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Yoga Teacher Training $3,150.00 - $6,700.00

Bali yoga teacher training available in flexible self-paced format or as a combination of online and in-person classes. 13 days online, 14 days in-person.

Cosmos Oasis, Jalan Pura Taman Sari Banjar Padang Linjong No.22, Canggu, North Kuta, Badung Regency, Bali, Indonesia

Hybrid Yoga Teacher Training

Come and join us at The Peaceful Warriors Yoga School for an amazing 200-hour yoga teacher training in Bali. You can customize your own yoga teacher training experience, whether online or in-person, to suit your schedule and preferences. Just remember to finish the online training after the in-person part is over.


-Students who complete the training can register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®).
-This 200-hour hybrid yoga teacher training combines online and in-person sessions. The online training includes pre-recorded sessions with options for one-on-one sessions and personalized feedback from lead teachers. The final exam is done live via Zoom. You will join The Peaceful Warriors Yoga School for the first two weeks of in-person training and complete the last two weeks online. The entire training must be completed within six months to a year, with 100 hours of in-person and 100 hours of online training. You can also join them in Bali for the last two weeks of in-person training if you have completed the online portion beforehand.
-To complete the training, you must complete all modules in-person or online. Online modules include questionnaires and assignments, while in-person modules require full attendance. After completing all modules and the final exam, you will receive your certificate.
-After completing the training, you will have access to a free seven-day yoga habit course and the opportunity to join The Peaceful Warriors Graduate Lounge for practice sharing sessions on Sundays. Evening activities during the in-person training include philosophy lectures, kirtan, movie nights, and meditation.
-The daily schedule for the in-person training includes guided practice, lectures/workshops, meals, and asana sessions.
-This program allows you to tailor your experience based on your preferences and availability. You can choose to join in-person or study online. There is flexibility in the duration of in-person attendance and online completion. The school will guide and support you throughout the process.
-The internationally accredited yoga teacher training program provides credentials to teach worldwide. The program focuses on teaching yoga while exploring yogic teachings and philosophy. It offers a life-changing experience and an opportunity to connect with your best self.
-Yoga is seen as a transformative journey of self-awareness and personal growth. The training aims to bring about real change and a new perspective on the world.
-The training covers various topics including teaching techniques, different yoga styles, yoga history and philosophy, anatomy and physiology, breathwork, meditation, business and marketing of yoga, and more.
-All necessary study materials, including books and manuals, will be provided. Recommended readings are also listed. No prior reading is required as all mandatory material will be given during the training.

Retreat location

Online training

You can participate in this part of the training online. The Peaceful Warriors Yoga School in Bali, Indonesia (GMT+8), will live-stream yoga classes via Zoom, allowing you to join from the comfort of your home.

In-person training

Join us in Canggu, Bali, Indonesia for this portion of the training.


You have to pay for all meals during the onsite training.

What's included

You can choose to take our self-paced online yoga teacher training. It’s a flexible option that allows you to learn at your own pace.

If you prefer a more immersive experience, you can also consider our 2-week residential yoga teacher training program. This will give you the chance to fully immerse yourself in the practice and learn from experienced instructors.

Upon completion, you will receive a certificate that serves as proof of your accomplishment.

During the in-person training, you will have accommodation for 13 nights included.

All the necessary course material will be provided to you.

You will have access to a variety of workshops, lectures, and classes as part of the course.

As a bonus, you will receive a Peaceful Warriors branded aluminum water bottle.

Your assignments will be reviewed and you will receive feedback and suggestions to improve your skills.

To provide support and foster a sense of community, we have a dedicated Facebook group.

To help you develop a consistent yoga practice, we also offer a 7-day yoga habit course.

Upon completion of the program, you will have the opportunity to join The Peaceful Warriors Graduate Lounge, where you can continue your journey and connect with other graduates.

What's not included

  • I will book the airfare for the in-person training.
  • We will arrange for airport transfers during the onsite training.
  • We will provide meals for the in-person training.



Bali yoga teacher training available in flexible self-paced format or as a combination of online and in-person classes. 13 days online, 14 days in-person.

  • 1 person Private single room

    Retreat center

    $ 3,750.00
  • 2 persons Private twin room

    Retreat center - Private toilet/shower

    $ 6,700.00
  • 2 persons Private twin room

    Retreat center - Shared toilet/shower

    $ 6,600.00
  • 1 person Shared twin room

    Retreat center - Private toilet/shower

    $ 3,350.00
  • 1 person Shared twin room

    Retreat center - Shared toilet/shower

    $ 3,300.00
  • 1 person Shared triple room

    Retreat center

    $ 3,150.00


Reviews (23)

  • Maryogafit Maryogafit
    June 15, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The training was really thorough and super awesome!

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  • Jenny Tulk
    March 8, 2020 at 12:00 am

    The accommodation at Cosmos Oasis Shala 2 is absolutely amazing! The teachers, Rachel Fearnley and Lucy Foster Perkins, have such beautiful energy and create such a fantastic space for learning. They have become my new gurus!

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  • Schantelle Martin
    March 3, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Are you getting sick over there?

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  • Louise Thorpe
    February 14, 2020 at 12:00 am

    It ended so quickly! Thank you so much! This training experience couldn’t have been better.

    They started off the training with smiles, flowers, and surprising us in wonderful ways (I don’t want to give away too much and ruin the fun!).

    The teachers were genuine, open, and knowledgeable. It’s evident that they have dedicated a lot of time to studying childhood development and know their field well.

    While the course initially focused on children’s yoga, it also touched on brain development, therapy, and how to adapt activities for individual needs. It delved deep into various tools that will be incredibly helpful in the classroom.

    Volunteering with the group was a respectful and eye-opening experience.

    We saw firsthand how a portion of the course fee was directly invested back into the community with care and thoughtfulness.

    I highly recommend this training to anyone who works with young learners.

    Enjoy it!

    Helpful Review
  • Nora Hadi
    February 9, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I was really let down by the teaching and content in this course. It fell way below what I was expecting. They hardly touched on the importance of health and safety when teaching kids yoga, and they barely gave any practical information on understanding a child’s body. It’s such a shame, especially in a world where we prioritize the well-being of children.

    Our instructor seemed confused and unsure about basic aspects of yoga, including key facts on anatomy and philosophy. It made me question everything else they taught us throughout the course.

    The time management could have been much better. They should have focused more on teaching us about important things like anatomy, health, safety, and class setup instead of wasting time on games and coloring. It feels like they put more effort into marketing the course than actually delivering valuable content, which gives the whole course a shallow and surface-level feel.

    To be fair, the materials they provided were high-quality and nicely presented. It’s clear that a lot of work went into preparing them.

    However, there were a couple of bright spots. We had some guest speakers come in for two of the afternoons, and they were excellent. The inner child workshop and sound healing workshop exceeded my expectations. They were filled with practical exercises and had fantastic content.

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  • Shelby Bosman
    February 8, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I loved every single second of it! I didn’t have many expectations when I booked this course, but I knew there would be a lot of information to absorb in a short amount of time. Jeanne has an incredible ability to capture your attention and convey information in a way that sparks a desire to learn more. She’s truly inspirational and meeting her was a pleasure.

    Visiting the school and participating in the practical part was such a heartwarming experience. Connecting with youths in a different country and community really opened my eyes. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who works with or has kids, as well as anyone interested in the human psyche. It was truly an amazing experience.

    I want to express my gratitude to Jeanne, Peaceful Warriors, and Serenity for creating such a beautiful experience. Thank you!

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  • Teresa Crossland
    December 22, 2019 at 12:00 am

    I didn’t dislike anything. The teachers were passionate, engaging, and incredibly supportive. They structured the course very well and what I especially enjoyed was that we got to do a yang class every day, along with ALL the yin! The amount of practice teaching, feedback, and support we received on a daily basis was fantastic – it really boosted my confidence in teaching Yin classes. I wholeheartedly recommend this course to others.

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  • Danielle Fatima Collantes
    November 18, 2019 at 12:00 am

    I signed up for professional growth and I feel like a changed woman overall. I absolutely loved the whole course! The instructor, Jeanne Welsh, was absolutely amazing. Her energy and positivity were infectious. The free resources provided were also excellent! Now, my classmates and I are bonded over the shared power we have to change children’s lives one mindful thought at a time.

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  • Florence Robertson
    September 12, 2019 at 12:00 am

    The accommodation’s meal packages aren’t worth the money, but luckily there are amazing places to eat nearby and we had enough time to explore them. Plus, we had a basic kitchen that we used a lot for breakfast. We absolutely loved the course content and how they paid attention to every detail. Each teacher shared their own personal input and knowledge, which was great. The shala was gorgeous and had such a welcoming atmosphere, it really felt like home. Bente and Maria were amazing at creating a safe space for us to go through our own personal journeys. The group was incredibly supportive, and I think that came from their strong leadership. We dove deep into yoga and its surrounding subjects, with a particular focus on yoga history and anatomy. There were also plenty of activities to enhance the whole experience, but the water temple was something truly special for me.

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  • Sarina Hoetzel
    September 9, 2019 at 12:00 am

    Looking back, the training was incredibly unique and amazing, making it hard for me to find anything that I didn’t enjoy. Overall, there was a lot of program every day (which is good because you get a lot of input in a short amount of time). However, I found it a bit challenging to digest everything I learned. It’s definitely recommended (if you have the time) to spend a few days on the beautiful island to relax and let everything sink in 😉

    I stayed in a single room at the accommodation, which had a really high bunk bed. Towards the end of the month, this became a bit annoying.

    The yoga shala is equipped with mats and props, but I brought my own travel mat since I didn’t quite like the mats at the school.

    Honestly, it’s really difficult for me to find something that I didn’t like. It was an incredibly enlightening, eye-opening, and magical journey to becoming a yoga teacher. The entire training was well thought out and each unit built upon the previous one. The learning materials were super interesting and definitely sparked my desire to delve deeper into the topics.

    The teachers are loving, open-minded, and passionate. It was so much fun to be taught by them and to learn from them.

    Before the training, I thought I was doing it mainly to improve my own yoga practice. However, we learned so much about teaching and creating yoga flows that I’ve now decided to become a teacher 🙂 I want to pass on all the wonderful things I’ve experienced to others.

    The location of the school is in a quieter side street, which is perfect for sleeping and studying. However, the beach is a bit far to walk, but there are plenty of delicious cafes and restaurants nearby.

    The yoga sessions were very comprehensive. It wasn’t just about the yoga practice, we delved into the whole world of yoga with theory sessions, pranayama, meditation, and more. Apart from the yoga classes, we also had surfing lessons, a massage, and a temple excursion. I have to say, I really enjoyed the whole package.

    I can wholeheartedly recommend thepeacefulwarriors!

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  • Ellen Rosenfeld
    September 7, 2019 at 12:00 am

    It was absolutely incredible, everything exceeded my expectations! Rachel and Jody have truly created a beautiful environment. I learned so much during the 50 hour training and I can’t wait to bring it all back home and put it into practice!

    I felt completely comfortable asking questions, sharing my thoughts, and receiving feedback. My experience was simply amazing, the only downside being that the training wasn’t 100 hours long!

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  • Saar Nibbering
    September 4, 2019 at 12:00 am

    I absolutely loved every moment I experienced during my YTT with The Peaceful Warriors. The teachers exceeded my expectations and I gained so much knowledge. I am beyond grateful for the YTT I did in August 2019.

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  • Laraine Cobbing
    July 18, 2019 at 12:00 am

    I was not disappointed at all. The yoga teachers were amazing! They knew their stuff and made the classes fun and interesting. They taught us both theory and practice with so much enthusiasm and passion. The location was absolutely fantastic, and I stayed at the Oasis, which was top-notch. In the mornings, I had a delicious and healthy breakfast, along with some coffee and treats from the Cafe right across the street. By the end of the week, I felt completely refreshed and inspired. The group was made up of people from all over the world, but everyone was so friendly and welcoming. Even though I came alone, it wasn’t an issue at all.

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  • Anne Dybevaag
    July 12, 2019 at 12:00 am

    Teachers, programs, locations, and food.

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  • Uliana Maslova
    November 30, 2018 at 12:00 am

    Everything was really good, except I expected more from the nutrition. Overall, it was amazing!! The teachers were great, the course structure was great, and the people were amazing.

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  • Jessica Neil
    November 20, 2018 at 12:00 am

    Guest lecturers didn’t always inspire me, but Bente and Maria sure do! They’re amazing teachers with diverse styles that perfectly complement each other.

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  • Amy Vitoria
    September 18, 2018 at 12:00 am

    I loved delving deeper into the philosophy and history of yoga during my YTT! The course covered so many subjects, from anatomy to philosophy to Ayurveda, and I was always eager to learn more. The teachers were incredibly knowledgeable and the yoga classes were amazing. The best part was that everyone was drawn to different aspects of the course, which allowed us to find our passions and explore them further. I also appreciated the balance between challenging lectures and fun workshops like aerial and acro yoga. With the asana lab, we were able to start teaching each other from day 1 and with the help of Bente, Maria, and Lala, we were ready to teach by the final practical. And let’s not forget how incredible Canggu is for yoga! The atmosphere is so relaxed and the food and beaches are amazing. It’s a truly wonderful place to be.

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  • Ellie Ritchie
    September 5, 2018 at 12:00 am

    I absolutely loved every aspect of this teacher training! Surprisingly, I even found myself enjoying the early mornings towards the end. It truly exceeded all of my expectations. The teachers were phenomenal – they were not only excellent, but also incredibly encouraging, supportive, and inspiring. I was amazed by the vast amount of knowledge I gained during this program. The classes were diverse, exciting, and incredibly enjoyable. I was introduced to various subjects, such as Ayurveda and nutrition, which expanded my understanding and gave me a more complete vision of who I am as a teacher and who I aspire to be. This training has equipped me perfectly to delve deeper into the areas that personally interest me.

    Let me tell you, this journey was about much more than just yoga. The friendships I made and the personal growth I experienced were beyond words. I cannot stress enough how highly I recommend this training.

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  • Katharina Karner
    September 4, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The lectures perfectly realize the motto “East meets West”! Bente and Maria are doing an awesome job leading Yogaclasses and the Asana Lab is both fun and helpful. It’s a perfect introduction to everything about yoga – from philosophy to business to nutrition. Now, I feel well prepared to go out there and start teaching ?

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  • Charline Martin
    September 3, 2018 at 12:00 am

    I have reached the end of this unforgettable adventure as a peaceful yoga warrior. I feel incredibly grateful. Bente and Maria are amazing teachers who possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise. They are always there to support and answer any questions. They will go above and beyond to ensure you feel comfortable throughout the month. The other teachers are also fantastic and incredibly talented. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I learned. The range of topics covered in this YTT is extensive, including Ayurveda and nutrition, which I found particularly valuable. The shala, with its view of the rice fields, is the perfect place to practice, and the Monday breakfast is a paradise for food lovers. This has been an unforgettable human experience that I highly recommend to anyone who loves yoga.

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  • Dounia Kchiere
    May 7, 2018 at 12:00 am

    I cannot think of anything to improve on because the training was so well thought out. The Peaceful Warriors training surpassed my expectations! Not only did I learn about the Asana practice and the physical aspects of Yoga, but the training also covered so much more: Anatomy, meditation, breathing, the history and philosophy of Yoga, Nutrition, Ayurveda, and more. It really put the practice and lifestyle of yoga into a holistic context.

    Every class I attended helped me understand not only yoga, but also myself. I felt like I was growing and expanding as a person, which is essential if you want to share your practice with other students.

    Bente and Maria, the main teachers of the YTT, are dedicated, inspiring, and incredibly knowledgeable. Their teaching methods complement each other, giving us exposure to different teaching styles right from the start. They were always available to answer any questions throughout the training.

    The guest teachers were also amazing experts and added tremendous value to our learning experience.

    Bente and Maria guided us through the process of teaching, starting with peer-teaching, then moving on to small groups before we felt confident enough to teach the whole class.

    The practice space was beautiful, with a view of the Bali rice fields. Waking up to the sunrise before practice was priceless.

    The teachers fostered a strong sense of teamwork and camaraderie throughout the journey.

    That’s why I highly recommend this YTT without any hesitation.

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  • Sara Asquini
    May 4, 2018 at 12:00 am

    There were too many students (27) for an intensive teacher training. Some very good teachers really gave us a lot to think about.

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  • Stefanie Bledoeg
    February 15, 2018 at 12:00 am

    The accommodation at Serenity is very basic, but it provides everything I need and nothing more. I wish the accommodation had a kitchen or at least a hot water kettle so we could prepare our own food. If you have time to do a yoga teacher training abroad, the YTT of the Peaceful Warriors in Bali is a must-go. The teachers are incredibly talented and also a lot of fun, making the experience truly inspirational. I never expected this training to have such a profound impact on me, but it really did. I feel incredibly fortunate to have shared this journey with 25 amazing people from around the world. The Peaceful Warriors YTT January 2018 has become like my own yoga family.

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