students may be certain that this school's graduates have met the high criteria for knowledge, abilities, and teaching competency defined by Yoga Alliance thanks to this certification.Graduates of the program also obtain the Yoga Alliance certification aside from the RYT 300 certificate, which denotes the completion of a thorough Kundalini yoga training course. For people who want to develop their own practice or start a profession as a yoga teacher, this certificate is an invaluable certification. The fact that studios, gyms, and other yoga organizations throughout the world accept the RYT 300 certificate speaks volumes about how dedicated and committed the alumni are to practicing and passing on the principles of Kundalini yoga.

300-hour Kundalini yoga teacher training

Are you ready to take your practice and understanding of Kundalini yoga to the next level? This 300-Hour Kundalini yoga teacher training course in Bali is the perfect opportunity to deepen your knowledge and skills while enjoying the stunning surroundings of this beautiful island.The training is structured to provide a comprehensive and immersive experience, with plenty of opportunities to practice teaching, receive feedback, and refine your teaching style. Whether you are looking to teach Kundalini yoga professionally or simply deepen your practice, the experienced instructors will guide you every step of the way.In addition to the curriculum, you can participate in a range of workshops and activities to enhance your experience in Bali. You will have the opportunity to attend workshops on topics such as the business of yoga, anatomy, and teaching special populations. You can also participate in group activities such as ecstatic dance, sound healing, and kirtan. Plus, you can explore Bali's beautiful beaches, temples, and cultural sites during your free time.To be eligible for this 300-hour course, you must have already completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training program. Upon completion of the program, you will be a certified Kundalini yoga teacher recognized by the Yoga Alliance.If you are ready to take your practice and teaching skills to the next level, join now for a 300-Hour Kundalini yoga teacher training course in Bali. This is a life-changing opportunity to deepen your practice, gain valuable teaching skills, and experience the beauty of Bali. World Peace Yoga School is looking forward to welcoming you!

Kundalini yoga traditions followed at World Peace Yoga School

Kundalini yoga is a powerful practice that focuses on the awakening of the dormant energy that lies at the base of the spine, known as Kundalini energy. The process of Kundalini awakening involves the movement of this energy up through the central channel of the body, activating and balancing the chakras along the way.Yoga can be a powerful tool in supporting the process of Kundalini awakening and chakra activation. By practicing regularly, you can build strength, flexibility, and endurance in the body, which can help to prepare you for the energy shifts that can occur during Kundalini awakening. In addition, yoga can help to calm and focus the mind, which is essential for navigating the sometimes intense experiences that can arise during this process.If you are interested in exploring the transformative power of Kundalini yoga and chakra activation, consider enrolling in this 300-hour Kundalini yoga teacher training course in Bali. The experienced instructors will guide you through a comprehensive curriculum that includes both the theory and practice of Kundalini yoga, helping you to deepen your understanding and practice of this powerful tradition.This practice helps to expand our aura and energy field, and students are encourage to wear white during group activities and practice teaching sessions. Sadhana is a daily practice that includes chanting, meditation, and yoga to raise consciousness and connect with the divine. They also offer training for those who wish to participate, providing a powerful tool for personal growth and spiritual development.

Kundalini chakras and activation

Kundalini yoga use a combination of physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation, and chanting (mantra) to help activate and move the Kundalini energy. The practice is designed to stimulate the nervous and glandular systems, which are responsible for regulating the body's functions and maintaining overall health and well-being.As the Kundalini energy rises through the chakras, it can help to release any blockages or imbalances in these energy centers. This can lead to greater physical, emotional, and spiritual health, as well as a deeper sense of connection to the self and the world around you.

Seven chakras in Kundalini yoga

In Kundalini yoga, the seven chakras are considered vital energy centers that govern one's physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. These chakras are interconnected and influence one another, and by working with them, practitioners can activate their innate potential and cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness and spiritual growth.By working with the chakras in Kundalini Yoga, we can cultivate greater awareness of our energy centers and learn to balance and activate them for optimal physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Through practices such as pranayama, meditation, asana, and mantra, you can awaken the Kundalini energy that lies dormant within you and activate each chakra to reach your highest levels of consciousness and spiritual evolution.

Have a look at the seven chakras:

1. Root chakra (muladhara)

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with the element of earth. Its color is red and it represents one's sense of grounding and stability. When balanced, one feels safe and secure in their physical bodies and their environment. An imbalanced root chakra can lead to anxiety, fear, and a sense of disconnection from the body. Kundalini yoga practices that benefit the root chakra include standing postures, grounding meditations, and deep relaxation techniques.

2. Sacral chakra (svadhisthana)

The sacral chakra is located just below the navel and is associated with the element of water. Its color is orange and it represents one's creativity, sensuality, and emotional expression. When balanced, one feels a sense of passion and joy in life. An imbalanced sacral chakra can lead to a lack of creativity, emotional suppression, and difficulty with intimacy. Kundalini yoga practices that benefit the sacral chakra include hip-opening postures, breathwork, and chanting.

3. Solar plexus chakra (manipura)

The solar plexus chakra is located in the upper abdomen and is associated with the element of fire. Its color is yellow and it represents one's sense of personal power and confidence. When balanced, one feels a sense of self-esteem and inner strength. An imbalanced solar plexus chakra can lead to low self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness, and digestive issues. Kundalini yoga practices that benefit the solar plexus chakra include core-strengthening postures, a breath of fire, and chanting.

4. Heart chakra (anahata)

The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest and is associated with the element of air. Its color is green and it represents a person's ability to give and receive love, compassion, and connection.When balanced, one feels a sense of love, empathy, and connection to others. An imbalanced heart chakra can lead to feelings of isolation, emotional detachment, and difficulty with relationships.Kundalini yoga practices that benefit the heart chakra include heart-opening postures, pranayama, and chanting.

5. Throat chakra (vishuddha)

The throat chakra is located in the throat area and is associated with the element of ether or space. Its color is blue and it represents an individual's ability to communicate their truth and express themselves authentically. When balanced, one feels a sense of clear communication and self-expression. An imbalanced throat chakra can lead to difficulty with self-expression, communication, and speaking one's truth. Kundalini yoga practices that benefit the throat chakra include throat-opening postures, chanting, and meditation.

6. Third eye chakra (ajna)

The third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows and is associated with the element of light or intuition. Its color is indigo and it represents one's intuition, insight, and inner wisdom.When balanced, the person feels a sense of clarity, intuition, and inner guidance. An imbalanced third eye chakra can lead to a lack of clarity, confusion, and difficulty with decision-making. Kundalini yoga practices that benefit the third eye chakra include meditation, pranayama, and eye-focused postures.

7. Crown chakra (sahasrara)

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is associated with the element of pure consciousness. Its color is violet or white and it represents connection.

Kundalini awakening and brief overview of course

The process of releasing the latent energy known as the "coiled serpent," which is located at the base of the spine, is known as Kundalini awakening. The chakras are activated and balanced when this potent energy is aroused, which leads to a profound spiritual transformation. Even though the Kundalini awakening has the potential to be a profound and life-altering event, it is crucial to approach it with caution and under the direction of an experienced teacher.Awakening of the kundalini may be a potent instrument for change and personal growth. People may recognize and let go of old thinking and behavior patterns that do not serve them when the energy flows through the chakras. A stronger feeling of life purpose, more self-awareness, and more confidence can all result from this inner change process.In conclusion, Kundalini's awakening has the potential to be a deep and transforming experience that promotes personal development and change as well as an increase in spiritual consciousness. It is crucial to approach it cautiously and under the direction of a knowledgeable tutor, though.

Brief overview of what you will learn

The 300-hour Kundalini yoga training course will address the themes listed in the bullet points below in more detail. It's crucial to remember that the course will provide students with a thorough education in Kundalini Yoga and will equip them with the skills necessary to teach Kundalini yoga sessions with assurance once they've finished.

  • History and philosophy of Kundalini yoga
  • Methods for energizing and restoring balance to the chakras
  • Kriyas from Kundalini yoga (sets of exercises)
  • Pranayama (breathing methods, breathing techniques)
  • Meditative techniques
  • The importance of mantra chanting
  • Biology and anatomy
  • Ayurvedic self-care guidelines
  • Experience teaching in a class
  • Personal and spiritual development
  • The functions of the instructor or teacher
  • How to organize a class in Kundalini yoga
  • A daily spiritual practice's significance
  • How to deal with students who have varying restrictions and talents
  • Kundalini yoga modifications including the usage of props
  • The morals of teaching yoga and keeping appropriate limits in the workplace

Curriculum for 300-hour Kundalini yoga teacher training course

Mantra and mantra chanting


Mantra is a set of words that consist of specific sounds, vibrations received by ancient yogis, and seers which offer a powerful physical, mental, and spiritual benefit. There are many kinds of mantras available for different purposes. You will be learning:

  • Art and science of mantra
  • Mantra and its power
  • How mantra is made
  • Is mantra a religion?
  • Sound vibration

Mantra chanting

  • The proper way of chanting the om mantra
  • Shiva mantra for peace
  • Durga mantra for energy awakening
  • Kundalini mantra
  • Krishna mantra for joy
  • Ganesha mantra for stillness and removal of obstacles
  • Mantra to be led towards light and immortality (asatoma)
  • Surrender mantra (twamevamata)
  • Mantra to save life and journey (trayamvakam)
  • Mantra for purification of the mind (gayatri)
  • Guru disciple study mantra (sahana)
  • Guru mantra (guru brahma)
  • Patanjali mantra (yogenacittasya)
  • Suryanamaskar 12 mantra (om mitraya)

Kundalini Yoga Asana

  • Alignment, assistance, and adjustment
  • Surya namaskar (sun salutation)
  • Chandra namaskar (moon salutation)
  • Bharadvajasana lolasana – swinging pose
  • Kukkutasana – rooster pose
  • Sarpasana – snake pose
  • Shalabhasana – locust pose
  • Dhanurasana – bow pose
  • Paschimottanasana – seated forward bend
  • Janu sirshasana – head to knee pose
  • Parivirta janu sirshasana – revolving head to knee pose
  • Sarvangasana – shoulder stand
  • Padam sarvangasana – shoulder stand lotus pose
  • Sirshasana – headstand
  • Natarajasana – lord shiva’s pose
  • Utthita hasta padangusthasana
  • Naukasana – boat pose
  • Vatayanasana – horse face pose
  • Mayurasana – peacock pose
  • Koormasana – tortoise pose
  • Chakrasana – wheel pose
  • Hanumanasana – monkey pose
  • Agnistambhasana – fire log pose
  • Brahmacharyasana – celibate’s pose
  • Astavakrasana – eight-twists pose
  • Eka pada sirasana – one foot to head pose
  • Chaturanga dandasana
  • Pincha mayurasana – feathered peacock pose
  • Eka pada KKoundinyasana – sage koundinyasana
  • Handstand – adho mukha vrksasana
  • Ardha pincha mayurasana – dolphin pose
  • Makara adho mukha svanasana – dolphin plank pose
  • Bakasana – crow pose
  • Eka pada bakasana – one leg crow
  • Utthan pristhasana – lizard pose
  • Pashasana – noose pose
  • Parivrtta surya yantrasana – sundial or compass pose
  • Titibasana – firefly pose
  • Parshva bakasana – side crow

Kundalini asthi granthi kriya (joints movements)

  • Warm-up exercises
  • Feet and ankle exercises
  • Knee movement
  • Hip movement and rotation
  • Leg cradle
  • Side bending
  • Arms movement
  • Arm swing
  • Elbow movement
  • Wrist and hand movement
  • Neck exercises
  • Chin, jaw, mouth, tongue, eye, and head exercises

Kriya yoga practices for kundalini awakening

  • Rules and preparation postures
  • Chakra sadhana
  • Practices to awaken ajna chakra
  • Practices to awaken mooladhar chakra
  • Practices to awaken swadhisthan chakra
  • Practices to awaken manipura chakra
  • Practices to awaken anahata chakra
  • Practices to awaken vishuddhi chakra
  • Practices to awaken bindu
  • Practices for chakra awareness
  • Moola shakti bandha (root energy lock)
  • Uddiyana shakti bandha (abdomen energy lock)
  • Jalandhar shakti bandha (throat energy lock)
  • Maha shakti bandha (great energy lock)

Basic Sanskrit and chakra sound

  • Vija mantra of chakras
  • Lam
  • Vam
  • Ram
  • Yam
  • Ham
  • Om
  • Sanskrit syllable
  • Vowel
  • Consonant
  • Sound in different chakras

Kundalini yoga theory and practice

  • Serpent power
  • Why kundalini is sleeping
  • The risk to awakening kundalini
  • Food for kundalini awakening
  • Sex and kundalini
  • Tantric understanding of kundalini
  • Muladhara chakra
  • Swadhisthan chakra
  • Manipura chakra
  • Anahata chakra
  • Visuddhi chakra
  • Ajna chakra
  • Sahasrara chakra
  • Guru and disciple relationship
  • Initiation
  • Feminine energy

Hatha yoga

World Peace Yoga School teaches the traditional ancient style of Hatha yoga that has been practiced by the Himalayan masters for thousands of years. At this school, you practice according to your strength and flexibility. The main purpose is to attain perfect health and peace of mind. Here is the list of asana series that will be practiced:

  • Pavan muktasana series one (15 practices)
  • Pavan muktasana series two (10 practices)
  • Pavan muktasana series three (10 practices)
  • Centering postures series (five practices)
  • Surya namaskar (12 asana series)
  • Chandra namaskar (12 asana Series)
  • Standing postures series (10 practices)
  • Kneeling postures series (five practices)
  • Sitting postures series (10 practices)
  • Forward bending postures series (five practices)
  • Backward bending postures series (five practices)
  • Supine postures series (six practices)
  • Prone postures series (five practices)
  • Fire series (five practices)
  • Inversions series (five practices)
  • Twisting postures series (five practices)
  • Balancing postures series (five practices)
  • Relaxing posture series (five practices)
  • Meditative asana series (five practices)

Note: In total, you will learn 140 yoga exercises.The theory is just as important as practicing. Without proper understanding, you cannot do well. The teachers will teach a base understanding why, how, when, and what you need to do in an asana class. You must be self-motivated to go deeper into the postures. Here are some of the theories you will be learning:

  • Philosophy of Hatha yoga
  • Ancient scriptures of Hatha yoga
  • Aim and objectives of Hatha yoga
  • Yoga as a therapy
  • Yoga as balancing
  • How Hatha yoga is connected to your chakras, nadis, kundalini and your subtle body

Pranayama (breathing practices)

Pranayama is the central practice in traditional yoga. Many people misunderstand pranayama as the breathing practice only, but it is something more. In this class, you will learn the secret of pranayama and how it leads practitioners to health, peace, happiness, balance, and awakening of Kundalini.Every week will lead to a different state of experience.

  • Week 1: Building strength in your system and a step by step understanding of pranayama.
  • Week 2: Move from beginning towards a deeper understanding of pranayama and practices.
  • Week 3: Move towards advancing the practices with holding the breath and breathing with chakra awareness.
  • Week 4: Practice teaching and move towards mastery of the breath.

Here are the topics you will be learning for study of pranayama:

  • What is prana
  • What is pranayama
  • What is breath and connection with the prana
  • Importance and benefits of pranayama
  • How to prepare ourselves for practicing them
  • Aspects of breathing
  • Ancients texts of breathing
  • General understanding
  • Understand all about nostrils and how to activate them
  • Secrets of pranayama
  • Breath flow in five elements
  • Unit of prana
  • Function of prana
  • Three levels of prana
  • Three gunas
  • How does prana flow
  • Quality of breath
  • Imbalance of prana
  • Retention of breath
  • 6 sitting positions for pranayama practices
  • Breathing pattern
  • Prana connection with chakras and Kundalini

Beginners and intermediate practices

  • Clavicular pranayama
  • Thoracic pranayama
  • Diaphragmatic pranayama
  • Yogic pranayama
  • Pranava pranayama
  • Nadisodhanam pranayama
  • Bhastrika pranayama
  • Kapalbhati pranayama
  • Bhramari pranayama
  • Ujjayi pranayama
  • Sitli pranayama
  • Sitkari pranayama
  • Murcha pranayama
  • Surya bhedi pranayama
  • Chandra bhedi pranayama

Meditation (dhyana)

Once you stabilize your posture through asana, cleanse your energy through pranayama, and control your senses through pratyahara, you will be able to focus your mind. Meditation starts with concentration practices and through this 300-hour YTTC, you will learn great techniques to master the basics by which you can develop a high-level concentration and awareness.With this 4 week's program, you will learn basic to intermediate levels of meditation preparations and techniques. Each day, you will get a little more understanding of how to perform them and experience their benefits.

  • Week 1: Developing foundation
  • Week 2: Developing one-pointed focus, different types of concentration techniques, and visualization exercises
  • Week 3: Meditation techniques
  • Week 4: Chakra awareness and Kundalini meditation

Here is the list of what you will be learning:

  • Introduction to meditation
  • History of meditation
  • Preparation to meditation
  • What is meditation and what it is not
  • Why, how, where, and when of meditation
  • Philosophy of meditation
  • Meditation traditions
  • Meditation scriptures
  • Aim and objectives of meditation
  • Sitting positions
  • How to sit correctly
  • Preliminary practices before practicing meditation
  • Role of diaphragmatic breathing in meditation
  • Correct breathing in meditation
  • How to relax in meditation
  • Lifestyle – diet – sleep – sex – job – rules in meditation

Styles of meditation practices

  • Himalayan meditation practices
  • Basic foundation of meditation practice
  • Breath – mind – mantra awareness
  • Tratak meditation
  • Nada meditation practices
  • Music meditation
  • Om meditation
  • Mantra power meditation
  • Active meditation practices
  • Dynamic moving meditation (osho)
  • Buddha walking meditation
  • Karma yoga meditation
  • Natraj meditation
  • Sufi meditation
  • Gaurishankar meditation
  • Tantra and Kundalini meditation practices
  • 7 chakra awareness meditation
  • Ajna chakra awakening meditation
  • Kundalini active meditation
  • Vipassana and passive meditation practices
  • Breath awareness (anapana)
  • Mindfulness and sensation
  • Total awareness practice
  • Mantra and kirtan meditation
  • Practices on how to do japa (recitation)
  • Kirtan event and creating a spiritual vibe
  • Silence practice
  • One day silence meditation

Yoga Nidra (psychic sleep)

Yoga Nidra (sleep awareness / psychic sleep) is a journey from a conscious to a superconscious state of awareness. All animals, birds, insects, and humans sleep in the same way, and the experience of sleep is also the same. This state brings oneness and there is a great secret behind all of it.Yogi Vishnu is one of the most famous yoga Nidra teachers. His proven techniques have been practiced for a long time by sages. He will be the mentor and teacher, showing you how it can transform your life in a very short period of time. Yoga Nidra practices will take place every Friday.

  • Week 1: Basic relaxation practices
  • Week 2: Visualisation yoga Nidra
  • Week 3: Chakra awareness yoga Nidra
  • Week 4: Inner flame yoga Nidra

You will learn the basics of yoga Nidra.

  • Meaning and purpose of yoga Nidra
  • Different schools and traditions of yoga Nidra
  • Tantric origin of yoga Nidra
  • Lifestyle and rules for yoga Nidra practitioners
  • Benefits and risks of yoga Nidra
  • Difference between yoga Nidra and meditation
  • Yoga Nidra experience
  • Yoga Nidra and healing
  • 4 states of consciousness
  • 3 body awareness
  • Tension relaxation

Yoga cleansing (shatkarma)

The body produces toxins at all times and it needs to be cleansed accordingly. Proper ablution, urination, cleaning nostrils, ears, eyes, skin, tongue, and other organs are very important for good health. These are physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual cleansing. In the beginning, yoga practitioners should follow six practices (satkarma), by which they can unblock the channels for higher experiences. With your 300-hour YTTC, you will learn these cleansing practices. You will also learn the basic theory of the following:

  • What is satkarma
  • Benefits and risks
  • Who should and should not practice it
  • Experiences
  • Preparation for satkarma
  • Practices after completing it
  • Nadi cleansing

Practices that you will learn

  • Jiwa dhauti
  • Data-dhauti
  • Karna-dhauti
  • Rubber-net
  • Jalaneti
  • Kapalbhati
  • Agnisara

Kundalini tantra philosophy

  • Introduction to Kundalini yoga
  • Definition of the chakra
  • Understanding the chakra
  • Mooladhara chakra
  • Swadhisthan chakra
  • Manipura chakra
  • Anahata chakra
  • Vishudhhi chakra
  • Aagya chakra
  • Sahasrar chakra
  • Kundalini awakening process
  • Mantra-shaktipata

Kundalini anatomy

  • Nadis / energy channel
  • Chakras
  • Panchakosha (five sheaths)
  • Respiratory system
  • Nervous system
  • Tridosha
  • Dhatus
  • Vayu

Yoga therapy

Yoga is a holistic science which nurtures the body, mind and soul. It has a natural healing energy by which one can remain healthy and if there is any illness, it helps the body heal naturally. You will be learning the basics of yoga therapy in the classes. The teachers will give instructions on the therapeutic value of respective practices during the asana, pranayama, meditation, and anatomy classes. There will be no specific class for it.

  • What is yoga therapy
  • Rules and regulations of yoga therapy
  • Healing through asana, pranayama, and meditation
  • Therapy for common diseases


Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga. It believes that the body is made of five elements which create three doshas: kapha, vata and pitta. When they are kept in balance, people are healthy. When imbalanced, people fall ill. Ayurveda talks about proper health management that all yoga teachers need to know to help people. One Ayurveda workshop is provided from World Peace Yoga School's doctor. Here are what you will learn in the Ayurveda classes:

  • Introduction to Ayurveda
  • Unique features of Ayurvedic treatment
  • Ayurveda and its diversified areas
  • Ashtanga Ayurveda
  • Fundamentals of Ayurveda
  • Panchamahabhuta
  • Kapha (the theme of structure and lubrication)
  • Vata (the energy of movements)
  • Pitta (the energy of biotransformation and heat generation)
  • Prakriti – know your constitution

Kundalini tantra mudra

Mudra is a divine gesture practiced with human hands. There are hundreds of them and they can bring miraculous changes in the body and mind with its extraordinary powers. You will learn about these powerful and secret mudras and their understanding.

  • The secrets of mudra
  • The position of elements in the hands
  • The need for mudra
  • The importance and advantages of mudras
  • Special guidelines about mudra
  • Gyan mudra (gesture of wisdom)
  • Purn gyan mudra (gesture of complete wisdom)
  • Vairagya mudra (gesture of dispassion)
  • Abhaya mudra (gesture of blessing, fearlessness)
  • Dyan mudra (meditation mudra)
  • Vayu mudra (gesture of air)
  • Pran mudra (gesture of prana)
  • Prithvi mudra (gesture of earth)
  • Surya mudra (gesture of sun)
  • Varun mudra (gesture of god of water)
  • Shoonya mudra (gesture of openness, space)
  • Pran-apan mudra (gesture of prana apana)

Bandha (energy lock)

The whole universe is made of energy. At all times, the energy is converted into matter so that everyone sees the whole universe as what it is. People's physical body is also made of energy and it constantly works with it. With mudra, one can channel the energy, and with bandha, one can control the energy and prevent it from draining. It helps practitioners manage and maintain the energy. It is also helpful for Kundalini awakening.There are only three bandhas according to yoga but you will be taught many preparation techniques that will help you perform the bandhas correctly.Here are what you will learn:

  • Meaning and importance of energy lock
  • Why the energy lock and how our energy gets drained
  • Energy knots and how to open them
  • Understanding the three chakras: muladhara – manipura – visuddhi
  • Experience of energy lock
  • Benefits and risks of bandha practices

Practices (beginners and intermediate level)

  • Agnisar (preparation to uddiyana)
  • Vahir kumbhaka (external retention)
  • Antar kumbhaka (internal rentention)
  • Ashwini mudra
  • Vajroli mudra
  • Mulabandha
  • Uddiyana bandha
  • Jalandhara bandha

Teaching methodology

Learning or practicing yoga is not enough to teach. Teaching yoga is an art in which you transform people's lives. A proper teaching methodology will help you to:

  • Not forget the sequence
  • Avoid injuries
  • Manage happiness during and after the practice
  • Work with all sides of yoga and all levels
  • Give a meditative experience
  • Manage and balance the energy flow

Here are what you will learn

  • Proper demonstration of a yoga practice
  • The proper way to instruct and guide a lesson
  • Proper alignment of yoga postures
  • Proper adjustment with / without props
  • Yogic personality establishment


  • Sense of alignment
  • Role of alignment in daily practice
  • How to balance prana and chakras
  • How alignment works in five koshas
  • Importance of alignment
  • Different aspect of alignment
  • To decrease the risk of injuries
  • Increase the movement of joints
  • Alignment based on body regions
  • Upper limb alignment
  • Lower limb alignment
  • Torso – thorax – abdomen – pelvis alignment
  • Head and neck alignment
  • Spinal alignment
  • Basic alignment postures
  • How to bring the body to comfortable positions
  • How to find balance between body and mind


  • What is the sense of yoga adjustment
  • What is the level of yoga adjustment
  • Why adjustment is needed in yoga asana
  • Role of adjustments in yoga asana class
  • Right technique of perfect adjustment
  • How to apply a bandha and when
  • Exploring the dynamics of each asana
  • How to self-adjust in a posture
  • How to adjust others during the class
  • Pre-required methods of adjustment
  • Uses of different tools and props to achieve a peak of the posture
  • Body weight management during a posture
  • Safety rules and preparations

Evaluation and certification

At the end of the course, you will be evaluated and according to that, you will get the certification. Your evaluation will be based on the following:

  • Performance during the course
  • Attendance
  • Practical asana demonstration test
  • Written test (objective and subjective type)
  • Behavior

Daily schedule for 300-hour Kundalini yoga teacher training in Bali, Indonesia

This 300-hour Kundalini yoga teacher training course has a daily schedule that is meant to give a balanced and complete instruction in all elements of Kundalini yoga, while also giving time for relaxation, contemplation, and self-care. To start the day on a focused and grounded note, the normal day begins with an early morning sadhana practice that includes chanting, meditation, and pranayama. The morning lecture follows, in which students study the philosophy and theory underlying Kundalini yoga, as well as anatomy and teaching methods.Following a healthy breakfast break, students continue into the physical practice of Kundalini yoga, where they learn the special kriyas and meditations that distinguish this practice. After lunch, students have time for rest and self-study, during which they can integrate and reflect on what they have learned and participate in optional seminars and group activities. The day ends with a lecture in which students explore further Kundalini yoga theory and practices, followed by a soothing meditation and pranayama practice. Overall, the daily routine is meant to give a full and well-rounded education in Kundalini yoga, while also emphasizing relaxation, self-care, and personal growth.

  • 05:00 – 06:00 Kundalini sadhana
  • 06:15 – 07:15 Kundalini pranayama and meditation
  • 07:30 – 09:00 Kundalini theory and asana
  • 09:00 – 09:45 Breakfast
  • 10:45 – 11:45 Yoga anatomy
  • 12:00 – 13:00 Yoga alignment and adjustment / teaching methodology
  • 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
  • 14:00 – 15:30 Self study
  • 15:30 – 16:30 Kundalini philosophy
  • 16:30 – 18:00 Classical Hatha yoga
  • 18:00 – 19:00 Dinner
  • 19:00 – 20:00 Meditation (self)

300-hour Kundalini yoga TTC from World Peace Yoga School

Kundalini yoga is a potent technique that aids people in connecting with their higher selves and awakening their inner potential. A 300-hour Kundalini yoga teacher training course (YTTC) is a comprehensive course that will help you better understand Kundalini Yoga and get you ready to teach its principles to others.You will start on a transforming journey via this course that will not only improve your practice but also give you the ability to assist others on their spiritual path. With advanced kriyas, meditations, pranayama, and other methods, you will develop your understanding of and practice Kundalini yoga throughout the course. Learn how to awaken the Kundalini energy to enter higher realms of awareness as well as the subtle energy systems of the body. As a result, your reputation as a Kundalini yoga authority will grow, which will strengthen your teaching credentials.Finding a group of people who share your enthusiasm for yoga and spirituality through a Kundalini yoga teacher training course is a great opportunity. You will create lifelong friendships and deep connections via group activities and conversations. You can also stay inspired and motivated in your teaching and personal practice through this sense of community.You will get the confidence and expertise necessary to instruct Kundalini yoga through the training. You will learn how to design lessons that are secure, efficient, and motivating for your pupils. Also, you'll learn the business of yoga and how to advertise your services as a yoga instructor. This will increase your earning potential and help you become a sought-after instructor.Kundalini yoga is an effective technique for making changes in your life. When you overcome your restrictions and obstructions, you will undergo profound healing and transformation. After finishing the course, you'll feel more connected to your higher self, clearer, and with a stronger sense of purpose. You may increase student enrollment and enhance your teaching reputation by going through this internal shift.The 300-hour Kundalini yoga teacher training course will profoundly enhance your practice, broaden your consciousness, and equip you to spread the transformational benefits of Kundalini yoga to others. A 300-hour Kundalini YTTC could be the best option for you if you're ready to advance your practice and start a path of self-reflection and change.

Why 300-hour Kundalini YTTC with World Peace Yoga School?

  • Traditional Kundalini yoga practices are combined with current teaching approaches.
  • Personal change and spiritual progress, as well as professional advancement, are prioritized.
  • An investigation of the science of Kundalini yoga and its impact on the mind, body, and soul.
  • Technology and internet resources are used to enhance the learning experience.
  • Ayurvedic concepts and practices are incorporated for comprehensive health and well-being.
  • With accommodations for students with varying abilities and needs, the emphasis should be on inclusion and accessibility.
  • The program provides opportunities for community involvement and giving back.
  • Incorporation of guest lecturers and seminars to broaden your knowledge and practice.
  • Personal growth and change are fostered by the helpful and nurturing learning environment.
  • Dedication to ethical and professional standards in yoga instruction.

How are they different?

  • The distinctive combination of ancient Kundalini yoga practices and modern teaching approaches and techniques.
  • Their dedication to providing a thorough education in all elements of Kundalini yoga, including philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methods.
  • In addition to professional development, they place a strong focus on personal change and spiritual progress.
  • They emphasize on inclusiveness and accessibility, with accommodations for students of various abilities and needs.
  • They ensure a warm and compassionate learning atmosphere supports personal growth and transformation.

Join World Peace Yoga School to:

  • Get a thorough knowledge of the teaching methods, practices, and philosophy of Kundalini yoga.
  • Develop a customized routine that enhances your health on all levels – physical, mental, and spiritual.
  • Get the abilities and information required to teach Kundalini yoga to others with assurance.
  • By diligent study, diligent practice, and reflective thought, experience personal transformation and spiritual growth.
  • Become a part of a global community of Kundalini yoga students, instructors, and practitioners.

Why choose World Peace Yoga School?

These bullet points highlight some of the key reasons why World Peace Yoga School stands out as an excellent choice for a Kundalini yoga training course. They strive to provide a high-quality, comprehensive education that prepares students to become confident and competent Kundalini yoga teachers while fostering personal growth and transformation in a supportive and inclusive environment.

  • Experienced and knowledgeable teachers with years of teaching and practice
  • A comprehensive curriculum that covers all aspects of Yoga Alliance
  • Individualized attention and feedback
  • A focus on self-care and holistic health, with instruction on Ayurvedic principles and daily self-care practices
  • Emphasis on the spiritual and meditative aspects of Kundalini yoga, in addition to physical postures
  • A commitment to ethical and professional standards in teaching yoga
  • Flexible scheduling options, including intensive and part-time courses
  • Affordable tuition rates and payment plans are available
  • Access to guest teachers and workshops to deepen your knowledge and practice
  • An emphasis on accessibility and inclusivity, with accommodations for students with different abilities and needs

Retreat location

Come and explore Bali’s stunning natural beauty, with its beautiful beaches, captivating waterfalls, and picturesque rice terraces. You can also visit temples, ashrams, and local markets to immerse yourself in the spiritual and cultural aspects of this incredible island. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can try exciting activities like hiking, surfing, or diving. And when you need some relaxation, why not visit one of the nearby studios for spa services, indulge in a soothing massage, or join a revitalizing yoga session. Don’t forget to savor the delicious local cuisine and discover various dining options. Additionally, make sure to catch amazing musical, dance, and art exhibits, as well as other cultural events and performances that Bali has to offer.


Throughout the course, we will serve you nutritious and tasty vegetarian meals. Our chefs create these dishes with fresh, locally-sourced ingredients to meet the physical and mental demands of the training program. If you have dietary restrictions or preferences, just let us know ahead of time and we’ll make sure to accommodate you.

Now, let’s talk about the yogic diet. It’s a plant-based diet that focuses on wholesome, natural foods that are nutritious and easy to digest. The goal is to support your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. This diet helps your body cleanse and detoxify, removing toxins and waste that can make you sick. Plus, it’s packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to boost your overall health.

Not only does a yogic diet benefit your physical health, but it also supports your mental and emotional well-being. By eating this way, you can improve mental clarity, focus, and reduce stress and anxiety. The key is to consume healthy, easily digestible foods that bring balance and harmony to your body and mind.

During your stay, we provide you with three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And of course, drinks are included too. So you can focus on your training without worrying about finding nutritious meals.

We believe that a comprehensive approach to health and well-being should include a yogic diet. It can help you achieve maximum health and vitality in all aspects of your life.

Spa treatments

Students can avail a variety of massages at a discounted price for an additional cost.

What's included

You’ll be eligible to register with Yoga Alliance once you complete the course. We’ll also have a fire ceremony and weekend excursions for you to enjoy. Don’t worry about bringing cleansing kits or a japa mala, we’ve got you covered. Keep track of your progress with our evaluation/assessment diary. Join us for yoga and Kirtan eve, it’s a great way to relax. You’ll receive training materials and manuals to help you along the way. We’ll provide a towel and bed sheet for your comfort. After booking, you’ll have access to our online pre-recorded preparatory course videos. And don’t forget, you’ll be part of a supportive and inclusive community of Kundalini yoga practitioners and teachers. You’ll have 23 nights of accommodation and be treated to daily nutritious vegetarian meals and tea.

What's not included

Local ladies can help you experience women’s herbal beauty, share wearing, and many more activities. We offer Ayurvedic panchakarma treatment and healing sessions/training. Students can enjoy a variety of massages at a discounted price. We cover the visa fee and airfare, and also provide taxi pick-up from the airport.



Ubud, Bali offers a 300-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training course lasting 24 days.

  • 1 person Private single room


    $ 2,999.00
  • 2 persons Private double room


    $ 4,398.00
  • 1 person Shared double room


    $ 2,299.00


Reviews (104)

  • Ra Tau
    January 14, 2024 at 12:00 am

    I want to see more variety in the food options. Everything else was perfect. The location was peaceful. The instructors were knowledgeable and patient. I would recommend this school to anyone looking to dive deeper into the world of yoga.

    Helpful Review
  • Aleksandra Lopatko
    November 21, 2023 at 12:00 am

    I’m not sure what the agreement between World Peace Yoga school and the hotel was, but I am certain that we could have gotten better quality food for the money we paid. When I booked this teacher training, I thought I would be okay with eating the same meal every day. But boy, was I wrong. We mainly had steamed or fried rice, French fries with vegetables, tofu and tempeh, and salad – mostly twice a day. Sometimes, you even found poorly washed salad or mold on your plate. I would have loved some more nutritious ingredients like quinoa, lentils, or other nuts instead of just peanuts, even if it was only every third day or so. Breakfast, however, was good!

    Another thing that bothered me was that the teacher training I had actually booked was completely different from what I experienced. The photos of the hotel and everything were nothing like what I ended up with. It seems like this program didn’t exist before. The title of the training I booked also included “Ayurveda,” so I expected a lot more discussion on that topic than the two lessons we had in the end. But despite all that, I am happy with what I learned and experienced! I just wanted to let the review-readers know that whatever you book, it might turn out completely different from what you expect (maybe it’s a good life lesson anyway). ? I really enjoyed learning from the teachers and deepening my knowledge about Yoga. Thank you, Ashu, for incorporating your Indian culture into your lessons, although there was a lot of storytelling that I sometimes struggled to connect with our initial topics. But I felt it was important to learn about the roots of Yoga.

    The schedule was packed, but that’s what I wanted so I could fully immerse myself in the experience. The quality of the lessons was exceptionally high, and the teachers were fully devoted to teaching us thoroughly – that was the most important thing to me! Thank you very much. ?? The hotel resort was spotlessly clean, and I absolutely loved the spacious room I had all to myself. The rooftop was the perfect spot for meditation, and having a small gym was a nice bonus too!

    Helpful Review
  • Grace Ticehurst
    August 24, 2023 at 12:00 am

    I just finished my 200hr Kundalini YTT with World Peace Yoga School and it was absolutely amazing! The beautiful setting in Bali added to the whole experience, but the real magic came from the incredible teachers. They taught us with so much passion and kept us engaged throughout. And they also created a safe space where we could all heal, learn, and grow together. I’m forever thankful for this enriching experience and for the wonderful GuruJi and HariPriya who made it all possible.

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  • Antoine Etienne Herblot
    July 3, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Il y avait des travaux dans le bâtiment qui faisaient du bruit, mais ils se sont terminés rapidement. L’équipe d’enseignement était disponible, réactive et a organisé des activités annexes, ainsi qu’une initiation au Gayatri mantra.

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  • Daljit Kaur
    June 5, 2023 at 12:00 am

    I just got back from my 200-hour Kundalini Teacher training and let me tell you, it was absolutely amazing! Words cannot even begin to describe how incredible this experience was. It’s definitely one of the best experiences of my life and I can’t wait to go back for more.

    The teachers at the training were absolutely phenomenal. Their knowledge, passion, and the clarity with which they delivered information were unquestionable. I learned so much from them and they truly inspired me.

    And let’s talk about the food! The kitchen staff cooked us three fresh and varied meals a day, and let me tell you, they were delicious. I never had any issues with my stomach while I was there, which is a huge plus!

    The front of house staff were also amazing. They were always there to help with any questions or concerns we had, and they always had a solution. Everyone at the training was so kind, caring, respectful, and friendly. It really created such a positive and supportive environment.

    Overall, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. I’m so grateful for this opportunity and I can’t wait to continue my learning journey in Kundalini Yoga.

    Helpful Review
  • Fabienne Klingenhöfer
    March 29, 2023 at 12:00 am

    The yoga hall was dirty and the temperature constantly fluctuated due to the rooftop construction. I caught a cold after two days of rain. The props were incredibly filthy and emitted a strong unpleasant odor. The overall atmosphere of this school lacked positivity and felt too commercialized. Consequently, I didn’t complete the course due to these factors. Everyone in my group felt frustrated as well. Despite the expectation of a pleasant experience, it unfortunately didn’t turn out that way. On a positive note, the group itself was friendly and a few lessons managed to be enjoyable. I must admit, the school’s location and view were quite impressive.

    Helpful Review
  • Jacek Hibner
    December 20, 2022 at 12:00 am

    World Peace Yoga school is located near Luxman Jula bridge, which is a great place to be. The Teachers at the school are world class professionals, serving excellent food and creating an unforgettable atmosphere.

    Helpful Review
  • Hayley Varnam
    September 29, 2022 at 12:00 am

    The tutors were amazing! They had an immense knowledge base and a passion for their craft. They showed compassion and respect for the students, making every class interesting. I will definitely come back for more training.

    Helpful Review
  • John Mccarthy
    June 17, 2022 at 12:00 am

    I regretted staying at the school. If you ask me, I would suggest paying just for the course and finding a different place to stay and eat. It would have made my experience much better and saved me money by eating out. I ended up eating out most of the time because the food and water at the school made the other students sick before I got there. The food wasn’t very balanced and lacked nutrition, mostly just carbs and oil. The accommodation was basic, and the bed was even harder than the wooden bed I had at Vipassana. If I had stayed at a hostel, I would have had a cleaner space, no curfew at 10:30pm, a comfy bed, and probably fewer nightmares. On the bright side, the teachers at the school were all amazing. I had the privilege of learning from Dr. Lata Ji, Sunil Ji, Kanna Ji, Dr. Himanshu Ji, Naveen Ji, and a special shoutout to Siddha Ji. Each teacher was extremely knowledgeable in their field and had a way of explaining things that really opened my mind. Every day, I felt grateful to be taught by such highly educated and intelligent individuals.

    Helpful Review
  • Nicole Falla
    May 31, 2022 at 12:00 am

    There are no tools to clean, so you can’t mop or wash the sink in the room. The food was okay for the first two weeks, but then they started serving us the same things every day and I ended up eating out on the street every day… I thought I came here to get fitter, but instead I actually ended up gaining weight :/ On the bright side, I really liked the group of people who came to get certified with me. We all clicked really well and had a lot of fun. The days were busy and filled with excitement. My favorite classes were adjustment and alignment with Ashu, and anatomy with Himanshu. I also really enjoyed the philosophy class 🙂

    Helpful Review
  • Verena Roedl
    January 26, 2021 at 12:00 am

    I highly recommend this course to everyone, not just those interested in becoming a teacher or getting additional certifications. If you’re looking for happiness, as we all are, you’ll discover it within yourself with the guidance of the masters in this course! You’ll feel like Rishikesh is right in your own home, with no distance at all. I felt so much love from all the masters and could sense the amazing energy of the team behind the scenes who organized everything beautifully. The course program is designed perfectly to fit into your daily lifestyle, even beyond just this month. The videos are of excellent quality and the live sessions immerse you in the Himalayan traditions more deeply than you could ever imagine in your wildest dreams!

    Helpful Review
  • Bonnie Grace Gilday-kennedy
    November 9, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I had a wonderful experience with everything in this training. The instruction for the physical part of the class, the asanas, was absolutely sensational! I was truly impressed with Ashu’s extensive knowledge about the physical aspects of yoga.

    The Yoga Philosophy class was excellent as well. Vishnu Panigahi possessed immense knowledge on the subject and his ability to share his wisdom was filled with love and compassion. His words have had a lasting impact on me.

    I can’t express enough how amazing I found him. This training has truly transformed my life!

    Helpful Review
  • Tania Browning
    November 9, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I don’t have a single thing to say! I just finished my Kundalini YTT200hr online and it has completely changed my life. I feel incredibly grateful and humbled by this experience. I’ve learned so much and had the opportunity to connect with amazing people from all over the world. The teachers were absolutely fantastic and I gained a wealth of knowledge from them. The course content was thorough and genuine. Learning online was actually enjoyable and hassle-free. A big thank you to everyone at World Peace Yoga School! Namaste, Tania Browning – Bhavani Devi

    Helpful Review
  • Karen Nally
    November 9, 2020 at 12:00 am

    We didn’t actually practice teaching on each other, but Ashu was a great teacher. I feel like this course was beneficial for me as a teacher, helping me deepen my knowledge and review key points.

    Helpful Review
  • Jennifer Roy
    October 19, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I struggled to use Whatsapp because my phone didn’t have enough storage, but the app itself and the communication were wonderful. I gained so much from the training. It was truly amazing. The philosophy, mantra practicing, chanting, and yoga tantra practice were all beautiful. The teachers were incredibly knowledgeable and compassionate. Guru Vishnu, in particular, has a heart of gold and radiates a peaceful soul. He generously gives his time, knowledge, resources, and heart. He is a true blessing. This 3-day training opened up my life in ways I couldn’t have imagined, fulfilling my dreams. I highly recommend any training with Guru Vishnu. You won’t regret it – it will help your heart and practice grow.


    Helpful Review
  • Wafaa Salha
    October 10, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The teachers at this yoga program are excellent, helpful, and friendly. They are all very supportive. It’s truly one of the best yoga experiences I’ve had. I’m actually planning on taking another course with them.

    Helpful Review
  • Miwa Arai
    September 26, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I want to sincerely thank the teachers who introduced me to the world of Indian philosophy through yoga. Guru Vishnu ji, the founder of this school, teaches with incredible passion. His energy, warmth, and wisdom truly inspired me and motivated me to delve deeper into this practice.

    This school always responds quickly, which made me feel their sincerity and welcoming attitude from the very first time I reached out for information. I had been waiting for a long time for a chance to go to Rishikesh and take a TTC, but it was difficult to make it happen. I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to do it online this time.

    I genuinely express my gratitude with the utmost respect. Thank you.

    Helpful Review
  • Steffi Feierabend
    September 26, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Wow, guys, I can’t stress enough what an amazing experience this has been! Get ready because you’re about to receive a ton of knowledge, understanding, compassion, and help from our incredible team both in front and behind the scenes. No matter what challenges, confusions, or disorientations our group faced, they always made sure there was enough space, understanding, and assistance to go around. I just wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for this absolutely beautiful experience. Thank you all!

    Helpful Review
  • Christina Armbruckner
    August 2, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I didn’t receive the certificate, despite asking for it multiple times (5 times). It’s really annoying – the exercises and schedule.

    Helpful Review
  • Ashu Mishra
    July 6, 2020 at 12:00 am

    You guys managed everything so well! The only issue was that it was difficult to find any problems. Thank you to the entire team for providing such an amazing life-changing program. I will always stay connected with you.

    Helpful Review
  • Jhanvi Gehlot
    June 29, 2020 at 12:00 am

    This course is excellent!

    Helpful Review
  • Pal Gehlot
    June 23, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I highly recommend this course! It is totally worth the money and offers a great experience. I absolutely loved the teaching methods and found the teachers to be very knowledgeable.

    Helpful Review
  • Rachel Christensen
    June 22, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Sometimes, the internet connection wasn’t amazing, but they always made up for it by giving us extra videos or classes to catch up on. The teachers and the freedom to catch up in our own time were there to support us. I absolutely adore the vast knowledge and wisdom embedded in the ancient traditional practices of yoga.

    Helpful Review
  • Raghav Tomar
    June 22, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The teachers at World Peace Yoga School gave us a wonderful, life-changing experience that I can’t even put into words. The course content was beyond my expectations – it was so beautiful and complete. I would love to learn even more from these incredible teachers. Thank you, World Peace Yoga School, for providing us with such amazing experiences.

    Helpful Review
  • Ashwin Haripersad
    June 18, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I entered this course with the expectations of my previous one, but let me tell you, this one completely blew me away. It’s a whole different ballgame. The teachers are right in front of us, just like in a classroom. They address any questions or confusion right away. And can we talk about the teachers’ knowledge and professionalism? They’re top-notch. The main focus of the instruction is to make this experience fun while helping us develop skills like focus, confidence, and mind/body awareness. They really want us to become competent teachers who are healthy in mind, body, and spirit.

    The course provides well-researched and easy-to-understand materials. I know I’ll walk away from this course fully prepared to take on any challenges life throws at me. Being a part of this online course has been a pleasure, especially since it’s their first one. I’m so impressed that my wife and I are planning to go there for an in-person course once Covid-19 is over. We can’t wait to meet Guruji and the other teachers face-to-face.

    I’ve already signed up for a Tantra course and I’m planning to continue with more courses. I feel like I’ve started a lifelong journey. The course was presented in such a professional and detailed manner that I truly believe this is just the beginning for World Peace Yoga School. May God bless this school.

    Cons: Honestly, there’s nothing negative to say.

    Helpful Review
  • Karina Gonzalez
    June 18, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The explanations and the way of speaking conveyed a unique experience, filled with a beautiful energy. I connected well with the teachings and now I feel enthusiastic about applying this knowledge in my life.

    Helpful Review
  • Hari Sharma
    June 18, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I had been searching for a school that could give me what I’ve been looking for, and guess what? I finally found it – the World Peace Yoga School! After just three days with them, I am completely blown away. Everything they taught me about Tantra is like a precious gift. I absolutely adored my time there and can’t wait to continue my journey with them. Seriously, if anyone wants to gain some serious knowledge, I highly recommend this school!

    Helpful Review
  • Linda Colby
    June 18, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I absolutely loved the Tantra yoga sessions and the intro was fantastic!

    Helpful Review
  • Angiola Maria Massolo
    June 17, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The amazing tantra yoga retreat online surpassed my expectations. The lessons and practices were exactly what I was looking for, and I truly feel connected with all of you. Vishnu and Radha, thank you for generously sharing your energy and knowledge with me.

    Helpful Review
  • Kirsty Leigh Wallace
    June 17, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I completed my 200hr kundalini online with this school last month, and it was fantastic. So, I knew the tantra course would be amazing, and I wasn’t disappointed. The full weekend was absolutely wonderful from start to finish. Yogi Vishnu’s daily lectures were packed with valuable information, and he always made jokes with us and happily answered our many questions. But let me tell you, our Tantra practices with Flavia Radha were mind-blowing! They completely transformed me, making me feel lighter and more connected. I enjoyed the practices so much, and I’m thrilled that they sent us recordings of the classes to keep. Now we can practice again whenever we want. I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in delving into the beautiful world of Tantra.

    Helpful Review
  • Thimela Garcia
    June 17, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in exploring Tantra yoga. The teachers are lovely and very knowledgeable. I left the course with a much better understanding of this amazing practice. I really enjoyed the lectures and physical practice. It was such a wonderful experience that I’m actually considering joining the full tantra teacher training course. I absolutely loved it! Thank you so much.

    Helpful Review
  • Addision Smith
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    If you’re considering learning yoga, deepening your practice, and growing as a person, this is the place for you! The course was intense but incredibly rewarding. Huge thanks to everyone at world peace yoga school for sharing their beautiful culture and creating such an inspiring atmosphere. The teachers are amazing, especially Vishnu Guruji. He’s a knowledgeable and passionate yogi who motivates us and covers important yoga topics. I already miss this course; it was an incredible experience, and I highly recommend the school!

    Helpful Review
  • Mohit Singh
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Namaste! I wanted to share with you all about an incredible teacher I’ve had the privilege of learning from, Vishnu Panigrahi. He skillfully guided me in comprehending the depths of Tantra, and generously imparted his divine knowledge of yoga. It truly felt like uncovering a precious treasure! I sincerely hope that anyone who has the opportunity to encounter him will also get to experience this remarkable journey.

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  • Andriani Doulgeraki
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    We had three days full of energy and we truly enjoyed the whole course. It gave us such an incredible sense of holiness. I am so glad that I could attend it and I can’t wait for the next course. I loved it so much! A huge thank you to Yogi Vishnu and Radha for taking us on this wonderful journey. You really opened my heart.

    Helpful Review
  • Alessandra Angelini
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I like all the connection theory and practice.

    Helpful Review
  • Valentina Austini
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The audio wasn’t always very good, but I really liked the kindness of the teacher and the participants. The second day was especially special for me.

    Helpful Review
  • Deepak Nautiyal
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I’m really glad I chose this course because I discovered so many fascinating and thought-provoking things about Tantra and Kundalini. Guru Vishnu ji is absolutely awesome. His words, knowledge, and teaching style are amazing. Plus, I’ve found a new family here. I’m planning on doing a kundalini YTTC soon. Love you all, guys. You’re all doing a great job here. If you’re looking for an authentic and valuable course, join world peace yoga school.

    Helpful Review
  • Sachin Palan
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Hey everyone at Namaste World Peace Yoga Family! I just had the most incredible time with all of you. The absolute highlight of this course for me has been our amazing teacher Vishnu. He’s such an incredible soul, always filled with positive thoughts. Honestly, I was going through some tough times in my life, but the value he brought to me with this beautiful course is beyond words. I really, really recommend World Peace Yoga School to any students looking for a course, because what truly matters in the end is the quality and experience of the teachers. I’m so grateful to have been a part of this. Thank you all so much!

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  • David Sed
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I highly recommend the yoga teacher training course at World Peace Yoga School. I completed it and absolutely loved the experience. The teachers are not only inspiring but also highly qualified.

    Helpful Review
  • Karolina Fomiciova
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The course had a great vibe, and I loved how well everything was organized. I’m just starting out on my tantra journey, but after taking this course, I feel like I’m on the right path and I’m even more inspired to delve deeper into it. Big thank you to the incredible teachers!

    Helpful Review
  • Randhir Singh
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The recordings took a little longer than expected to arrive, but it wasn’t a big issue. The facilitators communicated excellently. This retreat offers incredible value; the instructors truly grasp the philosophy behind the practice. They speak English fluently and make it easy to comprehend. Using WhatsApp for communication with the class and instructors outside of Zoom meetings was a great addition to this online program. It made connecting with the class and asking the instructors any lingering questions a huge advantage. Timezone differences aside, the distance between us didn’t matter at all.

    Helpful Review
  • Giorgia Mariani
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Even through zoom, the energy remains intact. Tantra Yoga offers some truly lively Asanas.

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  • Claudia Altonen
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The time was a bit challenging because I had to be up at 1:30 a.m., but if you couldn’t attend the class, they had the recording available for you right away. So basically, you can still do something like this and go about your daily activities. Wow, wow, wow……Thank you, gracias, grazie! I feel so grateful, filled with love and divine goddess energy. I honestly didn’t know what to expect, but it turned out even better than I imagined. I absolutely loved the chanting and movement! It was all about connecting and releasing. Guru Ji’s words are so inspiring and Yogini Radha is absolutely mesmerizing. I truly felt like I was in the presence of divine goddesses. It was truly empowering and beautiful! One of the best parts of the class was being able to create this tantra energy together with people from all over the world. I appreciate World Peace Yoga School for making this amazing class available online during these times of change. It has allowed me to embrace the passion and power of yoga right now, because I wasn’t sure when I would be able to make it to India. I will be forever grateful! Namastè : D

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  • Elizabeth Rego
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Connecting to Zoom from all over the world has been a usual challenge. But let me tell you, just like my experiences with World Peace Yoga School, I found their teachings incredibly special and beautiful. You won’t find this stuff in any book or YouTube video! I feel so grateful for all that I’ve learned!

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  • Arturo Madariaga
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I’m taking my second course with World Peace Yoga, and once again they’ve blown me away with everything I’ve learned. They’ve really sparked something in me – body, mind, and spirit. I’m completely hooked now! I’m already planning to sign up for another course because they know their stuff and explain things so well. Words can’t describe how much my life has changed thanks to World Peace Yoga.

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  • Yuki ..
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I was truly amazed by the incredible and passionate teachers who provided us with a fantastic Tantra Yoga course. I am genuinely thrilled with the incredible experience I’ve never had before. Namaste.

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  • Gopal Chandra
    June 16, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I just finished an online yoga course with World Peace Yoga School, and let me tell you, the teachers there are incredibly knowledgeable and humble. They have so much wisdom not just about yoga, but also about life itself. I really enjoyed learning from Guru Vishnu Ji, who taught me how to live a healthy lifestyle and practice meditation. Even though I couldn’t be physically present with them, I could still feel their positive energy and vibes. I highly recommend this school to anyone who wants to take their yoga practice to the next level.

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  • Priscilla Smets
    June 15, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Everything was perfect. If I have to mention something to improve, the internet connection in India was not optimal. It gave us some minor issues during the online course for one day, and it was out of anyone’s control. However, World Peace Yoga School had already anticipated and found solutions for this. As a bonus, we received all the recordings of the classes! So, I can do my Tantra Yoga practices over and over and over again! I highly recommend taking an online course, right from the comfort of your own home!

    Originally, I was supposed to travel to India for the 200-hour yoga teacher training course. However, due to the Corona virus, I had to postpone it, hopefully to next year. Instead, I decided to participate in a 3-day online course in Tantra Yoga. Let me tell you, it’s amazing to see how World Peace Yoga School is able to offer such high-standard education online! The teachers have an extensive amount of knowledge and their energy is absolutely beautiful! I cannot put into words how incredible this course was; it was such an amazing experience!

    I wholeheartedly recommend this professional school that also has this warm family/community feeling to everyone! I can’t wait until I have the opportunity to go there in person for a full course. This online course made me realize that I made the right choice in selecting this school for my future 200-hour course. Furthermore, Tantra Yoga is a beautiful part of yoga that I highly recommend. The divine energy we were able to experience through our practices was overwhelmingly beautiful! I have nothing but love and respect for this school, the teachers, and the fellow students! Namaste!

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  • Mark Denny
    June 15, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Get ready to experience the clearing of your blocked chakras, enhancing your sensuality, finding emotional freedom, and building a true relationship with your core power.

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  • Flavia Romana Pinto
    June 15, 2020 at 12:00 am

    So, the teachers managed to transmit this incredible energy that we all felt.

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  • Sarah Power
    June 15, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The Internet in India can be quite temperamental, so we had to be patient. But it wasn’t a problem, we always managed to fix it, although it was challenging.

    Now, let’s talk about the course. It was an online course that covered accommodation and food. And let me tell you, it was fantastic! The course was split into two parts: theory and practical. And I enjoyed both parts! However, I must admit that the theory can be a bit difficult to grasp if you don’t have any prior knowledge of Hindu gods and goddesses.

    But the practical classes, oh boy, they were simply incredible! Each day, I felt completely cleansed, replenished, and filled with love. The teachers delivered these classes with confidence and deep knowledge, and they truly inspired me. It’s amazing how they could convey that kind of energy through a screen, and it’s a true testament to the school and the course.

    I would definitely recommend this course to my friend and I encourage everyone to approach it with an open mind. I learned so much that I can incorporate into my own practice and teaching.

    Lastly, I want to mention how wonderful it was to connect with people from all around the world during this time. It really added a special touch to the whole experience.

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  • Martin Slattery
    June 15, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I loved every bit of it! Vishnu gives an amazing overview of the symbolism of Tantra. He believes that not understanding the symbolism leads to misunderstandings and emphasizes that the ultimate goal is Union, much like any great teaching. He is incredibly knowledgeable but also has a unique ability to connect with his students, even in online settings.

    Radha’s Tantra flow class is absolutely beautiful. She takes everyone on a profound journey into the world of Tantric practices, immersing them in its powerful vibrations.

    I’m currently enrolled in the 200-hour teacher training, where I’m receiving thorough instruction on Tantra and Yoga. The team at World Peace Yoga is simply fantastic. Once you join their family, it’s truly a transformative experience!

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  • Ashwin Haripersad
    June 4, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I didn’t really find anything interesting. The previous course I took gave me certain expectations for this one, but let me tell you, this course completely surpassed them. It’s on a whole new level. It feels like being in a classroom with the teachers right in front of us. They address any questions or confusion right away, just like in a regular classroom. And let’s not forget about the teachers’ knowledge and professionalism. The main focus of the instruction is to make the experience enjoyable while also encouraging skills like focus, confidence, and mind/body awareness. This ensures that the teachers we become are healthy in all aspects. The course provides well-researched and easy-to-understand material. I’m confident that I’ll leave this course prepared to face any challenges that come my way. Being a part of this online course, especially since it’s their first one, has been a pleasure. I’m so impressed that my wife and I plan on attending a course in person once Covid-19 is over, just to meet Guruji and the other teachers. I’ve already signed up for a Tantra course and I plan on taking more in the future. This feels like the start of a lifelong journey. The professionalism and clarity with which the course was presented has left me convinced that this is a new beginning for World Peace Yoga School. May God bless this school.

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  • Caroline De Mendonca
    March 7, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The School’s structure was too old and not well maintained. The teachers and staff.

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  • Avtar Adi Kaur
    March 2, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Everything is gone, done, and said, so why should I dwell in the past? Thank you. I prefer to focus on nature, flowers, birds, and butterflies.

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  • Maria Hansen
    January 28, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The facilities at this school were absolutely terrible. We had mold growing out of the walls, no cleanliness whatsoever, and the food consisted only of carbs. The kitchen was disgustingly dirty. There were four of us in our class, three of whom lived on campus, and we all got extremely sick. The female dorm didn’t even have hot water, and there was a water outage at least once a day. The staff was incredibly impolite and spent all their time on their phones. Even the owner was on his phone during kirtan. We went there to get a 300-hour certification, but we didn’t even come close. We barely got half the hours required and only received a certificate for that. This school is a complete scam and shouldn’t be allowed to provide certification. They definitely don’t meet the requirements set by Yoga Alliance.

    Thankfully, BookYogaRetreats came to our aid and helped us in our quest for a refund. We were only able to get a very small refund from the school and a refund of the commission from BookYogaRetreats. I wouldn’t recommend this place to anyone. However, I will say that the location was very convenient, and we had easy access to everything. The classes on anatomy, Hatha, and alignment were good, and the teachers were knowledgeable.

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  • Julieta Mariel Rodriguez
    July 27, 2019 at 12:00 am

    I sometimes had a hard time with the heat during summer, especially when there were power cuts. However, that’s totally out of the school’s control. I can’t even find the words to express how happy and grateful I am for choosing this School! From the very beginning, everyone made sure the school felt like home to us – a home far away from home – and I truly appreciate that. The Training syllabus is exceptional, and all the subjects are fascinating and relevant for anyone looking to delve deeper into the ancient knowledge of Yoga after the 200hr. This wouldn’t be possible without the amazing, professional, and inspirational Teachers and Founder. You can see how Yoga is a part of their daily lives. The Staff, both at reception and in the kitchen, are incredibly friendly and helpful. They’re always ready to assist with a smile. The atmosphere and energy of the place are really nice too. It feels light and bright, and the school has a beautiful garden area and a big balcony with a view of the mountains. The classrooms are clean and fully equipped. I want to thank each and every one of you for making this transformational experience in my life so special. Thanks to all of you, I now feel like I have a home in Rishikesh. If I ever decide to pursue another Yoga Training, this would definitely be the place. If you’re looking for an authentic, enriching, and transformative Yoga experience, this is definitely the place to be!

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  • Anna-magdalena Flachsenberg
    July 9, 2019 at 12:00 am

    Unfortunately, the yoga classes were taught in Lithuanian due to a last-minute change of teachers, even though they were announced in English. However, thanks to a highly capable translator and a dedicated yoga teacher, we managed to make the best of it! Overall, it was a wonderful stay in Lithuania. The accommodations were decent, but the food was fantastic – we had fresh vegan meals every day. The sessions with Vishnu Pranighari were incredibly valuable. And the yoga instruction provided by a Lithuanian yoga teacher greatly enriched my yoga practice.

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  • Sylvie Aaptel
    January 26, 2019 at 12:00 am

    We need to make the anatomy courses deeper and more professional, especially when it comes to understanding muscles! You excel in teaching yoga and developing postures. All the yoga teachers here are really great. Our whole team puts in their best efforts to ensure quality teaching. I want to express my gratitude for your humility, joy in sharing, and dedication to teaching. Namasté ??

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  • Elizabeth Sebastiao
    December 31, 2018 at 12:00 am

    Nothing really disappointed me. I knew the ashram wouldn’t be a fancy 5-star hotel, but it had everything I needed. When I went in December, it was a bit colder than I expected, but I had enough blankets to stay warm. The hot water for showers didn’t last long, but that was fine because the cold water actually helped wake me up in the mornings! The 200 hour Kundalini yoga teacher training went beyond my expectations. The staff and teachers were amazing – so knowledgeable and friendly. They felt like family. Despite the intensive schedule (waking up at 5am and going to bed at 10pm), I highly recommend it to anyone interested in the spiritual side of yoga. We had plenty of opportunities to practice meditation, asanas, and more with the group. And we even had enough free time to explore the town and have some fun!

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  • Annie Fortier
    December 11, 2018 at 12:00 am

    Despite having several discussions about my expectations as a beginner looking to have a group experience, I found myself alone. They didn’t offer any program as advertised, just drop-in classes. However, the staff is really kind and caring.

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  • Jessica Cattelan
    December 5, 2018 at 12:00 am

    We only spent 10 minutes on teaching methodology. Honestly, I thought we should spend more time discussing how to build a sequence, maintain the correct postures during practice, and what to do before and after each session. I think it would be better if we started focusing on this from the second week and asked the students to practice for 30 minutes every day, providing constructive feedback. I joined this course to become a teacher, not just to practice yoga every day.

    Regarding feedback, as a student, I would appreciate constructive criticism from the teachers instead of just hearing “very good”. I want to know how I am progressing and what I can improve on. Throughout the course, we asked for constructive feedback multiple times, but the response was always “very good”.

    As a yogi, I expected the food to be bland or at least not spicy. However, the food served for lunch and dinner was always the same, with the only variation being chapati during dinner. The meals were heavy and contained a lot of black peppers. I requested bland food but ended up eating boiled carrots and potatoes for a month. As a yogi, I believe food should nourish my body, mind, and soul.

    In my opinion, the manual should include adjustments for each pose. The anatomy section should provide general information about each bodily system. Currently, the explanations of muscles are not thorough enough. The manual should also include postures that can be done based on certain diseases or muscle imbalances, such as herniated discs.

    Thanks to this experience, I delved deeper into myself and changed my perspective on life and the world. I learned various breathing techniques that enhance my daily life. I gained new skills and knowledge that I will share with others. Furthermore, I learned how to coexist with people from different countries and how to share communal spaces like the dining room and my personal room. Overall, it was a great experience as I was able to be myself without anyone pressuring me to change or be someone else. I am truly grateful for the time and knowledge shared by each teacher.

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  • Anne Kathrine Pedersen
    October 31, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The course has ended and it was a great experience! Just a heads up, the accommodation wasn’t the best, but the view from the room made up for it. The food is absolutely amazing and you can tell it’s made with love. It can get a bit repetitive, but it’s still really good. The teachers were outstanding! They were all so inspiring and knowledgeable, and you could tell they were genuinely interested in our learning. The subjects were really interesting and taught well. The atmosphere is perfect for self-reflection and connecting with others on a spiritual journey. Rishikesh, the city, is beautiful and so are the people there. Make sure to plan some extra days to explore the city! I highly recommend it!

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  • Cyril Besanger
    October 6, 2018 at 12:00 am

    Yoga is shared with such open-hearted, energetic beings, and they actively practice and spread their knowledge. ♡☆

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  • Aiza Diamante
    September 24, 2018 at 12:00 am

    We arrived during monsoon time and it felt like it was raining nonstop. Some of the rooms became a bit moldy and lacked proper ventilation. However, only a few rooms were affected, as others were in perfect condition. But honestly, it didn’t really ruin our overall experience. We embraced the situation and learned to live with it. It actually opened up new perspectives and led us on a wonderful inner journey, provoking all sorts of questions that we ask ourselves as human beings.

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  • Mathilde Nadeau
    August 3, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The program was very intense. Some teachers were not good, but most classes were great. The location, food, and accommodation were all good. Overall, it met my expectations and I would recommend it.

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  • Megumi Mashimo
    July 29, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The accommodation was incredibly dirty and noisy, which made it difficult for me to sleep. The motorbike noise and the sound of animals walking kept me awake. Plus, our yoga teacher seemed really young. He was a nice guy, but he didn’t seem very professional as a yoga instructor. However, I did meet some amazing people there. They were from all over the country. Doing yoga classes, going on excursions, and sharing meals together made for such a fantastic experience. If it weren’t for them, this retreat would have been a complete disaster.

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  • Sophie Loughe
    July 23, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The course timetable and what’s included in it, as well as the location and accommodation, were falsely advertised. We had fewer teaching hours than we expected and no teaching methodology was covered at all. This resulted in a disappointing and tense atmosphere, which was definitely not very yogic. I would not recommend this course, as it felt more like a Yin intensive rather than a proper teacher training. On the bright side, the location, accommodation, and food were good, and some staff members were very knowledgeable. They did listen to our complaints and made an effort to make adjustments.

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  • Tiffany L
    June 6, 2018 at 12:00 am

    I absolutely loved everything about my experience at World Peace Yoga School in Rishikesh. Even though the living conditions were a bit humbling compared to what I’m used to, I embraced it as part of the overall experience and felt completely safe the entire time. Some students had complaints about the food, but you can’t please everyone. Personally, I’m usually picky, but I had no complaints at all. Plus, there are always local cafes and restaurants where you can enjoy a full meal for less than $4 USD.

    I can’t fully express how wonderful and fulfilling my 200hr yoga certification course was at World Peace Yoga School. From the moment I arrived, I felt at home. Guru Vishnu, the owner, greeted us at the entrance, and a volunteer helped us with our luggage and showed us to our rooms. Everyone there is so kind and quickly becomes a friend. I truly deepened my belief in and knowledge of yoga.

    Initially, I had concerns about taking the yoga course in Rishikesh instead of doing it weekly back in NYC, but I was blown away and incredibly grateful that I chose to complete my certification here. The teachers are the absolute best and have a wealth of knowledge. Classes start early in the morning and go until late evening, six days a week. It’s physically and mentally challenging, but the rewards are worth it.

    I could go on and on about all the amazing people and experiences at World Peace Yoga School, but there’s not enough space here, haha. I’m excited to continue my yoga journey and complete my 300hr course here, hopefully within the next year or two. I can’t wait to apply all that I’ve learned at home!

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  • Lucie Hébert
    April 28, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The food here at school is so redundant. Sometimes it’s way too spicy for me, but the breakfasts are great! The teaching quality is really high and the playing, so close to the Ganges and the inviting cafes. The locals of Rishikesh are so friendly and the energy of this beautiful place is amazing.

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  • Beth Nott
    April 24, 2018 at 12:00 am

    I had an amazing time in the classes, but they were a bit disorganised. The class times kept changing, and I wished I could have had the same teacher the whole time. The atmosphere was really friendly.

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  • Dafne Godolphin
    April 4, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The food had too many carbs for me. I really wanted vegetables in the morning. But don’t worry, if you need a special meal, just ask and they’ll take care of it. I found out a little later that it’s possible. This city is so incredible! The school is absolutely beautiful, and it has such a great atmosphere that makes you feel comfortable and at home. They provide everything you need there. Just bring your mat and have an amazing and unforgettable experience!

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  • Ilana Mann
    April 1, 2018 at 12:00 am

    I used to think that doing an hour of pranayama every day was a lot – but hey, that’s just my personal preference. Some people absolutely adore it though. And oh boy, those yoga classes were absolutely amazing! Plus, it was such a delight to have a well-planned excursion to look forward to every single day.

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  • Samantha D'avino
    March 29, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The teachers here are absolutely outstanding! They fill you with a ton of information in such a short amount of time. It’s truly incredible!

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  • Magnus Arni Skjold Magnusson
    March 18, 2018 at 12:00 am

    I bathed in the Ganges at sunrise and meditated on the balcony at sunset. Oh, the food was absolutely fantastic! I decided to go on this retreat to unwind after a tough mission in a war zone and to celebrate my birthday. The staff and instructors at the Samadhi Ashram made sure to go above and beyond to create an unforgettable experience for me. And let me tell you, it definitely was! The location is like something out of a fairy tale, so beautiful. Namaste!

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  • Janna Tiete
    March 15, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The Retreat took place at a place that was under construction, but it will soon become a beautiful destination with a spacious dining area, comfortable rooms, and a bright yoga space on the roof. They were also in the process of adding facilities for massages and other amenities.

    Throughout my 6-day Yoga Retreat, everyone was incredibly helpful, friendly, and genuinely cared about our well-being. They went above and beyond to make sure we had the experiences we wanted and even surprised us with unexpected adventures.

    During the day, they offered a holistic program with different yoga classes such as Hatha, Pranayam, Ashtanga Vinyasa, and Meditation. Plus, there was a daily excursion to keep things exciting.

    Being surrounded by such a caring and supportive community made me feel like I had a little family with me.

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  • Charni Naidu
    March 7, 2018 at 12:00 am

    We knew the bedding wouldn’t be 5-star since we decided to stay in an ashram. But that was no problem, we simply asked for more blankets.

    Oh, there wasn’t enough time in Rishikesh! Our schedule was jam-packed, making it tough to see all the sights. And the classes were too amazing to skip. I suggest adding a few more days to fit everything in! The people, the town, and the countless activities were absolutely fantastic! We were pleasantly surprised to arrive during both the international yoga festival and Holi festival. It was truly a magical experience!

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  • Ella Amato
    March 6, 2018 at 12:00 am

    There’s some mold in my room that needs fixing. The teachers are absolutely amazing – they’re so knowledgeable and passionate about what they teach. You won’t ever be bored in their lessons. The school staff is incredibly kind and helpful, always there when you need assistance. It feels like being part of a second family, and when it’s time to go back home, you’ll be really sad to leave.

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  • Lucy Roberts
    March 3, 2018 at 12:00 am

    I must say, the whole experience, from start to finish, had everyone being so helpful. The teachers were incredibly knowledgeable, and as for the food, it was absolutely delicious! The accommodation exceeded my expectations in terms of comfort.

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  • Erika Zepezauer
    March 1, 2018 at 12:00 am

    During the retreat, we encountered a little hiccup with the accommodation and had to switch locations for some of the sessions. However, Rajiv, our yoga, Pranayama & meditation teacher, did an excellent job of providing a brief overview and reasons for each technique, followed by extensive practice in the mornings and afternoons.

    The excursions during the day were a fantastic opportunity to catch a glimpse of the stunning beauty of the Himalayans, the Ganges, and some spiritual sites.

    I want to give a special thank you to Vishnu Ji, the founder and guru of the world peace yoga school. His high spiritual energy and warm heart are embedded in this place and in everything he does! Om!

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  • Breanne Warkenton
    February 16, 2018 at 12:00 am

    I expected to have different teachers, but they ended up being the same. We were supposed to stay at the tapovan resort, but they took us somewhere else instead. The place we stayed at was okay, but it wasn’t worth the amount of money we paid. It was really difficult to communicate because the staff didn’t speak English. It felt like they were laughing and talking about us behind our backs. We had to wake up the staff at 7:30 AM and they were sleeping on the floor of the dining room, which was strange. The person who took us to the Beatles Ashram hadn’t been there before and didn’t even know who the Beatles were, can you believe that? We ended up exploring on our own for most days. I definitely wouldn’t come back here because everything was in chaos and it was really frustrating. However, the yoga teacher was pretty good. He was really nice.

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  • Ana Salinas
    February 15, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The food was not fresh and detox, and there were no juices or tea available.
    They never cleaned the room at any point.
    One of the yoga rooms had a monkey pee, yet they still held the class there without providing enough materials.
    The trips were disorganized.
    We had to ask multiple times for our massage, which only lasted 30 minutes, and the rooms were dirty.
    The retreat package had overlapping basic classes.
    The kitchen staff were really friendly.

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  • Emily Stevens
    January 21, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The rooms felt freezing. When I asked about heat, they told me to stick the dusty, loose wires into the hole in my room. My sheets looked old and dirty. The room made me feel down, and it was so cold that I couldn’t even shower because my towel never dried and I would freeze when I got out. I ended up showering at my friend’s place around the corner! I only went on three excursions, even though I was there for five days and should have had two more. Talking to other people I met, I realized that I paid a lot more and they seemed much happier in their accommodations. The staff didn’t provide any advice or help with the trips. I was the only one on the retreat that week, and I was made to feel like a nuisance. It seemed like they took my money at the beginning and that was the end of it. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t stay there again or recommend it. My instructor was very friendly and I enjoyed his teaching and our outings. I can’t seem to find him listed above. My massage was lovely.

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  • Prachi Mehta
    January 7, 2018 at 12:00 am

    I arrived as planned on Dec 25, but my room wasn’t ready due to plumbing issues. They moved me to a less than ideal place across the street. I had to argue to get transferred to a nicer place, but my room still wasn’t ready for another two nights. By then, it was too late to switch rooms, so I decided to leave the retreat program and take yoga classes at nearby studios. The yoga instructor at the retreat wasn’t great and taught us like we were in a teacher training program. He kept repeating himself.

    WPY couldn’t provide what I signed up for and didn’t refund my deposit, even though they were the ones who messed up. I felt like I got scammed and won’t be coming back or recommending the school. The food on Christmas night was good and extravagant.

    Someone picked me up from the bus station and took me shopping because it was cold and I needed thermal wear. The driver and his partner were very kind and considerate.

    The trip to the Shiv temple, where you could see the Himalayas, was amazing.

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  • Amina Hasanovic
    December 30, 2017 at 12:00 am

    I originally just wanted to learn and eat healthy, but I made 20 new friends and gained a ton of knowledge. I feel great and I’ve opened my heart chakra 😉

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  • Bleuenn David
    December 21, 2017 at 12:00 am

    During a 15-day stay, half of the fee covers classes and meals, while the other half is for accommodation. At this price (600 euros per month), you will have a shared room with a bathroom. The bathroom is very dirty (even though it may seem clean for India), the sheets and towels were all very stained, and the blankets and pillows smelled really bad. Plastic littered the garden beds and old laundry was forgotten. I won’t even mention the dishwashing area, which was frankly disgusting and revolting (dishes drained in old juice) and the osmosis water filter was spitting yellow (do not drink the water!!). Basically, for a price close to European rates, you get a dump. Otherwise, you can find accommodation of the same quality three times cheaper nearby. If you still plan to sleep there, don’t forget your towel and pillow if you have room! Quality education, very interesting classes.

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  • Simona Mihaela Chiriacescu
    November 28, 2017 at 12:00 am

    The staff communicates and has a friendly attitude, eager to assist you. The center has a welcoming atmosphere. My room had a nice view and was very clean with hot water. The food is delicious and you can eat as much as you want, and you can order tea or coffee at any time, which is a great perk. Guruji Vishnu ensures everyone is happy, even taking me on his motorbike to his pranayama classes in the morning when I expressed interest. Abhishek is a fantastic guide and helped me with getting a sim card, information about India, and navigating on a motorbike. They organize amazing trips to various places. My yoga retreat at World Peace Yoga School was truly wonderful, and I will definitely return. Huge thank you to yoga teacher Kim, Shooba, Abhishek, and all the staff for making my time in Rishikesh amazing. Keep up the great work and hope to see you all again soon.

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  • Konstantin Grisin
    November 8, 2017 at 12:00 am

    We had to leave our new family, but my wife and I are grateful to WPYS for making our week retreat unforgettable. They met us at the airport on time. The stay was great, with big, clean rooms that had everything we needed. The yoga hall was spacious with all the necessary supplies, and there was another hall on the roof with an amazing view. The food was perfect, thanks to the kitchen staff who always asked for our preferences. The location was nice, with many small shops and places to eat and enjoy Rishikesh. The Beatles ashram was within walking distance. The teachers were professionals with a lot of knowledge to share, and they were very friendly and helpful.

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  • Crina Pastor
    October 31, 2017 at 12:00 am

    I feel grateful and lucky to have met the teachers who are so passionate about their work. They shared their knowledge with us, the kitchen staff taught me to love Indian cuisine, the organizers joined us on outdoor excursions every Sunday, and everyone who took care of us, whether I met them or not. Namaste, I’m Crina from Romania!

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  • Joanna Veronica
    September 1, 2017 at 12:00 am

    I just suggest that we communicate better with all students. Maybe we should update the FB page to give notice. It’s just a minor suggestion. I liked everything overall.

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  • Jesper Brodén
    July 29, 2017 at 12:00 am

    The course ending brought an end to the love between the students attending, as well as the teachers’ love and commitment, and the magic of Laxman Juhla, and the warm and heartfelt smiles of the people living there. I would go back without hesitation, but the world is a big place. If you’re indecisive about booking this course, don’t be – it will be worth it! Thank you for everything!

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  • Magali Clazon
    July 24, 2017 at 12:00 am

    When I arrived, the driver took me to another place without notice. I really enjoyed the classes, the people, and the food. The ambiance was very nice 🙂

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  • Diana Cruz
    July 22, 2017 at 12:00 am

    I really didn’t like the living conditions of the staff. Something definitely needs to change. They should be paid a lot better (especially considering the price we pay to go there) and have rooms with fewer people and air conditioning. The energy of the people you meet at a yoga retreat is absolutely beautiful. I learned a lot from all my classmates, and we were constantly sharing questions and positive energy. I changed both physically and mentally, becoming much more flexible and learning how to live in the present, which I love.

    India isn’t the cleanest or most organized country, but if you have a good attitude, you’ll enjoy it a lot. Honestly, it all depends on you. It’s a complete experience, and I highly recommend it. Thank you so much for this wonderful experience.

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  • Maureen Cervantes
    July 21, 2017 at 12:00 am

    When they deliver the rooms, several people complain that there weren’t any bed linens or towels. The quarters look nice in the pictures, but in reality, there are no towels or sheets and they’re not very clean. You ask the staff about it and they are very nice, but everything is very grimy and looks like it’s been used a lot. You even have to buy your own toilet paper. When you try to wash your clothes, they take forever to dry because there’s nowhere to hang them and it’s uncomfortable to have them laying around in the room. If they fixed these details, the stay would be wonderful.

    The teachers at this school are really good, and it’s great to interact with classmates from all over the world. The location of the school is good. All the staff at the school are very friendly in general.

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  • Jolee Yager
    July 2, 2017 at 12:00 am

    My shower was cold and didn’t work well, but the rest of the room was great! The staff was friendly and helpful. There’s a hardworking cleaning staff that keeps the school clean. The food was excellent with plenty of options to try. The teachers were fun and explained the content clearly. They really care about our education.

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  • Qiqi Chen
    June 29, 2017 at 12:00 am

    Let’s go over some of the classes and teachers in our daily schedule.

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  • Sela Felker
    June 1, 2017 at 12:00 am

    The teachers at the school are very knowledgeable and welcome any questions or doubts you may have. The food is always delicious and ready for you to eat, and the chef is kind and willing to accommodate your needs. The rooms are spacious with a good working fan and the option to add air conditioning. The staff is always ready to help you, answer questions, and provide the best experience possible. The views from the common areas are absolutely breathtaking and worth seeing. I had an amazing journey and grew so much as a person. I came out with more knowledge and wisdom than I expected and felt blessed to be a part of the Work Peace Yoga School family.

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  • Elaine So
    May 31, 2017 at 12:00 am

    We have an awesome school with awesome teachers and surrounded by awesome people. Kitchen chef Raj is always trying to serve us the best. WPYS has nothing negative to say!

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  • Maria Victoria Spataro
    May 21, 2017 at 12:00 am

    Me encantó toda la comida. El lugar es hermoso, grande y bien cuidado. Los profesores son encantadores. Está muy bien ubicado. Todos me cuidaron mucho. Me sentí como en casa. Recomiendo mucho esta experiencia, es inolvidable.

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  • Katerina Mirialli
    May 8, 2017 at 12:00 am

    I found the food to be a bit spicy. The teachers were professional and super kind. The entire staff treated us with respect and gratitude. I’m pleased with everything. In my opinion, the location of the school is the best it could be.

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  • Yolanda Lee
    May 6, 2017 at 12:00 am

    However, many students experienced diarrhea while staying, unsure if it was due to adjusting to India or just general food issues. The teachers teach enthusiastically and embody a yogi lifestyle and mindset. They have created a stimulating environment that encourages discussion among students. I have learned a lot about myself and life during my time here. Additionally, they go beyond the official 200-hr requirement and teach us about Ayurveda (which I love!) and yoga therapy (part of the 300-hr program), among other things.

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  • Kyle Konecny
    May 3, 2017 at 12:00 am

    The electricity kept going out, but I could handle it.

    We didn’t have water for days, and it was tough, but I got through it.

    I slipped and fell on the stairs because there were no railings. When I told the staff about it, they just laughed and blamed the language barrier. Unacceptable.

    The lack of cleanliness in the kitchen made everyone sick. Unacceptable.

    The rooms and bathrooms were filthy. Unacceptable.

    The Sunday excursion was a mess, but I guess that’s India for you.

    I don’t want to keep talking about this horrible experience, but the teachers were the one bright spot in all of it.

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  • Antonella Fimiani
    April 18, 2017 at 12:00 am

    The people amazed me, and I couldn’t believe the incredible quality of yoga and the instructors.

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  • Chiara Kofol
    April 17, 2017 at 12:00 am

    I had to adjust to walking on Laxman Jhula bridge on the first day, with scooters, monkeys, cows, and people in a rush. But that’s just part of the experience and now that I’m back, I really miss it all.

    After getting used to the chaos on the streets, I discovered the magic of Rishikesh. The power of the river Ganga can be felt on the beaches, with its sound and energy making you understand why it’s considered divine.

    In the evenings, the mountains surrounding Rishikesh look like black clouds against the grey sky, while the town echoes with prayers from the ashrams. The people here are amazing – they’re not driven by money, they’re welcoming and spiritual.

    The yoga teachers are fantastic, well-prepared and able to help you correct your postures in a very professional manner. I definitely plan on returning to this incredible place.

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